search for: cauchit

Displaying 17 results from an estimated 17 matches for "cauchit".

2008 Nov 20
glmer for cauchit link function
Dear all, A am trying to fit a generalized linear mixed effects model with a binomial link function, my response data is binary, using the lme4 R package, for the glmer model but with the cauchit link function (CDF of Cauchy distribution), under the package this has not yet been coded and was wondering if anyone knew a way in which I could incorporate this link function into the code. Thankyou in advance Liz -- View this message in context:
2004 Sep 22
ordered probit and cauchit
What is the current state of the R-art for ordered probit models, and more esoterically is there any available R strategy for ordered cauchit models, i.e. ordered multinomial alternatives with a cauchy link function. MCMC is an option, obviously, but for a univariate latent variable model this seems to be overkill... standard mle methods should be preferable. (??) Googling reveals that spss provides such functions... just to wave a...
2007 Nov 10
polr() error message wrt optim() and vmmin
...summary(data$ordaodb) 0 1 2 3 4 8228 3505 1755 559 1757 > summary(data$gpconc) Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. 0.138 0.280 0.313 0.305 0.332 0.515 > formula<-data$ordaodb~data$gpconc > propensityordaodb.plr <- polr(formula, method="cauchit") > propensityordaodb.plr Call: polr(formula = formula, method = "cauchit") Coefficients: data$gpconc 8.508 Intercepts: 0|1 1|2 2|3 3|4 2.651 3.569 4.593 5.304 Residual Deviance: 40009.85 AIC: 40019.85 > summary(propensityordaodb.plr) Re-fitting to get Hessi...
2020 Apr 13
Poor family objects error messages
Hello, The following code: > binomial(identity) Generates an error message: Error in binomial(identity) : link "identity" not available for binomial family; available links are ?logit?, ?probit?, ?cloglog?, ?cauchit?, ?log? While : > binomial("identity") Yields an identity-binomial object that works as expected with stats::glm The error in the first example mislead me during years. I thought identity-binomial models were unsupported by R. The documentation is correct but misleading too. > Th...
2006 May 10
Allowed quasibinomial links (PR#8851)
...;logit", ", ""probit" and "cloglog" ^^^^^^^^ Clearly, something's missing. A quick peek in the code reveals that `log' is allowed, but is missing from the above list. Furthermore, shouldn't `quasibinomial' also allow the `cauchit' link?
2006 Jan 14
initialize expression in 'quasi' (PR#8486)
...t;mu(1-mu)". Here is a short demo to show it: ################################################# set.seed(666) dat <- data.frame(x = rep((-10):10, each = 5), w = rep(1:5, 21)) dat <- transform(dat, y = rbinom(x, size = w, prob = pcauchy(1 + 2*x))) modFit <- glm(y/w ~ x, quasi(link = cauchit, variance = "mu(1-mu)"), dat, weights = w, trace = T) Deviance = 309.2785 Iterations - 1 Deviance = 3257.501 Iterations - 2 Deviance = 1043.455 Iterations - 3 .. Deviance = 1733.824 Iterations - 24 Deviance = 1665.487 Iterations - 25 Warning message: algorithm did not...
2006 Jun 13
Slight fault in error messages
...;logit", ", ""probit" and "cloglog" > glm(1 ~ 2, family=binomial(link=foo)) Error in binomial(link = foo) : link "foo" not available for binomial family, available links are "logit", ""probit", "cloglog", "cauchit" and "log" I hope this is helpful, Yan
2012 Jul 01
Cumulative Link Models
...ney-U and Chi-square test I find a strong sigificant year term. Also lm, assuming normal distribution, finds significant year (and age) term. But in clm I find no significance. Does clm have a problem with one factor level being zero? I have compared the log-likelihood of the link functions and the cauchit gave the highest results. Here is the r code: model<-clm(factor(Parasite,ordered = is.ordered(0:3))~ Study*Age*Sex,link=c("cauchit")) summary(model) Thanks in advance, Katrin Institute of terrestrial and aquatic wildlife Hannover-B?sum Germany
2012 Jul 05
empty cell when running GEE for binary data
...ling the data using a binomial regression with a GEE approach (which can be achieved using the function geeglm). One problem is that I got some empty cells, so I can't simply use logit as a link function. I was wondering if you know any existing R solution for this? also, I tired to use "cauchit" as the link function, but it turned out that within the function geeglm "cauchit" is not available. Any idea on this? Many thanks! Yue -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help ma...
2008 Sep 09
...icular reason (and if so, what is it) that the inverse link is not in the list of allowable link functions for the binomial family? I initially thought this might have something to do with the properties of canonical vs non-canonical link functions, but since other link functions (probit, cloglog, cauchit, log) are allowed, I can't think of any good reason. In fact, it's sort of a mystery to me why the sets of link functions for each family are restricted. Is this from painful experience that some link functions just don't work well? I can go ahead and hack my own version that allows...
2008 Feb 29
Dear Sir/Madam, I got some problem about using R. I am a student, and need to use R a lot. But sometimes when I am working in computer lab, we can not install some particular pacakges by ourselves because of the previliges. Can the folder of Librabry of R, move to, for instance the personal folder, my documents... then we can install any specified package? Best regards,
2010 Nov 03
bugs and misfeatures in polr(MASS).... fixed!
In polr.R the (several) functions gmin and fmin contain the code > theta <- beta[pc + 1L:q] > gamm <- c(-100, cumsum(c(theta[1L], exp(theta[-1L]))), 100) That's bad. There's no reason to suppose beta[pc+1L] is larger than -100 or that the cumulative sum is smaller than 100. For practical datasets those assumptions are frequently violated, causing the
2006 Jun 01
R 2.3.1 is released o The \uxxxx notation for Unicode characters in input strings can now be used on any platform which supports MBCS, even if the current locale is not MBCS (provided that the Unicode character is valid in the current character set). o The quasibinomial() family now allows the "cauchit" link. (PR#8851) o no longer (silently) coerces character columns to factor. C-LEVEL FACILITIES o The variables controlling stack checking are made available via Rinterface.h to front-ends embedding R: see 'Writing R Extensions' o R_SignalHan...
2006 Jun 01
R 2.3.1 is released o The \uxxxx notation for Unicode characters in input strings can now be used on any platform which supports MBCS, even if the current locale is not MBCS (provided that the Unicode character is valid in the current character set). o The quasibinomial() family now allows the "cauchit" link. (PR#8851) o no longer (silently) coerces character columns to factor. C-LEVEL FACILITIES o The variables controlling stack checking are made available via Rinterface.h to front-ends embedding R: see 'Writing R Extensions' o R_SignalHan...
2007 Nov 16
alternative to logistic regression
You can fit a linear probability model with glm and a bit of arm twisting. First, make your own copy of the binomial function: > dump('binomial', file='mybinom.R') Edit it to change the function name to "mybinom" (or anything else you like), and to add 'identity' to the list of okLinks. Source the file back in, and use mybiom('identity') to fit
2005 Apr 18
R-2.1.0 is released
.... o has a new argument 'responseName' (contributed by Bill Venables). o as.dist() and cophenetic() are now generic, and the latter has a new method for objects of class "dendrogram". o as.ts() is now generic. o binomial() has a new "cauchit" link (suggested by Roger Koenker). o chisq.test() has a new argument 'rescale.p'. It is now possible to simulate (slowly) the P value also in the 1D case (contributed by Rolf Turner). o choose(n,k) and lchoose(.) now also work for arbitrary (real) n in accordance with th...
2005 Apr 18
R-2.1.0 is released
.... o has a new argument 'responseName' (contributed by Bill Venables). o as.dist() and cophenetic() are now generic, and the latter has a new method for objects of class "dendrogram". o as.ts() is now generic. o binomial() has a new "cauchit" link (suggested by Roger Koenker). o chisq.test() has a new argument 'rescale.p'. It is now possible to simulate (slowly) the P value also in the 1D case (contributed by Rolf Turner). o choose(n,k) and lchoose(.) now also work for arbitrary (real) n in accordance with th...