search for: cast1

Displaying 9 results from an estimated 9 matches for "cast1".

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2010 Feb 22
adding infrequent date labels to x-axis below. My line of thought has been along these lines x<-seq(as.Date("1999-04-01"),as.Date("2007-10-25"),by="1 month") y<-as.POSIXlt(x)$mon+1 months< month.names<-months[as.numeric(y)] month.names<-substr(month.names,1,3) plot(cropped.cast1$date,cropped.cast1$Frac_ET_Satsfd_mean,xaxt='n') mtext(text=month.names,side=1,at=??? I'm not sure how to tie "month.names" back to their true location on the x-axis? I appreciate any insights, Eric Also, >class(cropped.cast1$date) [1] "POSIXt" "POSIXct&q...
2016 Feb 09
[GVN] same sequence of instructions in if and else branch
There is a phi-node "%phi = phi i64 [%cast1, %if], [%cast2, %else]" in the common successor. The actual control flow is a bit more complex, but there is a common successor block, and %cast1 and %cast2 are the two values that the phi node in the common successor takes. Does the existence of the phi node affect optimization? Thanks, Tae...
2016 Feb 09
[GVN] same sequence of instructions in if and else branch
Hello, I found that GVN doesn't promote identical sequence of instructions in if and else branch to their common predecessors. For example, for the following code snippet pred: … br i1 %cmp, label %if, label %else if: %incdec.ptr.1 = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %ptr, i64 1 %cast1 = ptrtoint i8* %incdec.ptr.1 to i64 … else: %incdec.ptr.2 = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %ptr, i64 1 %cast2 = ptrtoint i8* %incdec.ptr.2 to i64 GVN doesn't move instructions in 'if' and 'else' blocks to 'pred' block even though it knows that incdec.ptr.1/case...
2016 Feb 09
[GVN] same sequence of instructions in if and else branch
...N, and the one i'm developing for LLVM at > does the right thing. > > > > On Tue, Feb 9, 2016 at 11:42 AM, Taewook Oh via llvm-dev < > llvm-dev at> wrote: > >> There is a phi-node "%phi = phi i64 [%cast1, %if], [%cast2, %else]" in >> the common successor. The actual control flow is a bit more complex, but >> there is a common successor block, and %cast1 and %cast2 are the two values >> that the phi node in the common successor takes. >> >> Does the existence of th...
2003 Jun 03
[LLVMdev] Problem with `as'
...imple program, but the assembler is giving parse errors: =========================== %.LC0 = internal constant [17 x sbyte] c"Hello World %d \0A\00" %.LC1 = internal constant [17 x sbyte] c"yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy\0a\00" declare int "puts"(sbyte*) int "main"() { %cast1 = getelementptr [17 x sbyte]* %.LC0, long 0, long 0 %cast2 = getelementptr [17 x sbyte]* %.LC1, long 0, long 0 %result = seteq int 5, 6 br bool %result, label %IfEqual, label %IfUnEqual IfEqual: call int %puts(sbyte* %cast1) br label %Done IfUnEqual: call int %puts(sbyte* %cast2) Done: ret...
2010 Jun 12
[LLVMdev] Memory leak?
...alue*, llvm::Type const*, llvm::Twine const&, llvm::Instruction*) + 65 I insert extra two instructions to a byte code, the corresponding code is quite simple: LoadInst* ptrVal = new LoadInst(ptr, "foobar", false, next); CastInst* ptrCast = new BitCastInst(ptrVal, charPtrType, "cast1", next); If I comment out the CastInst statement, it runs fine. Any hint what is wrong? Thanks, Neal -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
2016 Jul 21
Remove zext-unfolding from InstCombine
...n. The remaining lines have been added by r48715 and do the mentioned unfolding. However, in `foldCastedBitwiseLogic()` there happens a reverse of the above unfolding, which transforms `logic(cast(A), cast(B))` to `cast(logic(A, B))`: ``` if ((!isa<ICmpInst>(Cast0Src) || !isa<ICmpInst>(Cast1Src)) && shouldOptimizeCast(Cast0) && shouldOptimizeCast(Cast1)) { Value *NewOp = Builder->CreateBinOp(LogicOpc, Cast0Src, Cast1Src, I.getName()); return CastInst::Create(CastOpcode, NewOp, DestTy); } ``` The `(!isa<ICmpInst>(Ca...
2016 Jul 27
Remove zext-unfolding from InstCombine
...g lines have been added by r48715 and do the mentioned unfolding. However, in `foldCastedBitwiseLogic()` there happens a reverse of the above unfolding, which transforms `logic(cast(A), cast(B))` to `cast(logic(A, B))`: > > ``` > if ((!isa<ICmpInst>(Cast0Src) || !isa<ICmpInst>(Cast1Src)) && > shouldOptimizeCast(Cast0) && shouldOptimizeCast(Cast1)) { > Value *NewOp = Builder->CreateBinOp(LogicOpc, Cast0Src, Cast1Src, > I.getName()); > return CastInst::Create(CastOpcode, NewOp, DestTy); > } > ```...
2016 Aug 04
Remove zext-unfolding from InstCombine
...een added by r48715 and do the mentioned unfolding. However, in `foldCastedBitwiseLogic()` there happens a reverse of the above unfolding, which transforms `logic(cast(A), cast(B))` to `cast(logic(A, B))`: > > > > ``` > > if ((!isa<ICmpInst>(Cast0Src) || !isa<ICmpInst>(Cast1Src)) && > > shouldOptimizeCast(Cast0) && shouldOptimizeCast(Cast1)) { > > Value *NewOp = Builder->CreateBinOp(LogicOpc, Cast0Src, Cast1Src, > > I.getName()); > > return CastInst::Create(CastOpcode, NewOp, DestT...