search for: carrillo

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 146 matches for "carrillo".

2012 Dec 17
save to file
 Hi, What's the equivalent of "Save to File" from the R console File menu on an R routine? Just trying to capture the whole R console into a text file when my code fails. Felipe D. Carrillo Supervisory Fishery Biologist Department of the Interior US Fish & Wildlife Service California, USA [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Apr 03
another question on shapefiles and geom_point in ggplot2
...n(name = 'Número\nde\nespecies',  colours = rainbow(6), breaks = c(2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20))+  xlab("Longitud") + ylab("Latitud") + opts(axis.text.x = theme_text(size = 8, vjust = 1)) +  opts(axis.text.y = theme_text(size = 8, hjust = 1))        Felipe D. Carrillo Supervisory Fishery Biologist Department of the Interior US Fish & Wildlife Service California, USA > >From: Manuel Spínola <> >To: Felipe Carrillo <> >Sent: Sat, April 2, 2011 11:2...
2010 Oct 01
gridExtra question ?Warning: unable to access index for repository Warning message: In getDependencies(pkgs, dependencies, available, lib) : ? package ?gridextra? is not available I would like to download the binary for windows Felipe D. Carrillo Supervisory Fishery Biologist Department of the Interior US Fish & Wildlife Service California, USA
2008 Mar 22
counting values on one colum only
...s trying i<- nrows(weekly$a) i but returns 7 when it should be 4. Thanks a b c d 27.000 27.000 1.569 0.013 160.000 27.000 1.632 0.013 146.000 27.000 1.830 0.015 70.000 27.000 2.475 0.019 156.000 27.000 27.000 Felipe D. Carrillo Fishery Biologist Department of the Interior US Fish & Wildlife Service California, USA ____________________________________________________________________________________ Be a better friend, newshound, and
2009 Jan 21
...but I want seq to start at 27 by=2, but when it reaches 51 start with with number 1 to 25. is this possible. I can do the basics of seq() but I can't figure how to do this one. This is how I want my sequence to look like: 27 29 31 33 35 37 ............51 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 ...........25 Felipe D. Carrillo Supervisory Fishery Biologist Department of the Interior US Fish & Wildlife Service California, USA
2010 Apr 29
Sweave question
...(week,value/1000)) + geom_line(aes(colour=variable))+ opts(legend.position="none") + facet_wrap(~variable,ncol=2) + opts(title="Winter") + labs(y="Number of fish X 1,000",x="WEEK")) @ \caption{Weekly estimates.} \label{figure:ggplot1} \end{figure} ? Felipe D. Carrillo Supervisory Fishery Biologist Department of the Interior US Fish & Wildlife Service California, USA ? Felipe D. Carrillo Supervisory Fishery Biologist Department of the Interior US Fish & Wildlife Service California, USA
2010 Jul 24
How to generate a sequence of dates without hardcoding the year
...te dates with the month and day? I tried the code below: seq(as.Date("7-1","%B%d"),as.Date("6-30","%B%d"),by="week") and got this?error message: Error in, to - from, by) : 'to' must be finite Thanks for any pointers ? Felipe D. Carrillo Supervisory Fishery Biologist Department of the Interior US Fish & Wildlife Service California, USA
2009 Mar 30
...t;- read.table(textConnection(x), header = TRUE) p <- ggplot(DF,aes(x=Location)) + geom_bar() p + geom_text(aes(y=Location),label=sum(count)) # Error because count doesn't exist in dataset What should I use instead of 'count' to be able to sum the number of Locations? Felipe D. Carrillo Supervisory Fishery Biologist Department of the Interior US Fish & Wildlife Service California, USA
2008 Aug 10
detect if data is normal or skewed (without a boxplot)
...f my data is skewed then use wilcox.test. Something like the pseudo code below: fishlength <- c(35,32,37,39,42,45,37,36,35,34,40,42,41,50) if fishlength= "normally distributed" then t.test(fishlength) else wilcox.text(fishlength) I hope this isn't very confussing Felipe D. Carrillo Supervisory Fishery Biologist Department of the Interior US Fish & Wildlife Service California, USA
2008 Oct 11
Sweave-LaTEX question
...0.0000 \\ male & $-$0.4094 & 0.0482 & $-$8.49 & 0.0000 \\ langarts & $-$0.0147 & 0.0013 & $-$11.34 & 0.0000 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{table} I would appreciate it if someone can point me to some examples about how to do this. Thanks Felipe D. Carrillo Supervisory Fishery Biologist Department of the Interior US Fish & Wildlife Service California, USA
2012 Jul 12
nls question
...### predict for another 2 weeks newD <- data.frame(week = 1:52);newD newD$pred_wt <- predict(M_model, newD) newD plot(pred_wt ~ week, newD, pch = 4, col = "red", ylab = "Weight", xlab = "Week") with(weightData, points(week, weight,col='blue')) Felipe D. Carrillo Supervisory Fishery Biologist Department of the Interior US Fish & Wildlife Service California, USA [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Mar 16
How to loop through all the columns in dataframe
...13716163737 0.000145848 8.59635E-07 11742149934 0.000155914 . . . 8.9031E-07 10039878212 0.0001513 9.1802E-07 10665936164 0.000146999 8.52681E-07 9130907448 0.000157145 . . . 9.10279E-07 8543438113 0.000148139 8.4587E-07 7313876766 0.000158363 . . . 8.71193E-07 7769949102 0.000153862 Felipe D. Carrillo Fishery Biologist Department of the Interior US Fish & Wildlife Service California, USA
2007 Aug 16
R graphics display window
Hi all: How can the R graphics window be customized programmatically? Either minimized,maximized or change the size of the default that ships with R. Thanks Felipe D. Carrillo Fishery Biologist US Fish & Wildlife Service Red Bluff, California 96080
2008 Mar 06
How to hold a value(Mean sq) with a string
....0122 2.392 0.0146 2.244 0.0175"), header=TRUE) anova(lm(Efficiency~percentQ,data=dfr)) Analysis of Variance Table Response: Efficiency Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) percentQ 1 0.00014432 0.00014432 4.3774 0.04561 * Residuals 28 0.00092312 0.00003297 Felipe D. Carrillo Fishery Biologist US Fish & Wildlife Service California, USA ____________________________________________________________________________________ Looking for last minute shopping deals?
2010 Nov 29
drop levels problem
...usedLevels() doesn't seem to work here ? dropUnusedLevels() ggplot(firstyear,aes(year,fatPerc)) + geom_boxplot() + geom_jitter() # code below also should drop levels but it doesn't #data.frame(lapply(firstyear, function(x) if (is.factor(x)){ factor(x)} else{x})) str(firstyear) ? Felipe D. Carrillo Supervisory Fishery Biologist Department of the Interior US Fish & Wildlife Service California, USA
2008 Feb 15
How to estimate weekly Variance
...010194 0.0000449 417 133067 29 0.012567 0.0000449 82 10184 30 0.014695 0.0000449 413 68893 30 0.010634 0.0000449 373 103688 30 0.013934 0.0000449 914 272719 30 0.014107 0.0000449 213 28473 30 0.014339 0.0000449 651 147016 30 0.014375 0.0000449 521 102429 30 0.016373 0.0000449 979 229104 Felipe D. Carrillo Fishery Biologist US Fish & Wildlife Service California, USA ____________________________________________________________________________________ Be a better friend, newshound, and
2012 Dec 02
simple subset question
...e max Total for 2012   x <- subset(winter,Year==2012 & Total==max(Total));b  # How come one line doesn't work?     # It works if I subset the year first and then get the Total max from it   xx <- subset(winter,Year==2012)  xxx <- subset(xx,Total==max(Total));xxx   xxx Felipe D. Carrillo Supervisory Fishery Biologist Department of the Interior US Fish & Wildlife Service California, USA [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Jan 10
Hmisc-xtable label
...r{webgreen}{rgb}{0, 0.5, 0} % less intense green \definecolor{webblue}{rgb}{0, 0, 0.5} % less intense blue \definecolor{webred}{rgb}{0.5, 0, 0} % less intense red \usepackage[all]{hypcap} \pdfbookmark[1]{Contents}{table} \title{BROOD-YEAR 2007 WINTER CHINOOK JUVENILE PRODUCTION} \author{Felipe D. Carrillo} \date{January 5, 2009} \pagestyle{headings} \parskip 7.2pt \begin{document} \setkeys{Gin}{width=1.1\textwidth} \maketitle \tableofcontents The hyperlink of table 1 doesn't work!!!! but the hyperlink of table 2 works OK \newpage \listoftables \listoffigures \section{Introduction} \label{sec...
2009 Apr 05
predicting values into the future the weight will be by week 10 based on my weight values and make a line plot of all the weights(including the predicted values). I have two questions: 1- Should the predicted values be linear or exponential? 2- Is the predict.arima function appropriate to do this? Thanks in advance. Felipe D. Carrillo Supervisory Fishery Biologist Department of the Interior US Fish & Wildlife Service California, USA
2012 Nov 12
arrange data
Dear r-users,   I have daily rainfall data from 1971 to 2000.  I would like to extract november and december data only.  I would also like to do column bind for november and december, therefore I would like to delete 31 December from december data so that the length of november and december are the same.  Hope somebody can help me.  I tried this below:   > kuantan.dt.1 <-