search for: carmakes

Displaying 3 results from an estimated 3 matches for "carmakes".

2006 Mar 22
Parent-Child Tables Help
can someone help me with this i have a table cars ( id int model_id int make_id int color_id int description text constraint fk_cars_carmake foreign key(make_id) references carmakes(id), constraint fk_cars_carmodel foreign key(model_id) references carmodels(id), constraint fk_cars_color foreign key(color_id) references colors(id) ) carmakes ( id int carmake varchar ) carmodels ( id int carmake_id int carmodel varchar ) colors ( id int color varchar ) Carmakes and...
2003 Dec 30
Assignments in loops
Greetings all. Any help with the following would be appreciated. I want to create a data frame for each file in a directory. The following code does not work but it may show what I am trying to do: carmakes <- c('BMW','Chrysler','Citroen','Fiat','Ford','Holden','Honda', 'Mercedes','MG','Mitsubishi','Nissan','Peugeot','Renault','Subaru','Toyota', 'VW') for (brand in carmake...
2011 May 21
'apply' with additional class variable
Dear R gurus, I'm trying to solve what I assume is a fairly simple problem, but I'm having trouble finding the proper approach. I have a matrix where each column is some object (e.g. a car) and each row is a numeric measurement of a feature of said object (e.g. horse power, top speed, etc.). Let's also suppose that I know what make the car is (e.g. toyota, ford, etc.), stored in a