Displaying 20 results from an estimated 292 matches for "caracter".
Did you mean:
2005 Nov 24
caracter set problem
Hi, I'm from Brazil, and I'm having a problem with special
caracters when mounting shares upon Windows XP and 2003.
Even using the options codepage=850 and iocharset=utf-8 some caracters
like ?, ?, ?, ? are gone.
I've tried a lot of combinations of codepages and charsets, but the best
is the sample above.
Thanks in advance
2013 Feb 18
Cortar una cadena por un caracter solo cuando no forma parte de una subcadena entrecomillada
Hola, ¿qué tal?
Tengo el siguiente problema. Me llegan (simplificando) cadenas del tipo
1,2,"algo"; 3,"cosa"; 4,2,3,7;
y tengo que partirlas por el caracter ";" para meterlas en una lista.
Lo hago con strsplit y no tengo problemas...
... hasta que recibo cadenas como
1,2,"algo;todo"; 3,"cosa"; 4,2,3,7;
en las que existen puntos y coma "entrecomillados". En tales casos, la
función strsplit detecta 4 cadenas,
2008 Nov 12
separate a variable in several variables
Hello R users,
Imagine the data frame DATA with the variable x which is composed by numeric
and alpha caracters.
1 12F
2 13 AD
3 356PO
4 1D
6 PO52
7 LN4Z
Is there a way to separarate x in 2 variables:
y: only numeric caracters
z: only alpha caracters
For exemple:
x y z
1 12F 12 F
2 13 AD 13 AD
3 356PO 356...
2007 Feb 23
some caracter dont work with JGR
I testing JGR and I like, but my ~ caracter dont work. My keyboard is
Brazilian ABNT2.
The key is OK, only in JGR it dont work.
Anybody have any idea about this?
Mais variado que baldea??o em Cacequi.
> Prof. Ronaldo Reis J?nior
| .''`. UNIMONTES/Depto. Biologia Geral/Lab. Ecologia Evolutiva
| : :'...
2005 Jul 26
text on some lines
I would like to write text on 2 lines for example.
For example, if you have a long sentence and you want to cut it at the 45 caracter and put the continuation underneath!
Is it possible?
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2014 Feb 05
[Bug 897] New: Numbers of caracter in the name of set.
Summary: Numbers of caracter in the name of set.
Product: nftables
Version: unspecified
Platform: x86_64
OS/Version: Debian GNU/Linux
Status: NEW
Severity: enhancement
Priority: P5
Component: nft
AssignedTo: pablo at netfilter.org...
2010 Mar 05
"\." vs "\\."
Hola a tod@s,
¿alguien me podría clarificar la diferencia entre "\." y "\\." en el siguiente caso? (He mirado ?regex, ?cat, ?Quotes y FAQ 7.37 y no lo acabo de ver)
> a<-"hola.me.llamo.pepe"
> a
[1] "hola.me.llamo.pepe"
> strsplit(a,"\.")
[1] "" "" "" "" "" ""
2006 Mar 22
Limiting the number of caracter displayed
I have a list of items with description but would like to show only the
first words of the description and link to the full item detail page.
How can I do that ?
Thank you!
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2006 Mar 23
Displaying only titles that starts with a defined caracter.
I would like to know how to display only titles of products that starts
with a defined letter (ie: titles that begin with A)
Here is the method that I use to place all titles in alphabetical order:
class Livre < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_presence_of :titre;
def self.alpha
find( :all,
:order => "titre ASC"
2008 May 23
Bonjour Alex.
J''ai créer une application(Rss-wxruby) et je l''ai déposée en téléchargement sur le site "Tom''s guide". Ils ont créer les screenshots, et la problème:
Il y a des carrés qui ressortent de partout???
Voilà un url pour l''exemple du problème avec les carrés qui ressortent:
2015 Nov 24
transformar número en R
Buenas tardes,
Estoy extrayendo un dato de una web y el separador de miles es el ".",
que es el separador decimal en R. He intentado reemplazaro por el
caracter, para convertirlo en ´numérico de R, vacío pero no me deja.
Lo que he intentado es lo siguiente:
> a<-"17.691.700" # valor que obtengo de la web
> sub(".","",a)
[1] "7.691.700"
> replace(a,".",",")
2005 May 12
About strongs passwords!
List, It's amazing the soon the messages on this list are answered, I am
glad and I want to thank you all for that...
Here is my question, I have a DataBase CentOS server working with about
150 users connected via ssh, so I want to set up for all users strongs
passwords, I mean, 8 or more caracters, with ,.;* , ect....... Is there
some option, bash command which do that?
Is there some HOWto, tutorial, rules about securing, monitoring users
with access to the bash shell? (They login via ssh).
Israel Garcia
2005 May 26
samba-ldap and cyrillic
Hi all,
i installed a new linux with russian support. I now want to configure Samba
and OpenLDAP, but i have many problems for users and groups accounts.
Can i create a user account with cyrillic caracter (as i can on Windows) ?
It looks that i can't as memberUid attribute need to be in ASCII mode. So
how do russian people do ? I imagine that they use cyrillic caracter for
their login name, but how can they use samba and ldap to authenticate ?
Thanks for any tips !
2006 Jun 27
special characters in db
This is my first message in this list, so hi everybody!!! (by the way, sorry
for my english)
I am developing a spanish applications, so some data has special characters
(?, ?, ?, etc...) in database....
The problem is that those caracters display incorrectly in browser, how can
I handle that situation with RoR???
Does it exist a "parser" that convert those characters in their respective
html entities (á, é, ñ) to store it that way in
and if so, how can I tell to the helper me...
2006 Mar 31
Titles in URL ?
I have an article website and would like to have the title of the
article in the URL. and not domain.com/show/id
ie: http://domain.ck/articles/how-to-become-a-ror-master/
How to change a title with special caracters like: '', :, ?, !. to
something that works in the URL.
Thank you!
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2007 Aug 13
Salut alex, j''ai essayer d''encoder quelques fichiers pour faire des test. Il y a des sigles comme "€" que je ne peut pas encoder. le problème c''est que quand j''ouvre un fichier.txt par exemple et qu''il contient ce sigle, le contenu du fichier ne s''affiche pas.
Compter-vous insérer ces sigles par la suite que l''on puissent les
2013 Apr 26
rails route_translator utf8
Im using route_translator gem, which is really great, but unfortunatly Im
stuck because special caracters are not recognized.
for instance for page /ru/войти , I have this error message
No route matches [GET] "/ru/%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%B9%D1%82%D0%B8"
same for french special caracters like "è" . for /fr/dernière ,
No route matches [GET] "/fr/derni%C3%A8re"
but if...
2008 Mar 05
Un texte encapsul? et encod? dans un jeu de caract?res inconnu a ?t? nettoy?...
Nom : non disponible
Url : https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/attachments/20080305/80536e8c/attachment.pl
2018 May 22
Pasar palabras de una lista a una variable del dataframe
Buenas tardes,
Tengo una lista de 600 palabras. Quiero saber cuántas de esas palabras
aparecen en cada observación de mi variable "texto". La variable "texto"
es de tipo caracter. ¿Cómo lo haríais?
Muchas gracias.
2007 Feb 28
Un texte encapsul? et encod? dans un jeu de caract?res inconnu a ?t? nettoy?...
Nom : non disponible
Url : https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/attachments/20070228/6ebce030/attachment.pl