Displaying 20 results from an estimated 37 matches for "canopy".
2010 Mar 11
Multiple comparisons with a mixed effects model
...ed R in the past to conduct multiple comparisons on standard linear models, but am a bit confused as to how to go about doing it with a mixed effects model.
I am conducting a bioindication study using carabid beetles in which I have four treatment types (forest harvest types with varying levels of canopy structure retention), and am using canopy closure percent as a covariate in my ANCOVA model. The response variable is species diversity (richness).
I am wanting to use a mixed effects model because there are only two replicates of each treatment type, and within each of those blocks there were 3 s...
2010 Aug 17
Asterisk with Motorola Canopy
Hi Everyone,
Can anyone share their experience with Motorola Canopy solution deployment
and Asterisk? Is this a good fit?
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2006 Mar 31
Odd anova(lm()) order phenomenon, looking for an explanation
...nuous variates and their interaction to
some residuals from another model. The sequential anova statement
changes with the term order; that's fine. But each term explains a
much larger Sum Sq when it is listed second than when it is listed
> anova(lm(residuals(delta.point.lm.0) ~ canopy.h + canopy.d,
+ data=snow))
Analysis of Variance Table
Response: residuals(delta.point.lm.0)
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
canopy.h 1 156.2 156.2 11.118 0.0009613 ***
canopy.d 1 198.0 198.0 14.098 0.0002080 ***
Residuals 303 4256.6 14.0...
2012 Jul 07
Questions about glht() and interpretation of output from Tukey's in multcomp
...multcomp package for lme() model.
The main issue is that I noticed that a plot that I produced with code
letters seem to contradict the graph itself. I provide data and code
below. I end with my questions.
A few things about data set. "LMA.vcp" is continuous response variable.
"Canopy.position.vcp" is independent categorical variable and
"Leaf.height.vcp" is independent covariate.
"plots.vcp" and "tree.vcp" are random effects.
> data.vcp ##data-set##
LMA.vcp Canopy.position.vcp Leaf.height.vcp plots.vcp tree.vcp
1 96.8 BOT...
2012 Nov 24
Grouped data objects within GLS and Variogram
...n GLS to examine spatial structure of nested data. My data frame consists of ecological measurements of a forest, in which three landscape positions ("landposi") are compared. Each landscape position is replicated five times ("replicat"), and the environment is measured ("canopy", "litdepth", etc.) one hundred times at 50-cm intervals along a transect ("distanc"). Thus, there are 1,500 rows of data. The raw data file begins:
site landposi replicat distanc canopy litdepth soilmoist shrubcov...
2012 Feb 06
lmer with spatial and temporal random factors, not nested
Hi, I am new to this list.
I have a question regarding including both spatial and temporal random
factors in lmer. These two are not nested, and an example of model I
try to fit is
family=poisson, REML=FALSE),
richness = integer
Y & Treatment = factor
Canopy & Veg_cm = numerical, continous
Site/Block/Plot= factor
Year = integer
I get the following warning message:
Warning messages:
1: In mer_finalize(ans) :
2017 Mar 17
Anyone ever gotten Solaris to install from a CentOS PXE server?
I'm poking through Solaris documentation trying to figure out how to make
it installable via our PXE server and, as with many things Solaris, I'm
hitting walls of completely foreign procedures and setups.
Has anyone managed to do this before? I'm trying to set Solaris 11.3 up.
2003 Aug 13
Hello All,
I wonder is there a way where I reload asterisk on CLI without disconnect any call that is currently taken place.
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2017 Mar 20
Anyone ever gotten Solaris to install from a CentOS PXE server?
...use-host-decl-names on;
filename "/solaris/pxegrub";
next-server <TFTP SERVER IP>;
vendor-option-space SUNW;
option SUNW.JumpStart-server "<INSTALLATION SERVER IP>:/exports/Solaris/JUMPSTART/x86";
# BE WARNED: No hostnames. Must use IP addresses for Sol 10 x86!
host canopy {
option host-name "canopy";
hardware ethernet <MAC ADDRESS>;
fixed-address <IP ADDRESS>;
option SUNW.sysid-config-file-server = "<INSTALLTION SERVER IP>:/exports/Solaris/JUMPSTART/x86";
----- On 17 Mar, 2017, at 11:09, Locane locane at gmail.com wro...
2002 Feb 15
exact inference tests
...ntain many functions, I thought perhaps I'd ask.
--Mike C.
Michael A. Camann Voice: 707-826-3676
Associate Professor of Zoology Fax: 707-826-3201
Institute for Forest Canopy Research Email: mac24 at axe.humboldt.edu
Department of Biology ifcr at axe.humboldt.edu
Humboldt State University
Arcata, CA 95521
2010 Apr 26
Just about "approximate F-test"
Hi, Dear R community,
These is a paper of "Wheat Grain Yield Response to N Application
Evaluated through Canopy Reflectance".
This paper of "Materials and Methods" said "A single regression equation
relating A and B was derived for each location using PROC NLIN (SAS
Inst. 1990). Slopes and intercepts for the independent regressions were
compared with an *approximate F-test* (Mead et al....
2008 Jan 15
error in my selection
...ot;EventID" "day_sampl" "uniqueID" > > x3_reg1 <- x3[x3$Region == "JELA_reg1",]> > ma1 <- ftable(xtabs(Total ~ uniqueID + cat3_name, data=x3_reg1))> ma1 cat3_name Anthropogenic Asteraceae - herb Bare ground Canopy tree Coarse woody debris Cypress knees Emergent aquatic Epiphyte Floating aquatics Grasses Herbs Ilex Midstory tree Palm Sapium sebiferum Sedge Shrub Terrestrial herb Vine WateruniqueID...
2009 Jan 29
In Rd: \describe \itemize and \item
...d measurements of trees (Y-variables):
\item{TopHt}{Height of tallest trees (ft)}
\item{LnVolL}{Log of the volume \eqn{(ft^3/acre)} of western larch}
...... many lines deleted ......
\item{LnVolPP}{Log of the volume \eqn{(ft^3/acre)} of ponderosa pine}
\item{CCover}{Canopy cover (percent)}
Geographic Location, Slope, and Aspect (X-variables):
\item{utmx}{UTM easting at plot center}
\item{utmy}{UTM northing at plot center}
...... many lines deleted ......
\item{elevm}{Mean elevation (ft) above sea level over plot}
2001 Nov 13
rarefaction variance
...ants to help solve
this problem.
Thanks in advance!
--Mike C.
Michael A. Camann Voice: 707-826-3676
Associate Professor of Zoology Fax: 707-826-3201
Institute for Forest Canopy Research Email: mac24 at axe.humboldt.edu
Department of Biology ifcr at axe.humboldt.edu
Humboldt State University
Arcata, CA 95521
2002 Jun 17
Error bars.
There was an inquiry on this list recently about plotting some simple
error bars on a graph. Now Splus has a function (error.bar ---
originally written by Sue Clancy of DMS, CSIRO, I believe) to do this
job virtually at the touch of a key. (Well a few keys. :-) ) The
error.bar function is written completely in raw S --- no calls to
``.Internal'' or anything like that. So it would be
2002 Jun 09
rw-patched destiny
...s that other R users occasionally post here. Kudos!
--Mike C.
Michael A. Camann Voice: 707-826-3676
Associate Professor of Zoology Fax: 707-826-3201
Institute for Forest Canopy Research Email: mac24 at axe.humboldt.edu
Department of Biology ifcr at axe.humboldt.edu
Humboldt State University
Arcata, CA 95521
2002 Aug 01
Kate problem
I have just installed R 1.5.1 on a new SuSE 8.0 install using the
binaries on the home page. I am trying to configure the KDE editor Kate
to use from R. R seems able to launch it fine, but it crashes when I
try to save the file I am editing.
Is there a fix?
r-help mailing list -- Read
2018 Feb 02
new R package bigleaf
Dear R users,
we are pleased to announce the release of the 'bigleaf' R package. This
package is useful for the calculation of physical (e.g. aerodynamic
conductance, surface temperature), and physiological (e.g. canopy
conductance, intrinsic water-use efficiency) ecosystem properties from
eddy covariance data. All calculations are based on a 'big-leaf'
representation of the ecosystem.
The package is on CRAN. Further information can be found here:
2008 Aug 20
pdf filenames in while loop
Dear R users,
I am a remote sensing researcher currently studying the use of LiDAR data for quantifying tree height, in particular I would like to determine the sample size needed to capture and quantify canopy height variability. To do this I have employed the use of automap(), which automatically calculates variograms including reporting the range of the variogram. The program is easy to use and I have had much success with it. However, I have run into a slight problem. My analysis consists of 60 indep...
2009 Sep 06
Digium hardware support ?
Hi All,
does Digium provide a service support for a compatibility question about their PRI hardware ?
Thanks and have a nice day.