search for: cand

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 98 matches for "cand".

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2008 Nov 26
Creating a vector based on lookup function
I am still searching for a solution to what i think is a simple problem i am having with building a vector in a for loop. I have built a more understandable example so hopefully that will you, help me, if you know what i mean. dev=400 #test location model TAZs to reference cands=c(101,105,109) #Create Object of length of cands candslength=length(cands) #TEST TAZ Vector CANDS=(100:110) #Test Dev Vector TAZDEVS=c(120,220,320,420,520,620,720,820,920,1020,1120) #Creates datframe of CANDS and DEVS TAZLIST=data.frame(CANDS,TAZDEVS) for(i in 1:candslength){ cand=cands...
2006 Jun 14
...sier way to collect the measurements via appendinng the 6 measurements each time to the current set? I couldn't find anything in Intro to R on appending. cheers, Dave ps - please respond directly to afshar at = function(delta.0.Y.0, gamma, comp.LIS.frm, comp.CAND.frm) { ## function to calcuate the delta.i, i.e. the percent ## leftover ## gamma = rate of Cr going into bucket, e.g., mg/hr ## delta.0.Y.0 = product of delta.0 and Y.0 at baseline ## Y.1 = delta.0.Y.0 + gamma delta = numeric(6) delta.patient = numeric(24) delta.patient.comb = numeric(144) ## for...
2012 Feb 13
R's AIC values differ from published values
...odel ) 64.312 which can be converted to AICc by adding the bias correction factor 2*K*(K+1)/(n-K-1) to give the AICc value of 69.312 (addition of 5, where n=13 and K=4). This same value, 69.31, can be obtained using R package AICcmodavg library ( AICcmodavg ) data (cement) cement Cand.models <- list( ) Cand.models[[1]] <- lm ( y ~ x1 + x2, data = cement ) Cand.models[[2]] <- lm ( y ~ x3 + x4, data = cement ) Cand.models[[3]] <- lm ( y ~ x1 + x2 + x1 * x2, data = cement ) Cand.models[[4]] <- lm...
2008 Dec 12
Creating a vector
Good day all, I am having seom trouble building a simple vector. Below my sample code shows what ime trying to do and i have pointed out where the issue is. What happens not is that a single "TAZDetermine_FEET" is selected by i need multiple values, as many as there are "cands". I am thinking that this should occur within the for loop and add a "TAZDetermine_FEET" to a new vector ("TAZDs") each time the loop goes round but i cant seem to make it work using what i know. Probably simple so sorry and any help will be much appreciated, been strugg...
2009 Nov 12
A combinatorial optimization problem: finding the best permutation of a complex vector
Hi, I have a complex-valued vector X in C^n. Given another complex-valued vector Y in C^n, I want to find a permutation of Y, say, Y*, that minimizes ||X - Y*||, the distance between X and Y*. Note that this problem can be trivially solved for "Real" vectors, since real numbers possess the ordering property. Complex numbers, however, do not possess this property. Hence the
2010 Sep 16
glm: formula vs character
...vir' argument." Any insight into what is going on "under the hood"? Many thanks, --Krishna x1 = rnorm(100) x2 = rnorm(100) x3 = rnorm(100) y = x1 + 2*x2 + 3*x3 + 0.05*rnorm(100) d = data.frame(y,x1,x2,x3) xset = paste("x",1:3,sep="") reg1<-function(dep,cand,data){ f = paste(dep,"~1",sep="") reg = glm(as.formula(f),family="gaussian",data) add = add1(reg,cand,test="F") } reg2<-function(dep,cand,data){ f = paste(dep,"~1",sep="") reg = glm(f,family="gaussian",data) add =...
2009 Jul 08
Dantzig Selector
Hi, I was wondering if there was an R package or routines for the Dantzig Selector (Candes & Tao, 2007). I know Emmanuel Candes has Matlab routines to do this but I was wondering if someone had ported those to R. Thanks, T ---Reference--- @article{candes2007dantzig, title={{The Dantzig selector: statistical estimation when p is much larger than n}}, author={Candes, E. and T...
2014 Mar 15
A few easy dpkg optimizations for supermin
I have done some printf profiling and found that supermin's calls to dpkg for individual packages are quite expensive. Here are some patches that gather all information on demand where possible. On my Debian/unstable-based workstation at home, preparing a minimal appliance using $ ./supermin --use-installed --prepare bash -o supermin.d now takes ~3.5s (previously ~15s). Turning that
2009 Dec 09
partial match for two datasets
Hi all, I have two sets: dig<-c("DAVID ADAMS","PIERS AKERMAN","SHERYLE BAGWELL","JULIAN BAJKOWSKI","CANDIDA BAKER") import<-c("by DAVID ADAMS","piersAKERMAN","SHERYLE BagWEL","JULIAN BAJKOWSKI with ","Cand BAKER","smith green")     I want to get the following result from "import" after comparing the two sets   result<-c(...
2017 Nov 23
mischeduler (pre-RA) experiments
Hi, I have been experimenting for a while with tryCandidate() method of the pre-RA mischeduler. I have by chance found some parameters that give quite good results on benchmarks on SystemZ (on average 1% improvement, some improvements of several percent and very little regressions). Basically, I add a "latency heuristic boost" just above...
2012 Sep 13
...correctly with the code? buco.models<-list ( ) buco.models [[1]] <- glm(P.BUCO~faverage+W15CNT, family=binomial(logit), data=AmphAIC) buco.models [[2]] <- glm(P.BUCO~diam1+W15CNT, family=binomial(logit), data=AmphAIC) Modnames<-paste (?mod? , 1:length(buco.models), sep=") aictab(cand.set = buco.models, modnames = Modnames, sort=TRUE)) print(aictab(cand.set = buco.models, modnames = Modnames, sort=TRUE) digits = 4) Thank you in advance. Kerry Griffis-Kyle -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing li...
2006 Mar 30
Predict function for 'newdata' of different dimension in svm
...t$EXT+boot.dist.dat$TOF,cost=100,gamma=20) ## for these training data, > names(boot.dist.dat) [1] "TOF" "EXT" "Acode" > dim(boot.dist.dat) [1] 50 3 Now I want to use the svm classifier on a new dataset with 175 observations: new.dat<-data.frame(TOF=Cd1[,]$TOF,EXT=Cd1[,]$EXT,Acode=rep(0,175),row.names=NULL) ## for the new dataset, > names(new.dat) [1] "TOF" "EXT" "Acode" > dim(new.dat) [1] 175 3 Now try to predict: > predict(cd1.svm,newdata=new.dat) Error in "names<-.default&q...
2010 Dec 14
How to bind models into a list of models?
...X4,data=Cement)" "lm(y ~ X + X1 + X3 + X4,data=Cement)" "lm(y ~ X + X2 + X3 + X4,data=Cement)" [31] "lm(y ~ X1 + X2 + X3 + X4,data=Cement)" "lm(y ~ X + X1 + X2 + X3 + X4,data=Cement)" I would like to convert this object into a list called Cand.models with 32 list elements each of which would contain one of the above model formulae. When I print the list, the models should run, so the first few elements of the list would look like this (see below output from a list I created by hand). Many thanks for any help you can provide! Mark &...
2018 Feb 20
question regarding the AICcmodavg package
...ckage and *APE*, but I seem to get stuck with some of the variables that are also included in a two-way interaction in the model. I can obtain values for the two-way interaction but not for the variables separately. The error I receive is: ?Error in modavg.AICgls(parm = "agefirstbreed", cand.set = Cand.models4, : Some models include more than one instance of the parameter of interest. This may be due to the presence of interaction/polynomial terms, or variables with similar names: see "?modavg" for details on variable specification and "exclude" argument? I'...
2004 Jun 07
mode data=journal. Is it safe to use? possible. We can not tolerate any garbage in the files after a crash or sudden power failures. We have then decided to use ext3 with mode data=journal. Can I rely on this? We use kernel 2.6.5 on PowerPC 8260, and may be using newer kernels later in the project. Best regards -- Petter Larsen cand. scient. moreCom as 913 17 222
2010 Jan 01
changing a list element's name during execution in lapply - possible?
...after the calculation. Is it possible to do the renaming somehow within the lapply call? l <- list(a=NA, b=NA) lapply(l, function(x) {names(x) <- "new name"; return(x) }) This does not work, any ideas? TIA ??????????????????????????????????????? Mark Heckmann Dipl. Wirt.-Ing. cand. Psych. Vorstra?e 93 B01 28359 Bremen Blog: R-Blog:
2012 Mar 14
Merging fully overlapping groups
Hi, I have data on individuals (B) who participated in events (A). If ALL participants in an event are a subset of the participants in another event I would like to remove the smaller event and if the participants in one event are exactly similar to the participants in another event I would like to remove one of the events (I don't care which one). The following example does that however it
2009 Dec 02
Reordering the results from table(cut()) by break argument
...ase it should also be reversed, like: ( 3, 2] ( 2, 1] ( 1,0] (0,-1] (-1,-2] (-2,-3] 0 12 30 42 13 3 Thus I would like to reorder the vector using break, but I do not know how. TIA Mark ??????????????????????????????????????? Mark Heckmann Dipl. Wirt.-Ing. cand. Psych. Vorstra?e 93 B01 28359 Bremen Blog: R-Blog:
2010 Feb 14
evaluate variable within expression - how?
Ein eingebundener Text mit undefiniertem Zeichensatz wurde abgetrennt. Name: nicht verf?gbar URL: <>
2015 Mar 27
[LLVMdev] Question about load clustering in the machine scheduler
...n repeats itself. All of these are loads. > Even without that limit, stalls take precedence over load clustering. So when you run out of load resources (15?) the scheduler should choose something else. > Is this the code that checks for stalls? if (tryLess(Zone.getLatencyStallCycles(TryCand.SU), Zone.getLatencyStallCycles(Cand.SU), TryCand, Cand, Stall)) It is disabled if (!SU->isUnbuffered) > > I have a feeling there is something wrong with my machine model in the > > R600 backend, but I've experimented with a few variations of it and have > &...