Displaying 17 results from an estimated 17 matches for "cairopdf".
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2009 Nov 25
Kerning issues with CairoPDF
Dear list members
I'm using CairoPDF to generate PDF (because of its font embedding and
support for transparent colours). However, at least on my (Windows)
system, the text it outputs seems to have completely wrong kerning.
Here's an example:
2012 Jan 09
CairoPDF and greek letter spacing
I have a small problem with R graphics output. When I use the lattice
package and CairoPDF to generate publication quality graphs I often use
the expression to create an axis title that has microlitres or
micrometers as a unit. I use something like the following
'expression(paste("Length (", mu,"m )"))' as an argument to the xlabel
function. The command works...
2011 Apr 16
CairoPDF, Fonts, and Windows 7
...basic questions about Cairo graphics engine. I'm trying to use the Cairo package to produce PDF output, mainly because I perceive it to be easy to use with a wide variety of fonts.
But right now, I'm stuck trying to figure out what fonts are available to be used with Cairo, specifically the CairoPDF function. I've been able to successfully produce some test PDFs with grid graphics and CairoPDF (and the font "Georgia"), so my basic setup is working.
I've tried to experiment with the CairoFonts() function but get the message:
"the R Cairo package was not installed with f...
2009 Apr 24
Problem with greek "beta" symbol in plot using CairoPDF (Windows)
Dear R-Helpers,
I have a problem with displaying the greek "beta" symbol in PDF files
using Cairo library - it displays as an empty box. The same also happens
for a dash symbol in subscript. Both symbols are displayed correctly if
the plot is produced on screen (outside of CairoPDF).
The syntax that I use for it in plot command is:
When I try to select a different font family using 'family' option in
the CairoPDF command - it has no effect. I tried 'CairoFonts', but it
displays an error:
2011 Jan 26
Greek letters in CairoPDF
Hello there,
Straight to the point: it seems that CairoPDF from package "Cairo"
cannot handle greek letters from expression(). For example,
> eta = seq(from=-pi, to=pi, length=100)
> f = sin(eta)^2
> pdf(file = "temp_pdf.pdf")
> plot(eta, f, type="l", main=expression(f(eta)==sin(eta)^2), xlab=expression(eta), ylab...
2010 Mar 09
Fine Tuning Plotrix
(4) Do I need to resort to color.legend if e.g. I want to rotate the
legend and align it to the y axis?
Many thanks
par( mar = c(4.5,5, 2, 1) + 0.1)
color2D.matplot(trivial_matrix,main="A trivial Plot",xlab =
ylab=expression(paste(R[g])),cex.axis=1.4,cex.lab=1.6, cex.main=1.6,
show.legend=TRUE, show.values=1,vcol="blue",
2015 Nov 05
PDFs and SVGs containing rasterGrobs don't display correctly in some other software
This figure should be a five by five block of grey squares. This is
what I see in the R GUI device window, and when I open test.pdf in
Abode Reader or SumatraPDF.
However, when I open the file in Inkscape or Firefox, each of the
squares is blurred.
I tried swapping grDevices::pdf for Cairo::CairoPDF and got the same
result. I also tried generating SVGs using both grDevices::svg and
Cairo::CairoSVG, and also got the same result.
I see the same thing using R-devel and R3.2.2 under Windows, and (with
an older version of R) under Linux.
I don't know whether the problem is with grid's ra...
2011 Aug 17
Symbol Font Baseline, Cairo, Card Symbols
...t it to the R wizards on this group...
clubs <- expression(symbol('\247'))
hearts <- expression(symbol('\250'))
diamonds <- expression(symbol('\251'))
spades <- expression(symbol('\252'))
csymbols <- c(clubs, diamonds, hearts, spades)
CairoPDF(file = "cardsymbols.pdf")
plot( 0, xlim=c(0,5), ylim=c(0,2), type="n" )
clr <- c("black", "red", "red", "black")
for (i in 1:4) {
hline <- function( yloc, ... ) for (i in 1:length(yloc)) lines(
c(-1,6), c(yloc[i],yloc[i]), col=&qu...
2010 Apr 27
Cairo package failure to load backend
...h multiple alpha values using
Cairo to save them on a windows (32b XP) platform as it doesn't support
more than 3 alpha values. This worked well until I wanted a postscript
file (unsupported) and as a attempted work around I installed RGtk2. So
far so good, however now when I try to use a
>CairoPDF("alpha.pdf", 6, 6, bg="transparent")
Or any
Command I get (variations of):
>Error in Cairo(width, height, file, "pdf", pointsize = pointsize, bg =
bg, :
Failed to create Cairo backend!
Can someone suggest a reason/solution...
2011 Feb 16
image() with a vector
I have a vectors x and z, for example,
x <- 0:20
z <- round(runif(20,1,7))
y <- 0.5
and I want to display z as an image. However if I then call image() with a vector
then I get the error
Error in image.default(x, y, t(z), zlim =
2008 Apr 18
Embedding fonts in pdfs
Hi all,
I'm having problems embedding fonts in my graphics - and I've tried
embedFonts to no avail. I have a pdf file and pdffonts tells me:
name type emb sub uni object ID
------------------------------------ ----------------- --- --- --- ---------
ZapfDingbats Type 1 no no no 5 0
2011 Aug 10
font (charter)
dear R-experts---can someone please refer me to the latest
installation instructions for graphics fonts in R (the pdf device)?
(I would like to install the Charter font from the texlive 2011
distribution under OSX.)
Ivo Welch (ivo.welch at gmail.com)
2011 Sep 14
pdf font example
...d with this for a while, I decided to post it into
r-help for the benefit of others, where google search will pick it up.
thanks to everyone who made these facilities available.]
The task is to use your own opentype otf fonts in an R-created pdf
file using the pdf device (not with the [excellent] CairoPDF device,
if only because it does not have colorspace [yet] and because it is
not available elsewhere). ?Importantly, the fonts should be embedded.
The example that follows embeds the bera fonts, which are freely
available in the TeXLive 2011 distribution. ?It tries to check
everything, so it should...
2010 Aug 18
Fwd: \ell symbol (log-likelihood)
I sent this privately to ivo welch yesterday, and he thinks it might
be useful to someone else as well. Since I'm on a Mac the screen
device is quartz():
> quartz()
> plot( c(0,1), c(0,1) );
> text( 0.5, 0.5, "\u2113" )
# and then File/Save As/
Begin forwarded message:
> From: David Winsemius <dwinsemius at comcast.net>
> Date: August 17,
2010 Sep 06
PostScript/PDF graphics with another font
I am using the standard phonetic font "Doulos SIL" in a graph
This is an example:
windowsFonts(IPA="TT Doulos SIL")
However, I am unable
2009 Mar 13
malformed plot symbols in lattice pdf
I'm using panel.polygon inside a custom panel function to generate
filled polygons for an xyplot. Everything is as expected until I
specify a value < 1 for alpha to fill with a semi-transparent color
and output to pdf. The plot symbols appear malformed. Am I doing
something wrong here?
Here is an example (pdfs are attached):
## example data
2010 Sep 14
Problems with "pdf" device using "plot" "glht" function on "multcomp" library.
Hi R users:
I have de following data frame (called "Sx")
Descripcion Nitratos
Cont85g 72.40
Cont85g 100.50
Cont85g 138.30
Cont80g 178.33
Cont80g 79.01
Cont80g 74.16
Cont75g 23.70
Cont75g 15.80
Cont75g 16.20