search for: cachesweavedriv

Displaying 4 results from an estimated 4 matches for "cachesweavedriv".

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2010 Mar 26
cacheSweave fails when used in conjunction with rjags;>= library(rjags) @ <<testJags,cache=T>>= y <- rnorm(100) m <- jags.model("j.bug") update(m,100) res <- coda.samples(m,c("mu","sigma"),n.iter=1000) @ <<plotResults,fig=T>>= plot(res) @ \end{document} *** When I run Sweave with cacheSweaveDriver, I get the following error (note that this happens on the first invocation, not just on repeat invocations): > Sweave("testCacheSweave-jags.Rnw",driver=cacheSweaveDriver) Writing to file testCacheSweave-jags.tex Processing code chunks ... 1 : echo term verbatim (label=loadLib...
2010 Sep 11
Sweave issue; keep.source=TRUE and cacheSweave incompatible?
This could well be a package-specific issue, and so perhaps not for R-devel. The author of the relevant package is CC'd in any event. I'm seeing some odd behavior from Sweave with keep.source=TRUE when using driver=cacheSweaveDriver from the cacheSweave package. It would seem that code chunks with keep.source=TRUE aren't being parsed correctly; the corresponding Schunk starts at the *very top* of the Rnw file, snippet shown below. The error seems specific to R 2.12.0; cacheSweave + keep.source=TRUE seems to work ok in...
2010 Feb 11
...combination with the option driver = cacheSweave. Whichever code I try to run - when it comes to converting the tex file into pdf it comes up with the same errors (\csname \endcsname errors). Does anybody have an idea what it going wrong? > Sweave("pgfSweave-example.Rnw",driver = cacheSweaveDriver) Writing to file pgfSweave-example.tex Processing code chunks ... 1 : term verbatim (label=setup) 2 : echo term verbatim (label=data) 3 : term verbatim eps pdf (label=boxplot) You can now run LaTeX on 'pgfSweave-example.tex' > tools::texi2dvi("pgfSweave-example.tex", pdf...
2009 Dec 07
Sweave, cacheSweave, and data frame
...with cacheSweave gives an error: > library(cacheSweave) Lade n?tiges Paket: filehash filehash: Simple key-value database (2.0-1 2008-12-19) Lade n?tiges Paket: stashR A Set of Tools for Administering SHared Repositories (0.3-3 2009-03-26) > Sweave("cacheSweaveExample.rnw", driver=cacheSweaveDriver) Writing to file cacheSweaveExample.tex Processing code chunks ... 1 : echo term verbatim Fehler in data.frame(chunk = options$label, chunkprefix = chunkprefix, : arguments imply differing number of rows: 0, 1 The solution is to use named code chunks as in this corrected example: <<a,...