search for: c053964f

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2016 Jun 27
[MemorySSA] Potential bug in MemoryUse defining access calculation
...Innovation Center, Inc. > Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. is a member of Code Aurora Forum, a > Linux Foundation Collaborative Project > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
2016 Jun 27
[MemorySSA] Potential bug in MemoryUse defining access calculation
Hey All, I've come across what I believe to be a bug in MemorySSA. George, I wasn't sure if this was a known issue that you'll be addressing in your upcoming walker caching changes or not, so I haven't investigated it very much. The test case is attached. The bug is that the defining access for the second load is set to the loop MemoryPhi node instead of being liveOnEntry as