Displaying 15 results from an estimated 15 matches for "bufferedreader".
2003 Nov 12
Talk with from Java
...@param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("R --no-save");
//Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("R --help");
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new
BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new
2009 May 01
fts-solr plugin issue (Marked invalid)
For example:
Content-Type: TEXT/mspowerpoint; name="Zapatec_6zap_netvibes_1.ppt"
Indexing for this messages is stop with "fts_solr: Indexing failed: 500 Internal Server Error".
In solr log is:
SEVERE: java.io.IOException: Mark invalid
at java.io.BufferedReader.reset(BufferedReader.java:485)
(mail list with discussion: http://markmail.org/message/2fnfiwygvehjngyr#query:SEVERE%3A%20java.io.IOException%3A%20Mark%20invalid%20lucene+page:1+mid:2fnfiwygvehjngyr+state:results)
Look's like dovecot try to index attachments like this.
Also for some mes...
2009 May 01
(no subject)
For example:
Content-Type: TEXT/mspowerpoint; name="Zapatec_6zap_netvibes_1.ppt"
Indexing for this messages is stop with "fts_solr: Indexing failed: 500 Internal Server Error".
In solr log is:
SEVERE: java.io.IOException: Mark invalid
at java.io.BufferedReader.reset(BufferedReader.java:485)
(mail list with discussion: http://markmail.org/message/2fnfiwygvehjngyr#query:SEVERE%3A%20java.io.IOException%3A%20Mark%20invalid%20lucene+page:1+mid:2fnfiwygvehjngyr+state:results)
Look's like dovecot try to index attachments like this.
Also for some mes...
2009 May 06
Solr FTS issues (Was fts-solr plugin issue (Marked invalid))
...run a search.
2. Dovecot sends a list of emails to solr
3. Solr starts indexing them
4. Solr runs into a "bad" email and we get: SEVERE: java.io.IOException: Mark invalid
org.apache.solr.common.SolrException log
SEVERE: java.io.IOException: Mark invalid
at java.io.BufferedReader.reset(BufferedReader.java:485)
at org.apache.solr.analysis.HTMLStripReader.restoreState(HTMLStripReader.java:171)
at org.apache.solr.analysis.HTMLStripReader.read(HTMLStripReader.java:728)
at org.apache.solr.analysis.HTMLStripReader.read(HTMLStripReader.java:742)
2005 Jul 05
Java and R help
Im doing an aplication in Java and i have a program made in R what i
want to launch with Java.
I have the following instructions:
Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime();
System.out.println ("Llamada a R...");
p = r.exec(sRutaR);
catch (IOException e)
System.out.println ("Error lanzando R: " +
2000 May 10
R and Java ? [forwarded]
...\\bin\\Rgui ";
Process jproc= rt.exec(strCmdTmp);
OutputStreamWriter o = new OutputStreamWriter(jproc.getOutputStream());
String line=null;
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new
while((line = reader.readLine())!=null)
System.out.println(" The line is: " +line);
Thanks in advance,
Cheryl Fernandes (Home): (312) 432 4396, (630) 834 3796
1926 W Harrison Street,...
2004 Aug 06
Lost ogg sync using jspeex
...exPlayer = new SpeexPlayer(pout);
//Speex2PcmAudioInputStream speex2pcm=new Speex2PcmAudioInputStream(pin, audioFormat,AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED);
//Socket clientSocket = serverSocket.accept();
//ObjectOutputStream toClient = new ObjectOutputStream(clientSocket.getOutputStream());
//BufferedReader fromClient = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(clientSocket.getInputStream()));
double ratio=bufferlength/framelength;
byte[] frame=new byt...
2004 Aug 06
Lost ogg sync using jspeex
...exPlayer = new SpeexPlayer(pout);
//Speex2PcmAudioInputStream speex2pcm=new Speex2PcmAudioInputStream(pin, audioFormat,AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED);
//Socket clientSocket = serverSocket.accept();
//ObjectOutputStream toClient = new ObjectOutputStream(clientSocket.getOutputStream());
//BufferedReader fromClient = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(clientSocket.getInputStream()));
double ratio=bufferlength/framelength;
byte[] frame=new byt...
2004 Nov 19
Problem calling rsync from java on OSX
System.out.println("DEBUG: Rsync Processvalue: " +
} catch (Throwable t) {
java note: it didn't make any difference if i connected to the std
in/out/err using BufferedReaders so i left that code out for brevity.
java note: when the BufferedReaders were connected to stdout/err,
nothing was sent to either from rsync, just as when run in --daemon mode
from the command line.
here is the output of above code on the command line:
$ java TestClass
2004 Nov 19
[AustinJUG] Problem calling rsync from java on OSX
...(Throwable t) {
>> t.printStackTrace();
>> }
>> }
>>java note: it didn't make any difference if i connected to the std
>>in/out/err using BufferedReaders so i left that code out for brevity.
>>java note: when the BufferedReaders were connected to stdout/err,
>>nothing was sent to either from rsync, just as when run in --daemon
>>from the command line.
>>here is the output of above code on th...
2004 Aug 06
Please Help, Lost ogg sync using jspeex
...//Speex2PcmAudioInputStream speex2pcm=new Speex2PcmAudioInputStream(pin, audioFormat,AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED);<BR> <BR> //Socket clientSocket = serverSocket.accept();<BR> //ObjectOutputStream toClient = new ObjectOutputStream(clientSocket.getOutputStream());<BR> //BufferedReader fromClient = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(clientSocket.getInputStream()));<BR> targetDataLine.open(audioFormat,8000);<BR> targetDataLine.start();<BR> //sourceDataLine.open(audioFormat,44100);<BR> //sourceDataLine.start();<BR> double ratio=bufferle...
2009 Mar 30
Problem in S4 object displaying from within a Java application using JRI
public void rBusy(Rengine re, int which) {
System.out.println("rBusy(" + which + ")");
public String rReadConsole(Rengine re, String prompt, int addToHistory)
try {
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new
String s = br.readLine();
return (s == null || s.length() == 0) ? s : s + "\n";
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("jriReadConsole exception: " +
2005 Dec 02
ANN: acts_as_ferret
Hi all
This week I have worked with Rails and Ferret to test Ferrets (and Lucenes)
capabilities. I decided to make a mixin for ActiveRecord as it seemed the
simplest possible solution and I ended up making this into a plugin.
For more info on Ferret see:
The plugin is functional but could easily be refined. Anyway I want to share it
with you. Regard it as a
2005 Dec 02
ANN: acts_as_ferret
Hi all
This week I have worked with Rails and Ferret to test Ferrets (and Lucenes)
capabilities. I decided to make a mixin for ActiveRecord as it seemed the
simplest possible solution and I ended up making this into a plugin.
For more info on Ferret see:
The plugin is functional but could easily be refined. Anyway I want to share it
with you. Regard it as a
2006 Feb 20
Ruby + Apache Lucene using XMLRPC?
Please excuse me if this has been answered before.
Is there a "how-to" guide or a walkthrough on integrating Lucene with ROR via XMLRPC?
I got Ferret to work but I am worried that it''s not going to be as scalable.
I highly appreciate your assistance.
Relax. Yahoo! Mail virus