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Displaying 17 results from an estimated 17 matches for "brynary".

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2007 Nov 29
Webrat 0.1.0 released - Ruby Acceptance Testing for Web applications
...Patches welcome. :) ) Code is available at: What do you think? -Bryan Here''s the README: ----------------------------------------------------------- = Webrat - Ruby Acceptance Testing for Web applications by Bryan Helmkamp <bryan at> and Seth Fitzsimmons <seth at>. Initial development sponsored by EastMedia ( == DESCRIPTION: Webrat lets you quickly write robust and thorough acceptance tests for a Ruby web application. By leveraging the DOM, it can run tests similarly to an...
2007 Apr 07
Integration Specs On Rails
Now that RSpec is nearing 1 dot oh, are there any plans to implement an integration testing equivalent in RSpec On Rails?
2008 May 13
user stories for load testing?
Hi all, We''ve recently been kicking around different ideas for simulating user behaviour for the purposes of load testing our backend. We hit on the idea of having user stories do double duty for both verifying behaviour and (if selected stories were driven en-masse by a distributed network of clients) for application load testing. I googled around a bit and didn''t find
2009 Feb 04
Can cucumber/webrat set a value on a hidden field
...eld) is added to a group. I assume I can?t use the auto_complete ajax calls from within Cucumber. But I wondered if I could make a step that would update the value of the hidden field (as if I had selected the user from the auto_complete field). According to this documentation ( there should be a set_hidden_field method. But the method no longer appears to be in the webrat/core/scope.rb file Based on the above documentation the method should be # File lib/webrat/core/scope.rb, line 53 def set_hidden_field(field_locator, op...
2008 Dec 02
Using Cucumber with latest Webrat
I added cucumber to my rails project using the following commands: git submodule add git:// \ vendor/plugins/cucumber ruby script/generate cucumber git submodule add git:// \ vendor/plugins/webrat git submodule add git:// \ vendor/plugins/rspec git submodule add git:// \ vendor/plugins/rspec-rails script/generate rspec I create a feature that used steps that included visits. I got th...
2009 Sep 22
rspec-rails and rack middleware
It doesn''t seem like my controller specs are calling my middleware on requests. Has anyone figured out a good way to test middlware with rspec? I''m thinking something like rails'' rails/actionpack/test/controller/session/mem_cache_store_test.rb but with rspec... any thoughts? Thanks! Best, Aaron -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
2008 May 14
Reuse steps like a method call
...ot;a user named $username" do |username| .... end Is there a way to call it from another step? For example: Given "a user named $username with a blog post |username| given_a_user_named(username) # calls existing step code # create a blog post end Cheers, -- Bryan Helmkamp -- My blog
2008 Jun 09
Selenium/Watir usage along side Webrat in story testing
This is related to Selenium/Watir usage along side webrat in story testing. MHS_Testing and Rspec-ui provide some great help for testing through frameworks like Selenium/Watir. But there is something missing, Webrat has changed the landscape somewhat with Acceptance Tests/Story Driven development. Now I have a choice: 1. Tests and rails process run as one test process (Webrat) 2. Use
2008 May 11
Are you writing "imperative" or "declarative" scenarios in your stories?
Hey all, I just found Bryan Helmkamp''s (of webrat fame) slides on a presentation he did at GoRuCo 2008: On slides 21-24 he talks about writing good stories and shows gives two examples.. the way not to do it and the way to do it. You can also see the video of the presentation at confreaks ( -- ju...
2010 Mar 01
stubbing CAPTCHA to pass Cucumber scenario
...ValidatesCaptcha module ModelValidation module InstanceMethods private def validate_captcha # doing nothing means passing end end end end I''ve read these posts but still don''t get where should I put stubbing code, should I call stub! method and if so, of which object? -- Posted via -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups &qu...
2009 Feb 05
[Cucumber] Progress Bar
Inspired by Nick Evans'' RSpec progress bar[1], I had a little crack at implementing the progress bar for cucumber, ''cause I want to know how long a break I can take while the features are running :) It''s in my fork, in the coverage_formatter branch: It will dump failing feature, scenario, step and the exception as
2009 Apr 29
Cucumber/Webrat/Selenium + SSL?
...on how to set up a Firefox profile containing the exception and force Selenium to use it: But that won''t work when using Cucumber/Webrat, because as far as I can tell from the Webrat Selenium docs. Webrat will "automatically start the Selenium Java server process and an instance of Mongrel when a test is run". So there is no way that I can see to force Webrat to launch the Selenium server process with the custom Firefox profile. So I...
2008 Sep 29
rspec-ui overlap with cucumber?
Hi! I''m using cucumber + selenium and I love it. However I''m looking to add some methods (example: click_and_wait etc) to the lib. Therefore looked around a bit and I got two questions: Firstly about rspec-ui, I''m a little confused, does rspec-ui overlap with its propose with webrat with cucumber or I''m missing a point? Secondly, are there any plans to
2007 Oct 18
spec:models depends on development db:migration
For those interested .... rake spec:models seems to clone the test database from development. If your dev db is empty, the models task fails mysteriously. Anyway, to make sure your dev db is at the current migration version, I added this dependency in lib/tasks task ''spec:models'' => ''db:migrate'' Now the dev db is migrated up with each test pass. Keith
2007 Dec 29
./script/story command
...And that will override the default behavior. I''m posting this because I hope it might be of immediate use to others using plain text stories right now, and also because I would like to consider possibilities for getting this functionality into RSpec core. WDYT? -- Bryan Helmkamp -- My blog ----------------------------------------------- #!/usr/bin/env ruby class StoryCommand ROOT_PATH = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/..") STORIES_PATH = "#{ROOT_PATH}/stories/scenarios" STEP_MATCHERS_PATH = "#{ROOT_PATH}/stories/s...
2009 May 04
cucumber - when to stub/mock
I''m just curious about this, since my solution involved stubbing a call to GeoIp. Is there a good rule of thumb for when you make exceptions to the ''no stubbing'' philosophy of Cucumber? My step was: "Given I am accessing the site from Japan," but I can think of other situations - mostly when interacting with web services, that I''d probably
2007 Dec 20
Story runner rake task
What''s the status on a rake task for the story runner. If nothing is in progress, where could I start to try and build one? JD