Displaying 20 results from an estimated 22 matches for "brittani".
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2004 May 13
code for functions in base package
Is there any way that I can see the step by step code for functions in
the base package? For instance the dexp function. I am a student
working on writing my own function for something that is similar to
this dexp function and I would like to see the step by step code.
Brittany Laine
GTA WVU Statistics Department
331 Hodges
2010 Apr 24
help please: predict error code
I am trying to calculate predicted values derived from one dataset into a hypothetical dataset. I tried this line of code:
graphdata$fmgpredvalues <- predict(Acs250.3.4, graphdata)
and received the following error message:
ERROR: ZXend[1], drop = FALSE] %*%lmeFit$beta
I have made sure all variable names are the same between the two datasets and all factors are appropriately
2015 Jan 09
Design changes are done in Fedora
On Thu, 2015-01-08 at 09:35 -0700, Warren Young wrote:
> Once a thing becomes reliable, it stops being technology.
Oh No. Just because something works well it does not stop being
"technology" unless the USA people, who have decimated my language
(English), have a new definition for "technology".
Warren are you serious that things that do not work well are
2009 Oct 29
The 'subset matching' challenge
Dear all,
The following problem just has been submitted to me by an accountant.
In his new job, he has to close some old accounts. He has yearly
amounts, and a list of products that have been bought over the years, at
certain prices for which he has an exhaustive record. The problem is: He
does not know what product was bought this or that year (don't ask). He
does not want to find back
2013 Jan 23
New Book: Statistical Psychology with R [in French]
Dear useRs,
French reading people among you might be interested by the following book:
Noel, Y. (2013). Psychologie statistique avec R [Statistical psychology
with R, in French], coll. PratiqueR, Paris: Springer.
This book provides a detailed presentation of all basics of statistical
inference for psychologists, both in a fisherian
2010 Aug 13
Lattice: Superimposing histograms with different colors and transparency effects
Dear users,
I would like to plot several histograms superimposed on the same panel
with different colors, with superimposed polygons appearing with
transparency effects. I also want estimated densities to appear on the
same plot. For several reasons, including that I like it, I want to use
the lattice package.
I have several questions regarding the use of the 'histogram' function
with a
2010 Sep 14
Object oriented programming in R.
Hello everyone.
I would like to create many objects with R. Does R support objects?
The number of objects needed is not predetermined and it is a parameter
specified by the user.
If the user selects to create many objects like 100, would it be possible to
handle each one by some index?
I would like to thank you in advance for your help.
Best Regards
[[alternative HTML version
2009 Aug 23
lme function problem
I am fairly new to R and having a problem with the lme command. I have searched on forums, read the Fox 2002 chapter, and R help, but the suggestions that I have tried have not helped me.
My data file is called Acsdata.
This is my script:
Acsdata.1 <- lme(Acsdata$gsi ~ Acsdata$asitotal + Acsdata$famstrto + as.factor(Acsdata$GEN) + Acsdata$asxfs + Acsdata$asxpar + Acsdata$asxgp +
2011 Oct 11
New package announcement: R2STATS, a GUI for fitting GLM and GLMM
Dear R-users,
I wanted to inform you that a new package called R2STATS is available,
as a graphical front-end for the glm() and glmer() functions.
The GUI is based on the RGTk2 and gWidgets packages by Michael Lawrence
and John Verzani, and so requires that the GTK+ library be installed
first on your system. This is done "automagically" when installing the
RGtk2 package (or the
2012 Feb 20
> I am struggling to install GTK+ for Windows 7. RGtk2 needs this
> package to load. Does anybody know of a installation file that works?
GTK+ is automatically installed when you install the RGtk2 package
(you'll be asked about it during installation). As of R-2.14.1, it is
installed under the R tree, so if you had write access when installing R
itself, you should have no
2011 Sep 01
Hysteresis modeling and simulation
Can anyone suggest a package or code for modeling a hysteresis process in R?
I'm currently modeling a certain dataset with a GAM using mgcv, something
gam(y~ s(x, by=z) + z, family = Gamma(link=log),data=data)
and getting fits with about 9 estimated degrees of freedom in the smooth for
each value of z. FWIW, z is a treatment applied to a system which should
have made an improvement,
2012 Jan 19
Bayesian data analysis recommendations
Dear all,
I am trying to learn Bayesian inference and Bayesian data analysis, I
am new in the field. Would any experts on the list recommend any good
sites or materials for beginners?
My approach is to learn and understand the theory first, then program
on my own using R, though I see there are already packages.
appreciate any help, thanks in advance!
2011 Nov 26
I'm an SPSS user trying to make the transition to R.
Can someone help me translate the following SPSS code into R?:
GLM Total_tp1 Total_tp2 WITH Age Sex
/WSFACTOR=Time 2 Repeated
/DESIGN= Age Sex Age*Sex.
Also. can anyone recommend any resources to help SPSS users learn to things in R?
[[alternative HTML
2012 Jan 03
An R interface to Model Building
Hello all,
To anyone who is interested, I'm trying to learn a bit more about
developing applications in R with user interfaces. I've been playing
around with gWidgets to develop a model building interface.
I'd appreciate any comments, suggestions, or guidance on how to better
structure my R code and organize the programming task. In addition,
any suggestions for features and
2008 Jun 09
Comparing two groups of proportions
I have a seemingly common problem but I can't find a proper way to approach
it. Let's say we have 5 samples (different size) of IC circuits coming from 5
production lines (A, B, C, D, E). We apply two different non-destructive QA
procedures to each sample, producing to sets of binary outcomes (passed:
no/yes). So, we have two groups of proportions:
no/yes no/yes
2011 Nov 23
SPSS F-test on change in R square between hierarchical models
I am wondering if anyone knows how to perform an F-test on the change in R
square between hierarchical models in R? SPSS provides this information and
a researcher that I am working with is interested in getting this
information. Alternatively, if someone knows how I can calculate the test
statistic (SPSS calls it F-change?) and dfs that would be helpful as well.
The output and the test I am
2010 Apr 09
How to run Shapiro-Wilk test for each grouped variable?
I want to run Shapiro-Wilk test for each variable in my dataset, each
grouped by variable groupFactor.
I have these working commands:
> data.n<-names(data) # put names into a vector called data.n
> by(eval(parse(text=(paste("data",data.n[3],sep="$")))), data$factor, shapiro.test) #run shapiro.test
but I must to change the variable number manualy. How to automate
2011 Nov 28
window manager interface commands for linux
How can i replicate this in Linux:
I've tried source(tkgetOpenFile()) but with no luck
2012 Mar 12
Idea/package to "linearize a curve" along the diagonal?
I am trying to normalize some data. First I fitted a principal curve
(using the LCPM package), but now I would like to apply a
transformation so that the curve becomes a "straight diagonal line" on
the plot. The data used to fit the curve would then be normalized by
applying the same transformation to it.
A simple solution could be to apply translations only (e.g., as done
after a
2008 May 04
Ancova_non-normality of errors
Hello Helpers,
I have some problems with fitting the model for my data...
-->my Literatur says (crawley testbook)=
Non-normality of errors-->I get a banana shape Q-Q plot with opening
of banana downwards
Structure of data:
origin wt pes gender
1 wild 5.35 147.0 male
2 wild 5.90 148.0 male
3 wild 6.00 156.0 male
4 wild 7.50 157.0 male
5 wild 5.90