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2008 May 16
Taking little break from wine-users
Whew. I have to take a breather for a week or two from the wine-users traffic. See you all when my hands are less sore...
2008 Sep 29
[LLVMdev] Unwinds Gone Wild
I guess Duncan's answer in this thread is the best answer to give: <<Once that [The exception handling stuff needed by llvm-gcc] was done I guess everyone took a breather and kind of forgot about unwind>> So yes, ultimately, unwind will be supported and clang/llvm should provide its own unwinding runtime. Patches welcome :) Cheers, Nicolas OvermindDL1 wrote: > On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 1:50 AM, Duncan Sands <baldrick at> wrote: > >...
2007 Aug 02
new CentOS 5 as DNS server
Hi folks, As a breather from the "thread-now-wider-than-my-headers-window-in-thunderbird" conversation re: mixing repos, I have a question regarding a machine I'm about to put online. :) I run a web hosting company and my secondary (primary to the world) DNS box died from a massive rootkit/hack last night....
2008 Sep 29
[LLVMdev] Unwinds Gone Wild
On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 1:50 AM, Duncan Sands <baldrick at> wrote: > /* snip */ Just for another voice in here. 'unwind' and its kin would also be useful for me, especially since this is on platforms without GCC (nor is GCC used in any way in any step anywhere). Why does it generate GCC only constructs anyway, that does not sound very much like the multi-platform that
2008 Sep 26
[LLVMdev] Unwinds Gone Wild's > recognised as a block terminator, and therefore it allows successful > compilation even when not followed by a ret instruction, where an empty > statement would not). The exception handling stuff needed by llvm-gcc is fully supported. Once that was done I guess everyone took a breather and kind of forgot about unwind :) I agree that it would be better to have the code generators abort if they see an unwind. > In the mean time, can anyone suggest a fix for Marc's dummy example which > works in the current version of LLVM (even if it's platform specific)? You curren...
2004 Aug 29
Mix Data and SIP Phones
I?m looking to install a couple of SIP phones into a small/medium company. The easiest way would be to simply add the phones on the LAN network. But what would happened if someone make a huge file transfer: will it make trouble on the Sip connections ? I think so, that?s why I?m asking you if there is a good (better) way? Maybe connect SIP phones on a separate network and setup a linux box as
2004 May 31
barplot() behavior changes under 1.9.1 Alpha
Greetings all, It would appear that some default behavior changes for barplot() have been introduced into Version 1.9.1 alpha (2004-05-30). One change is in the specification of the default 'col' argument, which is now: col: a vector of colors for the bars or bar components. By default, grey is used if height is a vector, and heat.colors(nrow(height)) if height is a matrix.
2008 Sep 26
[LLVMdev] Unwinds Gone Wild
Marc de Kruijf wrote: > > Can anyone tell me if invoke/unwind is stable in 2.3? I'm seeing some > really weird stuff -- unwinds are ending up in seemingly arbitrary > places... > definitely not inside the caller's unwind block My target is x86. > > As a simple test, I tried to compile the following code and I got a > segmentation fault. It looks good to me.
2008 Jul 31
[LLVMdev] Unwinds Gone Wild
Can anyone tell me if invoke/unwind is stable in 2.3? I'm seeing some really weird stuff -- unwinds are ending up in seemingly arbitrary places... definitely not inside the caller's unwind block My target is x86. As a simple test, I tried to compile the following code and I got a segmentation fault. It looks good to me. Can someone help me out or is this a bug? define i32 @foo() {
2003 Mar 25
Re: Bar plot with variable width (down a drill hole) - now missing intervals?
Hi again, Thanks Ted and Marc its works. But of course after pulling in in some real life data I discoverd one hitch. Often there are missing intervals. For example: from <- c(0, 1.2, 4.0, 4.2, 5.0, 25.0, 30.1, 45) to <- c(1.2, 4.0, 4.2, 5.0, 25, 30.1, 36.2, 50) intensity <- c(0, 1, 3, 2, 1, 0, 2, 5) barplot(intensity, width = -(to - from), space = 0, horiz = TRUE, ylim =
2007 Nov 05
Mongrel and memory usage
Hello, I''m running a Rails application which must sort and manipulate a lot of data which are loaded in memory. The Rails app runs on 2 mongrel processes. When I first load the app, both are 32Mb in memory. After some days, both are between 200Mb and 300Mb. My question is : is there some kind of garbage collector in Mongrel? I never see the two Mongrel processes memory footprint
2010 Nov 23
ashift and vdevs
zdb -C shows an shift value on each vdev in my pool, I was just wondering if it is vdev specific, or pool wide. Google didn''t seem to know. I''m considering a mixed pool with some "advanced format" (4KB sector) drives, and some normal 512B sector drives, and was wondering if the ashift can be set per vdev, or only per pool. Theoretically, this would save me some size on