search for: boundry

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 54 matches for "boundry".

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2007 Feb 08
Diffrerence in "%in%" function to boundry setting via <>
....254 > class(ps[249]) [1] "numeric" > ps[249] %in% -0.254 [1] TRUE OK! Can sombody explain to me what is happening here? Honestly? I don't understand where the difference but it's critical! Because obviuosly when I have a set of numeric values (ALL have three digits) and to boundry values lb/up, a lower and an upper boundry, I could (from what I thought until now) chosse between: Version1: > small.set <- set[set %in% seq(lb,up,by=0.001)] Version2: > small.set <- set[set >= lb & set <= up] Unfortunately with my data I used I got around 8000 values from...
2004 Mar 15
R equiv to proc gremove in maps package
Is there an R equivalent to SAS's proc gremove? You would use this procedure to combine the units on an existing map, for example to build a map of Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) from the [US] counties dataset where the internal boundries surround the MSAs (which are groups of counties) rather than the individual counties. I can imagine the mechanism would be to find and erase the
2003 Nov 05
Extracting sample count from a Vorbis packet
I was wondering if there was a way to determine the number of samples in a Vorbis packet without having to decode the whole thing? The reason I'm asking this is because I'm thinking about implementing the current Vorbis RTP draft for Helix. The problem is that the Ogg pages only contain a single timestamp. If I want to split up the Vorbis packets on different boundries than the Ogg
2002 Dec 06
[LLVMdev] DSNode Question
LLVM, I am trying to equate two dsnodes across call boundries. On the Caller side we have an operand of form: sbyte * getelementptr ([20 x sbyte]* %.LC0, long 0, long 0) using getNodeForValue() yields a NULL pointer. On the Callee, the parameter is of form: sbyte * S and getNodeForValue works fine. Is there something special that must be done to access DNodes accessed using GEP? Thanks,
2006 Oct 23
how to watch kmem_init() during boot time
Hi, Following "anonymous tracing" chapter, I wanna trace kmem_init(), but after reboot, I can''t get anything, why? Here is my short script kmem_init.d: #!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s fbt::kmem_init:entry { stack(); } then I just use: #dtrace -AFs kmem_init.d #reboot #dtrace -ae < got nothing here> Thanks, -Alex This message posted from
2008 Nov 26
ZPool and Filesystem Sizing - Best Practices?
...practices guide here: Pointers to additional info are most welcome! 1. Do these kinds of self-imposed limitations make any sense in a zfs world? 2. What is the ''logical corruption boundry'' for a zfs system - the filesystem or the zpool? 3. Are there scenarios apart from latency sensitive applications (e.g. Oracle logs) that warrant separate zpools? One of our first uses for our shiney new server is to hold about 5TB of data which logically belongs on one share/mount, b...
2008 Jun 19
Sure, it's a newbie thing, but I'm willing to be at least ONE person has been bit by this....
Hi All, I have a Samba system I fire up once in a blue moon for testing, and had a bit of a minor heart attack when it "suddenly" stopped letting me access shares as anyone other than root. Security is set to "user" since it's not a domain member server. My office requires that passwords get changed every 90 days, and the last time I accessed the server was on the
2006 Jan 05
Re: sigsegv in _mm_load_ups (linux/gcc 3.x)
That's definitely strange and I've never encountered that. Normally, the only way for _mm_load_ups to generate a segfault is for the input to be invalid memory, in which case the C version should crash too. I suspect the compiler (or something else) may be hiding the real problem. Can you get a debugger and see exactly what assembly statement is causing the crash and what the operands are?
2006 Jan 06
Re: sigsegv in _mm_load_ups (linux/gcc 3.x)
> I've seen the exact same in my version (mingw on win32), and the problem > was that the stack was misaligned when entering the function, so the temp > registers weren't at 16-byte boundries. That's a possibility. It's easy to check by printing the address of the variables. I know that gcc 3.3 had some alignment issues with _m128 that were supposed to be fixed in
2004 Aug 19
2 and SpandDSP
Does anybody know what happened to the website? I can't get into the home page or the ftp site.
2002 Feb 21
using smbadduser non-interactively
Hello All, Could someone please tell me if there is a was to use smbadduser in a non-interactive mode and just allow you to enter all of the particular user information on the command line? I need to set up a small script that will automate adding users to the smbpasswd file so that they can login. Cheers, Lonnie -- Lonnie Cumberland OutStep Technologies Incorporated EMAIL:
2012 Apr 04
Hi, Why does not point to say this for example: The latter is more comprehensive. The links that contains all have "upstream" labels on the reading material, so I'm guessing the trademark boundries are not being crossed. Regards, Paul (Crunch)
2003 Jul 30
Number of components in a mixture model
...on't know how many components there are in the model in advance. Is there any established method to determine the number of components from a set of data? I'm aware that the usual likelihood ratio test is not appropriate in this case due to the possibility that the ML could occur at the boundry of the parameter space. Secondly, the example in MASS uses a Q-Q plot to informally assess GOF. I was wondering if there are some more formal statistical tests for this purpose. I appologise for asking questions that are slightly out-of-topic. Many thanks. Kevin
2002 Feb 21
How to connect across the Internet
Hello All, Well my Samba server is up and running good, but I am now needing to be able to let some of my users connect to our server who is not located on our local network. Actually they are located some distance away and I would like to be able to allow then to connect. Has anyone had any success with this and how it might be done? Best Regards, Lonnie -- Lonnie Cumberland OutStep
2011 Oct 27
[LLVMdev] stack alignment and backend aligned to 8 bytes but the stack pointer is only 4 byte aligned. I see that the offsets of the frame index is being aligned to the proper 8 byte alignment but generated code seems to assume the stack pointer is 8 byte aligned - I don't see any code to force the alignment to the 8 byte boundry. I seem to be missing some step in the backend to maintain the alignment. Am I missing something when I'm eliminating the frame indices? Is the stack pointer supposed to get adjusted to the higher alignment in the prologue? Is the i64 store (which is aligned to 8 bytes) supposed to trunc...
2006 May 31
Help enhancing acts_as_nested_set
...rrectly if one of its # elements gets deleted. # module ClassMethods # Configuration options are: # # * +parent_column+ - specifies the column name to use for keeping the position integer (default: parent_id) # * +left_column+ - column name for left boundry data, default "lft" # * +right_column+ - column name for right boundry data, default "rgt" def acts_as_nested_set(options = {}) configuration = { :parent_column => "parent_id", :left_column => "lft", :right_column => "r...
2019 Jul 21
[Bug 1355] New: Error parsing JSON config via a pipe to subprocess's stdin
...rsions: 4.15.0 (Ubuntu 16.04.1), 4.14.120 (custom distro)​ I'm fork-exec'ing "nft -f /dev/stdin", passing the configuration string via a pipe from the parent process. When the configuration string gets larger than 8192 characters, the parser appears to get corrupted at the 8 KiB boundry. (I've also seen it at the 16 KiB boundary, too.) This behavior doesn't happen if I pipe the same configuration in from a shell: "nft -f /dev/stdin <ruleset.txt" works fine. I've attached a C++ source file that demonstrates the problem. The configuration string was care...
2006 Apr 08
Calling validates_inclusion_of out of default namespace
Hi, I''m trying to run the "validates_inclusion_of" method in a before_save hook, because the range is dependant on the related data. But I can''t figure out how to call it. When calling it normally, it says it can''t find it. I''ve tried several combinations like "ActiveRecord::Validations.validates_inclusion_of", but I can''t seem to
2004 Aug 06
Auto Archiving function for Icecast.
Hello: Does anyone know how to set up auto-archiving with icecast. I have an encoder coming in with a radio station. I want to create hourly mp3 archives of their streams that are coming to my icecast server. Got any ideas? Raymond <p>--- >8 ---- List archives: icecast project homepage: To unsubscribe from this list, send a message
2006 Mar 27
splitting vorbis files
Greetings The Unix application 'wavsilence' is a program that takes a WAV file with gaps of silence and creates smaller WAV files, containing the data between the gaps. ( ) Is there a similar program for ogg vorbis? How difficult would it be to write such a program? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The usage