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2005 Nov 01
Unexpected result from binary greater than operator
Hi All, I recently encountered results that I did not expect, exhibited by the following code snippet: test <- function() { minX <- 4.2 min0 <- 4.1 sigmaG <- 0.1 Diff <- minX-min0 print(c(Diff=Diff,sigmaG=sigmaG)) cat("is Diff > sigmaG?:", Diff > sigmaG,"\n") cat("is (4.2 - 4.1) > 0.1?:",(4.2 - 4.1) >
2002 Sep 26
split.screen problem (PR#2069)
Full_Name: Chris Bodily Version: 1.5.1 OS: W2K Submission from: (NULL) ( I took the following code directly from the 'split.screen' help page in R and modified one line to highlight the problem I encountered. Basically, it appears that when plotting in split screens and attempting to return to a particular screen to add or update points, the axes from the original plot are
2004 Dec 09
re: fonts - newbie squared now keyboard
Well, fonts look (usually) nice on my main machine, but still dragged out when I ssh from my laptop. Big thanks for the help. I'm currently trying to learn how to install into my fake windows directory. I moved one app in bodily (so what happened to them install files) and it seems to work fine, with hardly any more annoying problems than in windows. But... Does anyone have experience
2002 Sep 30
split.screen problem
It appears that when plotting in split screens, R does not remember the range of the axes in the plots. For example, split the screen and create a plot in screen(1), say 'plot(1:10,1:10)'. Then switch from screen(1) to screen(2) and create another plot. Now switching back to screen(1) and attempting to add points with the 'points' command causes the points to plot incorrectly.
2003 Jan 14
Broken pipes
Using Samba 2.2.7a on FreeBSD 4.7-STABLE. #uname -a FreeBSD 4.7-STABLE FreeBSD 4.7-STABLE #0: Mon Dec 16 19:41:03 EST 2002 i386 All day long, constantly, I get the following messages in syslog: Jan 14 13:37:55 fileserver1 smbd[57969]: [2003/01/14 13:37:55, 0]
2002 Feb 23
"Out of memory" install error message
Hi folks, I've been trying to install a legacy 16-bit Windows app called Expensable, published about 7 years ago by Intuit. Over the years I've run it natively, under Win-OS/2, and under Wine with a native Windows partition. Never a problem. Now that I've removed the Windows partition from my Linux box, I've set up Wine to work with fake Windows. The installation is fine, and
2006 Jun 04
Absolutize URLs in a string
I wonder - do we have some helper/processor/gem to automatically convert all URLs in a passed string to their canonical equivalent - i.e. with the protocol, host and such prepended based on the Rails environment. Super-duper infty for RSS feeds (I hate their requirement for canonical URLs everywhere). -- Julian ''Julik'' Tarkhanov please send all personal mail to me at