Displaying 7 results from an estimated 7 matches for "blue4".
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2005 Jul 27
Asymmetric colors for heatmap
> Dear expeRts,
> Currently, my colors are as follows:
> mycol <-
> c("blue1","blue2","blue3","blue4","black","yellow4","yellow3","yellow2","y
> ellow1")
> heatmap(snp, Rowv=NA, Colv=NA, col=mycol)
> However, I would like to have the following colors:
> bright blue -> dark blue: for intensity range from 0 to 2 in steps of...
2009 Jan 19
Error while adding legends to xyplot
...Meta file than any other
Below furnished is the R Code that I have used for the same.
CorrCoeff <- 0
Corr <- cor.test(FCV, FCV_Fitted)
CorrCoeff <- as.numeric(round(Corr$estimate,4))
myPlot <- xyplot(FCV + FCV_Fitted ~ Year, data=Tobacco,
col=c("orange","blue4"), freq=TRUE,
main="FCV Tobacco Production & Forecasted Figures Over The Years
: India", font=2, type="b",
auto.key = list (type = "", points=F, lines = F, border = F,
text = c("Observed Production Figures", "Fitted Va...
2009 Feb 05
Unexpected mfrow, layout behavior (pdf still has multiple pages)
...lot(left$x, left$LDR, bty="n", ann=FALSE, xlim=c(-1500, 1000),
ylim=c(1.0, 1.5))
abline(v=0, col=gray(.90))
lines(left$x, left$LDR, col="green4", lty="solid")
points(left$x, left$LDR, bg="limegreen", pch=21)
lines(right$x, right$LDR, col="blue4", lty="dashed")
points(right$x, right$LDR, bg="blue", pch=21)
#title(main="LDR", xlab="Distance (um)", ylab="LDR",
col.main="black", col.lab=gray(.4), cex.main=1.2, cex.lab=1.0,
font.main=4, font.lab=3)
platform i3...
2009 Oct 12
function: ploting an igraph object within lattice
######generates the igraph plot
LG<-graph.data.frame(LE, directed=F)
plot(LG, vertex.size=4, vertex.label=NA, vertex.color="red",
vertex.shape="square", edge.color="blue4")
xyplot.igraph <- function(plot.igraph, ...) {
dat <- graph.data.frame(x = object, directed=FALSE)
prepanel.igraph <- function(x, axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="", add=FALSE,
2007 Aug 15
Dovecot deliver + sieve + postfix virtual + mysql ?
...vmail/domains/support.etnetera.cz/support/.dovecot.sieve -lha
-rw-r--r-- 1 vmail vmail 957 Aug 15
13:30 /srv/vmail/domains/support.etnetera.cz/support/.dovecot.sieve
i think there should be some specific settings for the cmusieve plugin, but i
didnt find much docs about that
thx for any help ;]
blue4 :p
2000 Feb 29
mapping of colornames into hsv: half way done
"black", "#000000",
"blanchedalmond", "#FFEBCD",
"blue", "#0000FF",
"blue1", "#0000FF",
"blue2", "#0000EE",
"blue3", "#0000CD",
"blue4", "#00008B",
"blueviolet", "#8A2BE2",
"brown", "#A52A2A",
"brown1", "#FF4040",
"brown2", "#EE3B3B",
"brown3", "#CD3333",
"brown4", "#8B2323...
2005 Jun 24
R demos
Hi All,
I am currently preparing some form of slideshow introducing R and its
capabilities for some colleagues. The thing will be about 30 mins, and
I'd like to have some "pretty pictures" and some "amazing facts" (I'm
trying to sell, obviously :)).
Can I ask if it's possible to easily retrieve a gross figure of the
number of functions in R considering the