search for: blake2b512

Displaying 3 results from an estimated 3 matches for "blake2b512".

2020 Mar 05
How does tinc handle "unknown cipher"?
Hi, So my Debian machines are all using the follow cipher + digest: Cipher = chacha20-poly1305 Digest = blake2b512 However my OpenWRT router does not have chacha20-poly1305 and blake2b512 in its SSL library, so it uses the following: Cipher = aes-128-cbc Digest = sha512 I am a bit surprised that the router's tinc manages to talk to Debian's tinc, when I set a cipher suite that the router's SSL li...
2020 Apr 04
how to pick cipher for AES-NI enabled AMD GX-412TC SOC tincd at 100% CPU
...rsa rsautl s_client s_server s_time sess_id smime speed spkac srp storeutl ts verify version x509 Message Digest commands (see the `dgst' command for more details) blake2b512 blake2s256 gost md4 md5 rmd160 sha1 sha224 sha256 sha3-224 sha3-256 sha3-384 sha3-512 sha384 sha512 sha512-224 sha512-256 shake128 shake256 sm3 Ciph...
2020 Apr 04
how to pick cipher for AES-NI enabled AMD GX-412TC SOC tincd at 100% CPU
Hello everybody, Thank you Fufu Fang for your quick reply: With tinc version 1.0.35 and the bellow options at 100% CPu load i get about 10 MB/s... PMTU = 1400 PMTUDiscovery = yes #Cipher = none Cipher = chacha20-poly1305 Digest = blake2b512 Tried Cipher = none as well and also got 10MB/s with 100% CPU on one thread the other three available threads are idle. With inc_1.1~pre17-1.1_amd64.deb and libssl1.1:amd64 1.1.1d-0+deb10u2 I get the following error: Apr 04 19:03:19 officelink01 tincd[522]: Error while decrypting: error:060A7...