search for: birth_date

Displaying 12 results from an estimated 12 matches for "birth_date".

2012 Feb 01
date validation in rails 3
consider scenario, User model with name, birth_date fields (here birth_date is not mandatory field) inside view form birth_date is assigned as ''31/31/1985'' which is invalid ideally user object should be invalid and while save raise an error on birth_date field but that''s not happening and user object gets saved with birt...
2011 Mar 21
Trouble with simple R list concatenations
PROBLEM How can I concatenate the following lists into ONE LIST WITHOUT the unhelpful message "operator is invalid for atomic vectors"? Combine as a data frame? EXAMPLE Birth_Date <- NULL Birth_Date[1:3] <- c("01/17/1939","01/17/1949", "01/17/1959") Later_Date <- NULL Later_Date[1:3] <- c("01/17/2009", NA, NA) Names <- NULL Names[1:3] <- c("Martha Smith", "John Doe", "...
2006 Jan 14
accessing models from migrations
Ok, so now Users need to be associated with Organizations. I''ve created a migration and added a ''organization_id'' column to the users table. I want the default organization_id to be the first Organization. So I have :default => Organization.find(:first). But it''s complaining about not being able to find the constant ''Organization''. Any
2010 Nov 28
Dynamic find_by method returning nil in a class method
I have a user Model with a class method that I am using to do some authentication basically something like this class User < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessor :password attr_accessible :first_name, :last_name, :email, :birth_date, :sex, :password, :password_confirmation email_regex = /\A[\w+\-.]+@[a-z\d\-.]+\.[a-z]+\z/i validates :first_name, :presence => true, :length => { :maximum => 50 } validates :last_name, :presence => true,...
2007 Nov 03
Birthdate validation to read and agree with the Aykall Policies before signing in." validates_multiparameter_assignments :message => " is not a valid date." age_limit =,, => - 18) validates_numericality_of :birth_date, :less_than => age_limit, :message => "is invalid. You have to be at least 18 years old to sign in." end I''m getting the error message "undefined method `change'' for #<Date: 4908815/2,0,2299161>" but, honestly, I don''t know what else to tr...
2006 Jun 12
validates_associated -- explicitly setting collection?
...Parent < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :first_children, :dependent => true has_many :first_children, :dependent => true validates_associated :first_children validates_associated :second_children end class FirstChild < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :parent validates_format_of :birth_date, :with => /^\d{4}\/\d{2}\/\d{2}$/ end class SecondChild < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :parent validates_format_of :birth_date, :with => /^\d{4}\/\d{2}\/\d{2}$/ end The key bit here is the validation -- namely the validates_associated. If I collect hashes of data from a form for the...
2006 Apr 26
Best way to split forms into steps?
I have a form with about 30+ fields, which the client is wanting to separate into 3 pages/steps - just wondering what is the best way to go about this, specifically remembering data entered, from one page to another, and making sure the various bits of data are validated correclty, error messages outputted etc etc... is there a best practice method for doing this? -- Posted via
2007 Jun 24
I only want one type of model returned from a multi_search
...e numbers. I want to be able to search by any fields directly from the person model and search the fields from the email_address and phone_number models, but I only want to get back people. person has_many email_addresses has_many phone_numbers acts_as_ferret :fields => [:firstname, :lastname, :birth_date] email_address has_one person acts_as_ferret :fields => [:email_address] phone_number has_one person acts_as_ferret :fields => [:phone_number, :phone_type] multi_search(options[:query], ["EmailAddress", "PhoneNumber"], {:limit => :all}) Is this the right way of do...
2009 Jan 06
Different class for a data_select
Hi, I am using this syntax : f.date_select :birth_date, :class=>"test" I want to use a width different for the 3 select, but the class is not different for the three select. Is there a way to apply a different width ? thx --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the...
2010 May 05
Auto_complete with has_one association
...complete :user, :ville_name, { :size => 15 }, { :url => formatted_villes_path(:js), :method => :get, :param_name => ''search'' } %> Model: class User < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :email, :ville_id, :newsletters, :role, :gender, :first_name, :last_name, :birth_date serialize :newsletters has_one :ville GENDERS = %w(Homme Femme) ROLES = %w(Admin Business User) def full_name [@first_name, @last_name].join('' '') end def ville_name if ville end def ville_name=(name) self.ville = Ville.find_or_create_...
2006 Jan 22
calculate users age
i know it''s probably really simple, how do i work out someone''s age if i have their d.o.b. stored as a date in my db. cheers -- Posted via
2008 Apr 30
Beginner mysql problem
I am new to rails and have come across a problem with a sample application I was working on. When trying to use rake migrate I got the error listed below. my db file contains the following class ContactDb < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up create_table "people" do |t| t.column "id", :integer t.column "name",