search for: birdfire94

Displaying 12 results from an estimated 12 matches for "birdfire94".

2012 Dec 19
How to convert xts data into list
Hello, How can I convert Close colume of the below xts time series data into a list of Close values ? I'd like to plot Close values as a list. > head(zc) Close (10/15/12 09:00:00) 252.40 (10/15/12 09:01:00) 253.10 (10/15/12 09:02:00) 253.15 (10/15/12 09:03:00) 253.30 (10/15/12 09:04:00) 253.25 (10/15/12 09:05:00) 253.45 I tried the below command to plot it.
2012 Oct 15
trouble with extracting Date string from my data.
Hello, I have trouble with extracting Date string from my each row data. The date format I use is as the follows: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- Index,Open,High,Low,Close # header 2011-11-01 9:00:00 ,248.50,248.95,248.20,248.70 ... .... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- When I read
2012 Nov 25
I'd like to know more efficient method to verify the pre-packaged codes
Hello, I want to add some new functionalities in the package 'quantmod '. So I download source code and am managed to build it. I found that modifying code and check if it works by repeating the following steps: 1) r CMD check quantmod 2) r CMD build quantmod 3) r CMD INSTALL quantmod_0.3-17.tar.gz 4) launch R gui 5) library('quantmod') 6) run my script Let me know if there
2012 Dec 27
Regarding multiple axes in plots..
Hello, I'd like to draw 2 plots in one graph. Here is my code: plot(data_min1$macd,main="1 min MACD",type="l") lines(data_min1$macdsig,col="red") par(new=T) plot(data_min1$macdhist,type="h",main="") axis(4) par(new=F) It seems it works. But left axes of two graphs are over-drawn. Could you let me know how to fix it ?
2012 Dec 27
Help in using col in plot()..
Hello, I have problem with using color. plot(data_min1$macd,col='black',main="1 min MACD",type="l") lines(data_min1$macdsig,col="red") par(new=T) plot(data_min1$macdhist,col=data_min3$histcol,type="h",main="") axis(4,col='black') par(new=F) When I remove ",col=data_min3$histcol" in the 2nd plot()
2012 Dec 18
How to draw frequency domain plot with xts time series data
Hello, I'd like to convert the below time-series data with fft or wavelet related function and plot it. Could you let me know 1. How to convert xts data frame format to list format ? 2. How to plot fft or wavelet diagram ? Here is the data : > class(zc) [1] "xts" "zoo" > str(zc) An ‘xts’ object from (10/15/12 09:00:00) to (10/15/12 15:15:00)
2013 Feb 04
Help on conditional selection of data.frame data...
Hello, I have trouble with using data.frame data. 1. I loaded data using the following: ff <- read.table("E:/R/VM/matrix.txt", header=T) The data I used is attached. I want to use at least 2 conditions for selecting of data. But I failed. It works. -> fff <- ff[ff$HG == "GUEST",] ffff <- fff[fff$WR == "READ",] But it
2012 Nov 27
Books for fully understanding internal logics on some packages(quantmod, xts, zoo and chron)
Hello, I'm very interested in using financial time series data, but I'm a beginner of R programming. I'd like to fully understand internal logics on several time-series related packages such as quantmod, xts, zoo, chron, etc. So, I read some books, 'R Cookbook' and 'Art of R Programming' and another simple tutorials. But I still can't understand grammars of the
2012 Dec 02
How to calculate mean of every nth time series data with zoo or xts ?
Hello, I have 1-minute time series stock data and I'd like to calculate mean of every n-th candle data of m-days. result = c(mean of 1th data, mean of 2nd data, ...) mean of 1th data = (1th data of 2012-1-1 + 1th data of 2012-1-2 + 1th data of 2012-1-3) / 3 mean of 2nd data = (2nd data of 2012-1-1 + 2nd data of 2012-1-2 + 2nd data of 2012-1-3) / 3 ... Could you let me know the fastest
2012 Nov 27
Some questions about chron package..
Hello, I have questions while reviewing "chron" package(e.g.,chron.R). 1. What is the differences between 3 kinds of function definition ? 1) "name" <- function(... 2) 'name' <- function(... 3) name <- function(... Do you know Why author used various kinds of definitions ? Is there no functional differences between them ? 2. I
2012 Oct 14
Asking help about drawing and saving candle chart automatically....
Hello, I have trouble with saving and showing candlestick graph. I want to draw daily 1-minute candle chart per each day and save it repeatedly. The data I saved and is used in my code is as the following format: ----------------------------------------------------- Index,Open,High,Low,Close # header 2011-11-01 9:00:00 ,248.50,248.95,248.20,248.70 ... 2011-11-01 15:15:00
2012 Nov 29
How to use doSMP(revoIPC) with R 2.15.x version
Hello, I'd like to use package 'doSMP'. But I can only found source codes in the CRAN. I tried to build source code using 'r CMD build doSMP' in the source directory, the following error is shown: ERROR: dependencies 'foreach', 'iterators', 'revoIPC' are not available for pack age 'doSMP' So, i tried to install dependency packages. But I