Displaying 20 results from an estimated 63 matches for "biometrika".
2009 Feb 24
Box.test reference correction (PR#13554)
Full_Name: Peter Solymos
Version: 2.8.1
OS: Windows
Submission from: (NULL) (
The help page of the Box.test function (stats) states that the Ljung-Box test
was published in:
Ljung, G. M. and Box, G. E. P. (1978), On a measure of lack of fit in time
series models. Biometrika 65, 553--564.
The page numbers are incorrect. The correct citation should be as follows:
Ljung, G. M. and Box, G. E. P. (1978), On a measure of lack of fit in time
series models. Biometrika 65, 297--303.
2009 Apr 11
who happenly read these two paper Mohsen Pourahmadi (biometrika1999, 2000)
http://biomet.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/reprint/86/3/677 biometrika1999
http://biomet.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/reprint/94/4/1006 biometrika2000
Hi All:
I just want to try some luck.
I am currenly working on my project,one part of my project is to
reanalysis the kenward cattle data by using the method in Mohsen's paper,but
I found I really can get the same...
2003 Aug 27
how to calculate Rsquare
.... [mailto:chrysopa at insecta.ufv.br]
Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2003 10:04 AM
To: R-Help
Subject: Re: [R] how to calculate Rsquare
Can anybody send these articles for me?
> NagelKerke, N. J. D. (1991) "A note on a general definition of the
> coefficient of determination", Biometrika 78: 691-2.
> Cox, D. R. and Wermuth, N. (1992) "A comment on the coefficient of
> determination for binary responses", The American Statistician 46:
> 1-4.
Of ______course it's the murder weapon. Who would frame someone with a
2006 Oct 26
Measurements of 3000 criminals
Hallo everyone,
excuse me if this is not a genuine R question but I do not know where to
ask else.
Referring to e.g.
I wonder if these measurements of 3000 criminals (raw data) are
available anywhere. At least I didn't find them in the R datasets
package or by means of Google. What I did find was a table of
frequencies of
2006 Apr 07
Why is transform="km" the default for cox.zph?
To enhance my understanding, and that of my students, I have a question
about cox.zph in the survival package.
If I have correctly gleaned the high-level point from the 1994
Biometrika paper of Grambsch and Therneau, it looks to me like
cox.zph provides a mechanism to test for a simple trend in plots
of a function of time, g(t) versus the scaled schoenfeld
residuals and it also provides some built-in ones and the capability
to provide your own. It also appears to me that differe...
2015 Jun 25
Estimating overdispersion when using glm for count and binomial data
...illustrate the
benefits of using it for sparse data.
I am happy to give more details if needed.
David Fletcher
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Otago
New Zealand
D.J. Fletcher (2012) Estimating overdispersion when fitting a
generalized linear model to sparse data. Biometrika 99:230?237
2006 Feb 16
testing the significance of the variance components using lme
Hi R-users,
I am using lme to fit a linear mixed model with the nlme package,
does anyone know if it is possible to obtain standard error estimates of the variance components estimators and an adequate method to test the significance of the variance component?
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Jun 18
Method for selection bias with multinomial treatment
...s the best way to estimate the treatment effect?
I know that if the treatment is binary,I can use propensity score
matching using MatchIt package.But what about multinomial?
Maybe one way is the method proposed by Imbens,2000,The role of the
propensity score in estimating dose-response
functions,Biometrika,87:706-710.But I can't find any R function to
do the task.So I hope the lister can give me some suggestions.
Thank you in advance!
Department of Sociology
Fudan University
2010 Jun 07
Source of chickwts data
...iling list. My apologies if I'm
sending the question to the wrong mailing list.
(The r-packages list moderator suggested using the R-help list.)
My question is about the "chickwts" data in the datasets package.
According to help(chickwts), the source of the data is
?Anonymous (1948) Biometrika, 35, 214.
But this reference seems irrelevant.
(See http://www.jstor.org/stable/i315414.)
The help document also gives "McNeil, D. R. (1977) Interactive Data
Analysis. New York: Wiley" as a reference, but unfortunately my local
library does not keep the book. Could someone please help m...
2006 Mar 08
Degrees of freedom using Box.test()
...s of freedom should be "number-p-q" where p and q are the
number of estimated parameters (for instance, in a Box-Jenkins family of
models). This, according to the main source in documentation of Box.test:
G. M. Ljung and G. E. P. Box, On a measure of Lack of Fit in Time Series
Models, Biometrika, Vol. 65, No. 2 (August, 1978), pp. 297-303.
One can still compute the correct p-value with
(R 2.2.1 on Linux, Suse 9.3)
Nestor M. Arguea, Chair
Department of Marketing and Economics
University of West Florida
11000 University Parkway
Pensacola, FL 3251...
2009 Feb 11
Hollander's test of bivariate symmetry
Does anyone know if any R package has a function that will conduct
Hollander's test of bivariate symmetry?
(Hollander, Biometrika, 1971)
Either the exact test or an asymptotic version would be sufficient for my
Joe Boyer
Statistical Sciences
Renaissance Bldg 510, 3233-D
Mail Stop RN0320
cell: (610) 209-8531
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2018 Jul 23
Suggestion for updating `p.adjust` with new method (BKY 2006)
...ng a new method to `p.adjust` ("Adjust P-values for Multiple
This new method is published in Benjamini, Krieger, Yekutieli 2016 Adaptive
linear step-up procedures that control the false discovery rate
(Biometrika). https://doi.org/10.1093/biomet/93.3.491
This paper described multiple methods for adjusting p-values, where the "TST"
method (Definition 6) performed the best when test statistics are
positively correlated, per my interpretation. This method can be labeled as
"BKY", for the t...
2003 Oct 05
Jonckheere-Terpstra test
can anybody here explain what a Jonckheere-Terpstra test is and whether it is
implemented in R? I just know it's a non-parametric test, otherwise I've no
clue about it ;-( . Are there alternatives to this test?
thanks for help,
2007 Jan 19
integrate and quadratic forms
Hi all.
I'm trying to numerically invert the characteristic function
of a quadratic form following Imhof's (1961, Biometrika 48)
The parameters are:
I've implemented Imhof's procedure two ways that, for me,
should give the same answer:
#more legible
integral1 = function(u) {
o=(1/2)*sum(h*atan(lambda*u)+sigma^2*lambda*u/(1+lambda^2*u^2)) - q*u/2...
2007 Mar 29
Tail area of sum of Chi-square variables
Dear R experts,
I was wondering if there are any R functions that give the tail area
of a sum of chisquare distributions of the type:
a_1 X_1 + a_2 X_2
where a_1 and a_2 are constants and X_1 and X_2 are independent chi-square variables with different degrees of freedom.
"Feel free" - 5 GB Mailbox, 50 FreeSMS/Monat ...
2001 Nov 20
Time Series Event Count: Great Responses So Far!
...s some functions which appear very promising:
Thomas Lumley pointed out that instead of NB, one can get a
Poisson-Normal mixture out of this by changing the assumption on the
error term. He pointed me at some articles that are exactly on point
- Zeger (Biometrika 1988, pp621-629) gives an estimation procedure for a
time series count model that is based on a Poisson-Normal mixture.
- Something more or less similar is discussed by Davis et al (Biometrika
2000, p491-505)
And he to consider "sandwich estimators" (or similar) for longitudinal
data. H...
2008 Mar 17
generalized linear mixed models with a beta distribution [Sec=Unclassified]
...be fitted as a HGLM
(Hierarchical Generalized Linear Model)(Lee and Nelder, 1996, 2001) for
binomial data (i.e. considered binomial conditional on the random
effects). Only the GenStat package is set up to fit HGLMs (as far as I
know). (L & N, 1996, J.R.Statist.Soc B 58, 619-678; L & N 2001
Biometrika 88, 987-1006).
Hope this helps
Steve Candy
Australian Antarctic Division - Commonwealth of Australia
IMPORTANT: This transmission is intended for the addressee only. If you are not the
intended recipient, you...
2018 Oct 05
Bug : Autocorrelation in sample drawn from stats::rnorm (hmh)
...mentioned in the documentations of the functions !!
This is not a bug. You have simply rediscovered the finite-sample bias in the sample autocorrelation coefficient, known at least since
Kendall, M. G. (1954). Note on bias in the estimation of autocorrelation. Biometrika, 41(3-4), 403-404.
The bias is approximately -1/T, with T sample size, which explains why it seems to disappear in the larger sample sizes you consider.
2005 Apr 22
Hoaglin Outlier Method
...B., Tukey, J. W., Performance of Some Resistant
Rules for Outlier Labeling, Journal
of the American Statistical Association, Vol. 81, No. 396 (Dec., 1986), pp.
The ASTM E 178 reference is:
Shapiro, S. S., and Wilk, M. B., An Analysis of Variance Test for
Non-Normality (Complete Samples), Biometrika, BIOKA, Vol 52,
1965, pp. 591611.
Kenneth Ray Hobson, P.E.
Oklahoma DOT - QA & IAS Manager
200 N.E. 21st Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73105-3204
(405) 522-4985, (405) 522-0552 fax
2008 Aug 25
lmer4 and variable selection
Dear list,
I am currently working with a rather large data set on body temperature
regulation in wintering birds. My original model contains quite a few
dependent variables, but I do not (of course) wish to keep them all in my
final model. I've fitted the following model to the data: