search for: biodiversidade

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 29 matches for "biodiversidade".

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2024 Oct 10
Anuncio del paquete de R, paisaje, para el análisis del paisaje y la biodiversidad
Estimada comunidad de R, Les hago llegar el anuncio del paquete de R, paisaje, para el análisis del paisaje y la biodiversidad. El paquete está en desarrollo. Hasta ahora he incorporado estas funciones: *calculate_it_metrics*: Calculate 5 information theory landscape metrics *count_points_in_polygons*: Count Points within Polygons *create_cat_esa_10m*:
2024 Oct 10
Anuncio del paquete de R, paisaje, para el análisis del paisaje y la biodiversidad
Estimado Que bueno, pero no entiendo nada. Me parece muy bueno y me llama la curiosidad, observo nc = st_read <>(system.file <>("shape/nc.shp", package="sf?)) y no tengo ni idea que es el archivo .shp. ¿Podría usted colocar algún ejemplo, por ahí si no es complicado se
2016 Sep 07
tips para curso introductorio de R
Gracias chicos por sus opiniones y recomendaciones. Como dice Javier Rubén, justo lo que quiero es que los chicos aprendan bien los fundamentos de un lenguaje de programación orientado a objetos para que no solo copien el script de una librería, corran y ya. Quisiera que comprendieran los beneficios de R en términos de manipulación de sus bases de datos y optimización de procesos a través de los
2005 Aug 27
writing to a fixed format (fortran) file
Could anyone help with what should be a simple task? I have data as a fixed format (fortran) table. I have no trouble getting it into R using read.table. Each column is separated by a space, including the first column that begins with a space, and aligned. It reads into R as if separated by tabs. However I want to manipulate two columns of data then write the results out into exactly the
2005 Apr 11
Building R packages under Windows.
Hello, My question is the following. Has anyone put together an "idiots" checklist of the steps needed to build a (small personal) package under Windows, or documented their own experiences of building packages under Windows? I ask this as last week there were some very interesting comments regarding the advantages of putting personally written functions together as a package
2006 May 23
shapes in rgl
Does anyone have a way of producing solid shapes other than spheres in rgl? I am using rgl to produce a simple visualisation of a forest model results using "lollipops". Its just a bit of fun, but as many of the trees are pines I would like to depict their crowns as cones. If there is a solution I need it to work under windows. Here is the example. library(rgl) library(misc3d)
2005 Aug 25
box m-test
Hello everybody, Is there in R a so called box m-test for testing the equality of the variance/cov. matrix for checking on homoscedasticity? I could not find it among the traditional packages for multivariate statistics... Petra -- Petra Wallem Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Ecolog伱伃a & Biodiversidad (CASEB) Departamento de Ecolog伱伃a Facultad de Ciencias Biol伱伋gicas Pontificia
2008 Dec 09
Bootstrap a GLM model with Poisson family
Hello! Anyone can help me to know how to do a bootstrap evaluation analysis to a GLM with family=Poisson? I have some R codes but they were coded only for family=binomial... thanks a lot Joana Vicente .?. CIBIO - Centro de Investiga??o em Biodiversidade e Recursos Gen?ticos. Faculdade de Ci?ncias do Porto Departamento de Bot?nica -Edif?cio FC4 Rua Do Campo Alegre, S/N 4169-007 Porto - Portugal
2009 Apr 17
Color of points in a 3d plot of a PCA
Dear all, I'm trying to perform a principal components analysis of a sample of individuals, and to plot it in 3D, assigning different colors according to the population each individual belongs to. Given that the matrix I have to use for the PCA cannot contain cualitative variables (here, the population of origin), I have no idea how can I do this in R. ANy help? Thanks in advance
2008 May 05
RODBC and schemas
I have found that the "schema.table" syntax used in Postgresql (and Oracle) does not work directly with RODBC. This works library(RODBC) con<-odbcConnect("mydb") d<-sqlQuery(con,"select * from meso.trees") However this does not. d<-sqlFetch(con,"meso.trees") Error in odbcTableExists(channel, sqtable) : ?meso.trees?: table not found on channel
2013 Mar 04
Choosing nlme or lme4?
...ements? Zuur et al. 2009 always used lme4 (Mass or glmmML) with binomial data but never nlme! Can anyone help me? There is other options in R ?   Thanks a lot! Best regards!   Filipe Carvalho   Filipe Carvalho, MSc, PhD student. Unidade de Biologia da Conservação (UBC) e Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos (CIBIO), Universidade de Évora, Casa Cordovil, 2º Andar, Rua Dr. Joaquim Henrique da Fonseca, 7000-890 Évora, (PORTUGAL) Telefone: + 351266759350 Filipe Carvalho, MSc, PhD student. Conservation Biology Unit (UBC) and Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources (...
2012 Mar 26
[OT] Ley de transparencia en España y acceso a bases de datos públicas
Hola, ¿qué tal? Pido excusas primero a aquellos a quienes el tema le resulte geográfica y materialmente ajeno. Estos días se ha hablado de la nueva Ley de Transparencia española que tiene que ver con la obligación de las administraciones públicas de ceder sus datos a los ciudadanos. En los medios de comunicación se ha enfocado desde un punto de vista del control de la gestión de los políticos.
2003 Jul 30
robust regression
Hi, trying to do a robudt regression of a two-way linear model, I keep getting the following error: > lqs(obs ~ y + s -1,method="lms", contrasts=list(s=("contr.sum"))) Error: lqs failed: all the samples were singular Robust regression with M-estimators works (also regular least square fits, of course): rlm.formula(formula = obs ~ y + s - 1, method = "M",
2012 Jan 19
bug en funcion 'agrep'
Estimados R-users: Estoy intentando usar la función 'agrep' para hacer búsquedas en cadenas de texto. El parámetro max.distance permite controlar la medida de aproximación de búsqueda de la función de Levenshtein. No obstante, cuando hago búsquedas específicas no obtengo siempre el resultado deseado y no se si es un bug o que no entiendo bien el algoritmo de búsqueda. Por
2012 Nov 21
Listing elements of a 4D array
Dear list, I'm having trouble to see how my elements on a 4 dimensional array are listed. For example, I generated the following array: junk.melt=melt(,id.var=c("Especie", "Site", "Rep", "Año"), measure.var="Pres") y=cast(junk.melt, Site ~ Rep ~ Especie ~ Año) Now, I want to be able to look at how my species (Especie) are listed, in
2005 Feb 01
polynomials REML and ML in nlme
Hello everyone, I hope this is a fair enough question, but I don’t have access to a copy of Bates and Pinheiro. It is probably quite obvious but the answer might be of general interest. If I fit a fixed effect with an added quadratic term and then do it as an orthogonal polynomial using maximum likelihood I get the expected result- they have the same logLik.
2006 Jan 04
Replacing backslashes with slashes
Hello, I've seen this question asked in the archives but no clear reply or solution provided. So, just to be sure it is not possible in R: Can I replace backslashes with slashes in a string ? I am writing a GUI for R with the Rpad library. I have a "browse" button for data loading and Windows return a path string with backslashes. I need to convert them into slashes to use the
2012 Nov 09
Fwd: Simulate nested data
I know this seems like a very easy question (and maye it is) but I've been trying to simulate nested data and been unsucessful so far.. I want to simulate a varying number of species within a group; and then create an array to store the results of my for-loop. For example: groups<-3 species$groups<-as.integer(runif(groups,1,10)) #species per functional group ###create arrays to store
2013 May 27
fitting grid-based models
Hello! I'm interested to fit parameters (to data) in a grid-based (individual) model. If I understood well, simecol library has the fitOdeModel function but it is only suited to odeModels (differential equation). Alternatively, FME package has several functions able to perform this procedure but all examples are for differential eq. models. It is mentioned in the that such functions could
2008 Nov 19
rkward on Ubuntu heron with R2.8.0
I am running R on Ubuntu Heron. I recently updated to R 2.8.0 from the default (2.6) in the Ubuntu heron repository by adding deb hardy/ I updated all packages installed in /usr/lib/R/site-library and those in my home directory /home/duncan/R/i486-pc-linux-gnu-library/2.6 without obvious issues. I installed adehabitat and gpclib, which should be good