search for: beplay

Displaying 2 results from an estimated 2 matches for "beplay".

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2004 Aug 06
web-based playlist manager the next song to be played, and a very short perl script to get either the first requested song or a random song from the database. Sadly as with many many versions I have found this lacks a lot but for me it does what I want, serve a reasonable random (pure random means that the same song can beplayed twice in a row) music stream for me to listen to while at work. Of course I want to add features, auto restart of ICES on crash, marking of corrupt mp3 files, mood selection, seeded random play and so on.... one day :) I am sure there are ppl out there who have better more worked out programs bu...
2004 Aug 06
web-based playlist manager
Before I went out to potentialy reinvent this particular wheel, I figured I'd check to see whether anyone had or could recommend a web-based playlist manager for ices/icecast. The one I've got in mind would take requests, play random tracks in the absence of requests, keep a very limited history and look-ahead... This must have been done before, right? If not, I'll take a stab at