Displaying 20 results from an estimated 57 matches for "benmabey".
2007 Nov 11
Autotest with rspec HTML output
Hey all,
I was just wondering if any one has played around with getting
autotest''s rspec integration working with rspec''s HTML output. I really
like how in the rspec textmate bundle the context of the failing code
is inlined with the failing spec along with the exact line highlighted
and a link to the exact spot in reference. However, I rarely use this
nice output since
2008 Jan 16
Could someone please tell me what the painfully obvious thing that I am
doing wrong is? Or are the rspec_on_rails_matchers not working for
other people?
This is my sample app that is giving me this odd behaviour:
Thanks in advance.
2007 Oct 05
Rails, rSpec edge problems
Does the Story Runner work on edge rails? I thought that is what the
example app was using but I am on the latest Rails and latest rSpec
revisions and I am having problems. When I call ''render_template'' in a
story I get the following:
NoMethodError: undefined method `render_template'' for
Do I need to
2009 Feb 25
[Cucumber] pretty html output?
Cucumberists (and RSpec Classic users ;):
How can we convert a Cucumber feature file into HTML with syntax highlighting?
Not the test-runner output; that''s preprocessed so it does not match the input
2007 Sep 20
Getting Started with Story Runner
I haven''t found any How To''s to use story runner and I''m not sure how to get
Should I be looking for resources on how to use rbehave?
How do I generate my first Story?
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2007 Sep 09
Going beyond the default html formatter/report?
I wonder does anybody planning to go beyond the default html formatter/report?
The current html report is nice and green but what about to go a
little silly and enable also user input. For example to let customer
to add a new pending spec, comments etc. I feel it might be mentally
easier for some customers to jump into spec world when it is possible
to give input at "the same
2007 Oct 19
Patch idea for rspec_on_rails
I recently wrote a matcher for testing AR associations which allows
you to specify things like:
Foo.should have_many(:bars).through(:bazes)
I''m pretty darned proud of it and a couple of people have suggested
that I should submit it to the rspec_on_rails project. Before I go to
the trouble of writing out rdoc and fully spec''ing it, I just wanted
to make sure this was
2008 Jan 04
best way to modify spec (the command-line tool)?
Hi all, where I work we''ve cooked up a kind of ghetto profiler for our
specs. It basically just does this:
time = Time.now
# run the spec
puts "woah! dude. long spec." if time > 1.second
I''m simplifying here. I think the threshold is actually 0.1 seconds,
and we use more precise language, and highlight the spec in red via
terminal colors, etc.
But the way it works
2007 Dec 11
RSpec TMbundle
I tried checking it out today using instructions here:
I get a ''svn: Connection closed unexpectedly''. Did it move or is it
Nathan Sutton
fowlduck at gmail.com
rspec edge revision 3052
rspec_on_rails edge revision 3049
rails edge revision 8269
2008 Nov 03
Cucumber and autotest
Hey all,
Does anyone know how to disable the cucumber autotest support on a
project? With this commit:
The cucumber features are worked into the autotest cycle automatically.
This is cool, but on some projects I don''t think it fits well with my
red->green->refactor cycle. Any ideas on
2009 Apr 26
Problems running features with Textmate Cucumber bundle
I finally plunked down for the beta RSpec bundle and I''m working
through the initial example. Although I''m a fairly experienced RSpec
user, I''m stlll learning new tricks.
Anyway, I''m going though the mastermind example, and everything is
going well, except that I decided to also try out the Textmate bundle
for Cucumber. I decided to use Ben Mabey''s
2009 Feb 02
[Cucumber] Cucumber and acts_as_xapian
Hey list,
Anyone have experience with acts_as_xapian and Cucumber? I''m
struggling with updating xapian''s index, to actually "find" fluff
that has been indexed..
In a scenario, I''m adding a bunch of articles, and in the actual
search step, I run:
When "I search for \"$query\"" do |query|
%x[rake RAILS_ENV=test xapian:update_index]
2007 Oct 05
Stories VS Scenarios
Hi all,
I have read Dan North''s post ''Whats in a Story?''
(http://dannorth.net/whats-in-a-story) but I am still having a hard time
knowing when I should break requirements up into separate stories or
keep them as scenarios. I am currently trying to write a story
(stories) for the registration process of a site. The registration
process is a multistep process that
2008 Jan 08
specs on private methods
How does a person test private methods?
Is there a way to declare them as private, but retain any tests that
were written during the initial development?
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2008 Jan 30
catching errors, rspec basics
Trying to spec the following but don''t know if I''m using the right matcher.
How do I spec? Plz, sugar on tops.
- should have a stats of 80 when passed a flux of 10
- should return an error when passed a string (ERROR - 1)
TypeError in ''Audience.stats should return an error when passed a string''
String can''t be coerced into Fixnum
2008 May 27
Failing rspec story not causing a CruiseControl.rb build to fail?
We''ve just added rspec stories to our CruiseControl.rb build. When there''s a failing scenario we see the failure in the log output, but it doesn''t cause the CruiseControl build to fail. We''ve also just upgraded to the latest rspec version, 1.1.4, which fixes rspec bug 228, but the CC.rb build is still passing.
Has anyone got failing rspec stories making
2007 Aug 18
Test::Unit to RSpec
So I''ve just started working on a rails project which currently has
something like 7500 LOC. All of the tests are written in Test::Unit,
although the test coverage is pretty poor: rcov says that 25% of the
code is covered, while rake stats shows the code to test ratio as
1:0.1 (800 lines of test code).
I guess I''m wondering what would generally be advisable here. Is it
2008 Aug 29
Cucumber and multi-line steps
Hi all,
Where can we add tickets for Cucumber? While trying to migrate a
current project I ran into a snag.. specially that cucumber does not
support multi-line steps like the edge rspec story runner (which makes
sense since this was such a new feature to the story runner.) Anyways,
I don''t have enough time at the moment to dig into it myself so I''d like
to at least log it.
2007 Nov 12
Using the mock framework in story runner
Hey all,
What is the easiest way to include rpec''s mocking framework into a story
so I can use it? I want to use it to stub out a Net::HTTP method so I''m
not making API calls every time I run my story. :)
2008 Jan 05
status/exit code for story runner
Hi All,
I''m trying to incorporate our stories into our build for our
cruisecrontrol.rb projects and it looks like the Story Runner always
returns a 0 (zero) no matter if the tests pass or fail.
This is in contrast to the actual and expected behavior of the spec
command which will return a 0 or a 1 depending on whether specs pass or
Am I doing something wrong with the story runner