search for: behar

Displaying 3 results from an estimated 3 matches for "behar".

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2019 Apr 22
Setting up simple routing for all trafic of one host through another
...ess and the other is my desktop machine, both run Linux. I've set up tinc in both of these hosts so that I can connect to each of them through their tinc address. I would like however, to make my desktop machine route all it's traffic through the VPS host. My tinc interface is called doronbehar and this is the output of `ip route` on the VPS: default via dev eth0 proto dhcp src metric 1024 dev dns0 proto kernel scope link src dev eth0 proto dhcp scope link src metric 1024 dev doronbehar proto k...
2009 Jul 22
Cómo enviar e-mails desde R?
Hola a todos, Sólo por curiosidad, sabe alguien cómo enviar correos electrónicos desde R? Estoy haciendo algunas simulaciones en diferentes computadores y me gustaría tener la posibilidad de enviar un mensaje a mi correo electrónico cuando cada una termine. En R-help hubo una pregunta similar pero requiere el uso de Outlook y operar "manualmente" algunas cosas, lo cual no es
2018 Dec 21
ERROR: failed to setup guest info
Hello, I've been using samba for a few years but I use it only occasionally. Today, I've found out that since the upgrade to 4.9.2, smbd wouldn't start. I use Arch Linux. The command that starts samba on the systemd service is this: /usr/bin/smbd --foreground --no-process-group These are my configuration file's [global] parameters: bind interfaces only = Yes domain master =