search for: be_something

Displaying 3 results from an estimated 3 matches for "be_something".

2007 Jul 19
need help getting a word right
Hey all, I see examples showing up that look like this: describe Thing do before(:each) do @thing = end it do @thing.should be_something end end This will produce output like this: Thing - should be something But "it do" is driving me mad :( We need a better word. Of course, ''specify'' has not been completely removed, so you can still do this: describe Thing do before(:each) { @thing = }...
2007 Oct 06
NO NAME (Because of --dry-run) output
I''m just getting started with rspec, I''m running on edge for both. In a fresh project, I freeze edge, install the edge rspec plugin. I generate a simple rspec_model and run the spec. It passes. When I run rake spec:doc, I get the following output: - NO NAME (Because of --dry-run) where the specification should be. In fact if I just make a pending spec, it does the same.
2009 Mar 19
[Cucumber 0.2] Failure to use should
I have a step definition like this: Then "the account should be created" do account = Account.find_by_name("my shiny new account") p account.class account.should_not be_blank end When running this step, I got the error message: Account(id: integer, name: string, state: string, next_renewal_at: date, created_at: datetime, updated_at: datetime, full_domain: string,