search for: be_kind_of

Displaying 2 results from an estimated 2 matches for "be_kind_of".

2009 Mar 15
rspec 1.2.0 Released
...loading test/unit interop lib * added explicit autorun feature for running specs with ruby command * added handling for does_not_match? for matchers that want to know the context in which they were called * lots of ruby 1.9.1 compatibility fixes from Chad Humprhies * improved feedback from be_kind_of/be_a_kind_of/be_instance_of/be_an_instance_of (Jakub ????astn??) * added --format silent (l) option, which is now the default when running --heckle (Bob Aman) * sexy new custom matcher creation (Corey Haines & David Chelimsky - initial concept by Yehuda Katz) * improved matcher protocol -...
2007 Apr 04
ANN: RSpec 0.9.0 beta-1 available for download.
We''d like to get some feedback on RSpec 0.9 before we start pushing out releases via Rubyforge''s gem server and update the website. We have therefore made the first beta of 0.9 available - both prepackaged and tagged in subversion (see below). RSpec 0.9 introduces a new API for expectations, which essentially means that your underscores go away (there has been other discussions