search for: bbclt

Displaying 1 result from an estimated 1 matches for "bbclt".

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2007 Apr 30
Best Practice: how to organize puppetmaster directories?
...- ssl `-- [ all of puppetmaster''s keys, certs, and csrs ] Files uploaded via fileserver live under /var/lib/puppet. Generic files live under dist, full packages live under depot, and host-specific stuff lives under private/[hostname]: /var/lib/puppet |-- depot | `-- tar | `-- BBCLT-bbc1.9g-btf.tar |-- dist | `-- apps | |-- diagnostics | | `-- ralsh | |-- mail | | `-- aliases | |-- ntp | | `-- ntp.conf | |-- puppet_client | | |-- puppet.sysconfig | | `-- puppetd.init | |-- resolver | | `-- resolv.c...