search for: bayesxsrc

Displaying 3 results from an estimated 3 matches for "bayesxsrc".

2012 Jun 06
R2BayesX (command bayesx) doesn't work
Hi all, I have a problem with the library R2BayesX, when i try to use the command bayesx i get this error: dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libreadline.5.2.dylib Referenced from: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/2.15/Resources/library/BayesXsrc/libs/i386/BayesX Reason: image not found I obtain this message also with the example in the bayesx help: ## generate some data set.seed(111) n <- 200 ## regressor dat <- data.frame(x = runif(n, -3, 3)) ## response dat$y <- with(dat, 1.5 + sin(x) + rnorm(n, sd = 0.6)) ## estimate mod...
2013 Jan 27
lapply and SpatialGridDataFrame error
Hi all, I have a set of 54 files that I need to convert from ASCII grid format to .shp files to .bnd files for BayesX. I have the following R code to operate on those files: library(maptools) library(Grid2Polygons) library(BayesX) library(BayesXsrc) library(R2BayesX) readfunct <- function(x) { u <- readAsciiGrid(x) } modfilesmore <- paste0("MaxFloodDepth_", 1:54, ".txt") modeldepthsmore <- lapply(modfilesmore, readfunct) maxdepth.plys <- lapply(modeldepthsmore, Grid2Polygons(modeldepthsmore, level = FALSE...
2016 Apr 22
R2BayesX help
...x7.tot, knots = nk2, bs = "te") + sx(x6.tot, x7.tot, knots = nk2, bs = "te") m2<-bayesx(fr2,data = d) The code halted in a couple of seconds after the last function, with a warning: Warning message: running command '"C:/Users/Hairong/Documents/R/win-library/3.2/BayesXsrc/libs/x64/BayesX.exe" C:/Users/Hairong/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpkFfoCH/bayesx5/bayesx.estim.input.prg' had status 5 The model was not estimated. However, if I delete ANY one of the interaction terms to make the total interaction terms 20, the model can be estimated. I would appreciate your...