search for: barvazduck

Displaying 4 results from an estimated 4 matches for "barvazduck".

2012 Nov 13
Tukey test for subgroups in a data frame
Hello, I have a data frame with the following columns: "date","name","value" the name is the same for each date I would like to get TukeyHSD p-value for the differences of "value" between "name"s in each "date" separately I tried different ANOVA (aov()) but can only get either tukey by "name" or by "data" but not
2013 Jan 23
italic font for legend text when using expression function for symbols
Hello, I'm trying to add a symbol (Delta) to plot legend with text using "expression(paste())" but this disables the text.font that allows to use bold or italic text. as follows: x=c(1:10) y=c(1:10) plot(x,y) legend(1,10,legend=c("A","B","C",expression(paste(Delta, D))), pch=c(24,18,17,16),cex=2,text.font=3,bty="n") Any suggestion to
2012 Dec 13
Physically extracting P-value from TukeyHSD test output
Hey, I have this TukeyHSD output from which I would like to extract only the P-values (p adj, last number). The problem is that the test output is a character list. How can I "break" this sentence to separate the Pv? Tukey multiple comparisons of means 95% family-wise confidence level Fit: aov(formula = Fe1$Fe ~ Fe1$genotype) $`Fe1$genotype` diff lwr upr
2013 Nov 27
Conditional error bars
How can I condition any error bar function that use the arrows() function, such as 'CI.plot' (see example below) or 'error.bars', to draw only upper error bar (upper CI) if the bar value (mean) is positive and the lower error bar (lower CI) if bar value is negative? CI.plot <- function(mean, se,length, ylim=c(-5, max(CI.H)), ...) { CI.H <- mean+se CI.L <- mean-se