Displaying 20 results from an estimated 55 matches for "bacteria's".
Did you mean:
2004 Nov 01
.... 297. The results from glmmML resemble the given result for
'Numerical integration', but glmm output differs. For the intercept e.g. I have a
standard error of 0.4354 from glmm and 0.5338 from glmmML. Any idea about this
Thanks in advance
Clemens Tilke
library (MASS)
data (bacteria)
contrasts (bacteria$trt) <- structure (contr.sdif (3),
dimnames = list (NULL, c ("drug", "enc")))
bacteria.pql <- glmmPQL (y ~ trt + I(week > 2), random = ~ 1 |
ID, family = binomial, data = bacteria)
summary (bacteria.pql)
library (repeated)
y1 <- 1 * (bact...
2005 Aug 18
GLMM - Am I trying the impossible?
...eed we are attempting the wrong type of analysis, some guidance
about what would be the right thing to do would be greatly appreciated.
The details:
The data:
The data are from the end-point of a survival experiment with fish. The
design of the experiment is a 2 x 2 factorial, with each factor
(Bacteria and Parasite) at two levels (yes and no). There were 16 fish
in each tank, and the treatment was applied to the whole tank. There
were in all 10 tanks (160 fish), with 2 tanks for controls (no/no), 2
tanks for (Parasite:yes/Bacteria:no) and 3 tanks for each of the other 2
treatments. A dead fis...
2009 Oct 15
plotting/examining residuals of a mixed generalised linear model
Dear R users,
I'm hoping that more experienced users will be able to assist me in
examining the model fit of a mixed generalised linear model. The example
using the data 'bacteria' within the MASS package will hopefully illustrate
what I would like to acheive;
attach(bacteria) # y being output and the trt - treatment group being an
explanatory variable. There is pseudoreplication as each patient (ID) is
sampled multiple times (week)
2005 Jun 16
identical results with PQL and Laplace options in lmer function (package lme4)
...;matrix" (0.96-2)
both options "PQL" and "Laplace" for the method argument in lmer function gave me the same results (random and fixed effects estimates, standard error and p.values). However, Loglikelihood and deviance are different.
here is an example reproduced with the bacteria data set available in the MASS package:
bacteria$week2 <- as.factor(ifelse(bacteria$week <=2, 0, 1))
model.PQL <- lmer(y ~ trt + week2 + (1 | ID), family = binomial, data = bacteria, method ="PQL")
model.Laplace <- lmer(y ~ trt + w...
2007 Oct 11
creating summary functions for data frame
I have a data frame that looks like this:
> gctablechromonly[1:5,]
refseq geometry gccontent X60_origin X60_terminus length kingdom
1 NC_009484 cir 0.6799 1790000 773000 3389227 Bacteria
2 NC_009484 cir 0.6799 1790000 773000 3389227 Bacteria
3 NC_009484 cir 0.6799 1790000 773000 3389227 Bacteria
4 NC_009484 cir 0.6799 1790000 773000 3389227 Bacteria
5 NC_009484 cir 0.6799 1790000 773000 3389227 Bacteria...
2012 Jan 09
glmmPQL and predict
...documentation states "Level
values increase from outermost to innermost grouping, with level zero
corresponding to the population predictions". Taking the sample in
the documentation:
fit <- glmmPQL(y ~ trt + I(week > 2), random = ~1 | ID,
family = binomial, data = bacteria)
> head(predict(fit, bacteria, level = 0, type="response"))
[1] 0.9680779 0.9680779 0.8587270 0.8587270 0.9344832 0.9344832
> head(predict(fit, bacteria, level = 1, type="response"))
X01 X01 X01 X01 X02 X02
0.9828449 0.9828449 0.9198935...
2012 Mar 02
Why do my regular expressions require a double escape \\ to get a literal??
I was recently misfortunate enough to have to use regular expressions to
sort out some data in R.
I'm working on a data file which contains taxonomical data of bacteria
in hierarchical order.
A sample of this file can be generated using:
tax.data <- read.table(header=F, con <- textConnection('
G9SS7BA01D15EC Bacteria(100) Cyanobacteria(84) unclassified
G9SS7BA01C9UIR Bacteria(100) Proteobacteria(94)
2004 Jan 30
GLMM (lme4) vs. glmmPQL output (summary with lme4 revised)
...6.51 7.8e-11 ***
trtdrug 1.367 0.486 2.81 0.00490 **
trtdrug+ 0.786 0.498 1.58 0.11408
week2TRUE 1.623 0.459 3.53 0.00041 ***
sd 1.294 0.250 5.17 2.3e-07 ***
UseMASS<-T # must restart R after changing because of nlme/lme4 clash
if (UseMASS){
library(MASS) # required for bacteria
cat("--- glmmPQL/MASS/Venables&Ripley\n")
print(summary(glmmPQL(y ~ trt + I(week > 2), random = ~ 1 | ID,...
2006 Mar 31
model comparison with mixed effects glm
I use model comparison with glms without mixed effects with
with mixed effects glm (glmmPQL), this doesn't work. Is there a way to
compare model fits with glmmPQL's?
Paula M. den Hartog
Behavioural Biology
Institute of Biology Leiden
Leiden University
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Mar 25
Insert .eps files in to an R plot.
Hello Everybody,
I have an eps figure an awesome bacteria and a plot (generated using R) also
in eps format. Now it looks like there is space for only one figure and I
have to insert the picture of the bacteria into the plot. Is there a way to
insert figures (eps/png/jpg) in to plots (may be control over placement of
figures in the plot as well?) ? By plo...
2007 Sep 19
function on factors - how best to proceed
...ous here that I have missed. I am new to creating my
own functions in R, and I am uncertain of how they work.
I have a data set that I have read into a data frame:
> gctable[1:5,]
refseq geometry X60_origin X60_terminus length kingdom
1 NC_009484 cir 1790000 773000 3389227 Bacteria
2 NC_009484 cir 1790000 773000 3389227 Bacteria
3 NC_009484 cir 1790000 773000 3389227 Bacteria
4 NC_009484 cir 1790000 773000 3389227 Bacteria
5 NC_009484 cir 1790000 773000 3389227 Bacteria
grp feature gene begin dir gc_con...
2005 Jan 20
glm and percentage data with many zero values
Dear all,
I am interested in correctly testing effects of continuous environmental
variables and ordered factors on bacterial abundance. Bacterial
abundance is derived from counts and expressed as percentage. My problem
is that the abundance data contain many zero values:
Bacteria <-
2008 Dec 06
Questions on the results from glmmPQL(MASS)
Dear Rusers,
I have used R,S-PLUS and SAS to analyze the sample data "bacteria" in
MASS package. Their results are listed below.
I have three questions, anybody can give me possible answers?
Q1:From the results, we see that R get 'NAs'for AIC,BIC and logLik, while
S-PLUS8.0 gave the exact values for them. Why? I had thought that R should
give the same results as...
2010 Nov 15
comparing levels of aggregation with negative binomial models
Dear R community,
I would like to compare the degree of aggregation (or dispersion) of
bacteria isolated from plant material. My data are discrete counts
from leaf washes. While I do have xy coordinates for each plant, it
is aggregation in the sense of the concentration of bacteria in high
density patches that I am interested in.
My attempt to analyze this was to fit negative binomial...
2011 Apr 20
Pattern match
and I want to extract ?SpeciesScientific = (?)? information from this file.
Problem is in 3rd line where SpeciesScientific word is divided with +.
Could anyone help me please?
Thank you
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Pattern-match-tp3463625p3463625...
2013 Mar 05
Need to unmount an LV from host system
...ructive mistake, but I need some advice on how to correct the problem.
CentOS 6.3 host system named Earth
I was creating some new logical volumes within my exiting volume group for
a new virtual machine using the LVM GUI. When I created the LV that I
plan to use for root partition of the new VM (Bacteria) I mistakenly
clicked on the box to mount the LV, and specified the mount point as /.
[root at earth ~]# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
5.0G 3.9G 880M 82% /
tmpfs 5.9G 276K 5.9G 1% /dev/shm
2008 Jul 06
Error: cannot use PQL when using lmer
> library(MASS)
> attach(bacteria)
> table(y)
n y
43 177
> y<-1*(y=="y")
> table(y,trt)
y placebo drug drug+
0 12 18 13
1 84 44 49
> library(lme4)
> model1<-lmer(y~trt+(week|ID),family=binomial,method="PQL")
Error in match.arg(method, c("Laplace...
2013 Apr 02
Question about removing missing data rows in the qplot
...is within each 'Gram.Staining' categorical level there are some antibiotics does not have value (in my case is log(MIU)). Because some antibiotics are positive gram staining and some are negative.
So my question is how to remove these missing value rows in the plot?
My code is
I also enclose my plot.
Thank you!
Wang Zhensheng
This e-mail message (including any attachments)...
2005 Sep 23
multi-class histogram?
I am new to R, and I couldn't find the answers to my question in a faq.
This could however be because I didn't know what to look for...:)
I have three classes of data, data for bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes.
I wish to display these in a histogram where all of the values are used
to calculate each column. But, I want each column split in three, where
the size of each coloured area represents the proportions of the values
in that column that comes from each of the three class...
2007 Apr 25
heatmap and phylogram / dendogram ploting problem, ape package
...eping the hierarchical
clustering of the horizontal component. The relationships of the
vertical component in the generated heatmap are not that of the
dendrogram, although the ordering is.
In more detail, I am attempting to generate a heatmap from a table
that contains the abundance of different bacteria at different
locations, with a dendrogram that groups the
environments by the pattern of bacterial abundance. This is easy, thanks to
a nice code snippet at the R Graph Gallery
env <- read.table("env.dat")
x <- a...