search for: backupmachine

Displaying 3 results from an estimated 3 matches for "backupmachine".

2005 Dec 30
Basic - Setting up Rsync over the net the office. That works great, and all is good. My last task is to get rsync to pull the files off our webserver, located at a data center, to our backup. I can''t seem to get the syntax right for this. The inhouse looks like: rsync OPTIONS "/cygdrive/c/Docs n Settings" user@backupmachine:/cygdrive/c/backups/sourcename With ''backupmachine'' running an rsync daemon (boss set that up). This is where I am with the internet command: rsync OPTIONS /cygdrive/c/backups/sourcename2 :"/cygdrive/c/Dos n Settings" Thank you for any he...
2003 Jan 23
Rsyncing of block devices to a remote file
Hello, I'm looking for some assistance in modifying the rsync code Situation: I used to back-up some of my (unmounted NTFS) disk partitions remotely using the following shells construct: dd if=/dev/hda1 | gzip | ssh me@backupmachine 'cat > /backup-dir/hda1-backup.gz' But now I want to use rsync for this, since transfering 10 gig takes a litle to long if a file of a few kB has changed :-). I looked trough the archive and found an old mail talking about the same problem, and a response explaining the problem of writt...
2006 Apr 27
Permissions causing full backups?
I am using rsync/rsnapshot on Windows XP (via cygwin) to backup to a mapped share (/u) on a Linux server. I’m hoping to get this to work so that I don’t have to open an XP share to the network for Linux “pull” backups. My current setup doesn’t seem to give me incremental backups. See the “du” output… $ /usr/bin/du -csh /cygdrive/u/docs_bkup/daily.0/ /cygdrive/u/docs_bkup/daily.1/