Displaying 16 results from an estimated 16 matches for "backtransform".
2010 Dec 15
Using Metafor package: how to backtransform model coefficients when Freeman Tukey double arcine transformation is used
I am performing a meta-analysis using the metafor package. My data are
proportions and I used the Freeman Tukey double arcine (FT)
transformation to fit the random effects model. Now I want to create a
forest plot with my estimates backtransformed to the original scale of
proportions. Can this be done?
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2011 May 12
log transformation and mean question
...rming mean on log2 data. I
am doing analysis for ELISA data. the OD values and the concentration
values for the standards were log2 transformed before performing the lm. the
OD values for samples were log2 transformed and coefficients of lm were
applied to get the log2 concentration values. I then backtransformed these
log2 concentrations and the trouble started. when i take the mean of log2
concentrations the value is different than the backtransformed
> 100+1000/2
[1] 600
> 2^((log2(100)+log2(1000))/2)
[1] 316.2278
What I am doing wrong to get the different values
View this...
2007 Mar 13
Freeman-Tukey arcsine transformation
Does anyone know if there are R functions to perform the Freeman-Tukey
double arcsine transformation and then backtransform it?
Brant Inman
Mayo Clinic
2010 Dec 20
Metafor package
...sqrt(xi/(ni+1))) +
asin(sqrt((xi+1)/(ni+1)))). Hovewer, i also found the same formula but
without 1/2*.
2. how "vi", the corresponding (estimated) sampling variance is
calculated? (i.e. the formula used to estimate "vi")
3. it is possible to return a forest plot with the backtransformed
value of proportion, confidenc interval and weight and not with the
transformed value after performing rma.uni?
Many thanks
Mario Petretta
Dipartimento di Medicina Clinica Scienze Cardiovascolari e Immunologiche
Facolt? di Medicina e Chirurgia
Universit? di Napoli Federico II
081 - 7462233
2002 Nov 18
Prediction from arima() object (library ts) (PR#2305)
...on from: (NULL) (
When using predict.Arima in library ts(), it appears differencing is only
accounted for in the first step of prediction and so any trend is not apparent
in the predictions. The example shows the difference between the predictions of
an arima(1,1,1) model and the backtransformed predictions of an arima(1,0,1)
model fitted on the differenced data.
total <- c(750, 775, 971, 1099, 1344, 610, 910, 1056, 1589, 1006, 1469, 1598,
876, 1104, 1197, 1062, 1783, 1554, 1400, 1340, 1013, 1031, 1030, 860, 943, 1542,
1400, 1301, 1443, 1057, 1296, 710, 1038, 1447, 694, 889...
2010 Feb 12
using mle2 for multinomial model optimization
...lt;-rep(0,l) #Cell probabilities
for (i in 2:(l-1)){
p[l]<-1-sum(p[-l]) #last cell probability
-dmultinom(exp(d),prob=p,log=TRUE) #exp(d)->backtransform the estimates
c<-c(cohort,100) #untransformed initial values for the
nvec<-c(rep("x",l-1),"N") #names for the initial vector
nrs<-c(1:(l-1),1) #nrs for the initial vector
svec = log(c) #transform...
2005 Jan 27
self-written function
Dear all,
I?ve got a simple self-written function to calculate the mean + s.e.
from arcsine-transformed data:
2002 Sep 12
normal score transform
Dear list,
could someone point me to the normal score transform and it's use in R?
I would like to transform my data with normal score transform, do some
geostatsitical predictions and would like to transform the estimated values
back including the estimation variance.
Any suggestions?
Ulrich Leopold MSc.
Department of
2023 Aug 12
time series transformation....
dear members,
I have a heteroscedastic time series which I want to transform to make it homoscedastic by a box cox transformation. I am using Otexts by RJ hyndman and George Athanopolous as my textbook. They discuss transformation and also say the fpp3 and the fable package automatically back transforms the point forecast. they also discuss the process which I find to be
2007 Jun 14
back-transform predictors for x-axis in plot -- mgcv package
My question is related to plot( ) in the mgcv package. Before modelling
the data, a few predictors were transformed to normalize them.
Therefore, the x-axes in the plots show transformed predictor values.
How do I back-transform the predictors so that the plots are easier to
Thanks in advance,
Suzan Pool
Oregon State University
Cooperative Institute for Marine
2010 May 26
validation logistic regression
I did validation for prediction by logistic regression according to following:
validationsize <- 23
profilesample <- data[nrprofilesinsample,]
profilevalidation <- data[-nrprofilesinsample,]
salic.lr<-glm(salich~wetnessindex, profilesample,
2009 Jul 16
how to get means and confidence limits after glmmPQL or lmer
oo[3,]<- oo[1,]+oo[3,]
But the means are not the right means (see speciesmeans below), the
intercept does not correspond with level 1 of treatment (b1), and the
confidence limits seem too big. Also, I'm not sure if I've
backtransformed correctly.
I've also tried directly calculating the means and CIs, but I'm not
sure if the first line below is actually the right variance to use in
estimating the CIs.
variance<-mm$sigma #IS THIS THE RIGHT VARIANCE?
speciessize<- tapply(species, burnagecat1 ,length)
2007 Jun 18
Inverse BoxCox transformation
I can't seem to find a function in R that will reverse a BoxCox
transformation. Can somebody help me locate one please? Thanks in advance.
Best wishes,
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 May 10
[Fwd: Re: Plotting log-axis with the exponential base to a plot with the default logarithm base 10]
Thank you for answering!
What I am trying to do is to plot my raw values (biomass of different
species) on a logaritmic y-axis with the base of e. When I type "log="y"",
the axis transforms into a logaritmic axis with the base of 10.
Best regards,
> Dear Elisabeth,
> I'm not sure if I have understood your question -- are you trying
> to
2009 Dec 04
z to r transformation within print.rma.uni and forest from the package metafor
Dear R community,
I'm using the ,metafor'-package by Wolfgang Viechtbauer (Version: 0.5-5) to
calculate random-effects meta-analyses using Correlations and Sample Sizes
as the raw data.
(By the way: Really a nice piece of work, Wolfgang! Thanks heaps.)
I specified the "rma.uni' function so that it looks like this:
MAergebnis<-rma.uni(ri=PosOutc, ni=N,
2004 Mar 30
optim-Bug (PR#6720)
Full_Name: Dr. Hans A. Kestler
Version: 1.8.1.
OS: Linux, Win, Mac OSX
Submission from: (NULL) (
The code below produces after a different number of iterations i the following
Error in optim(par = rep(0.5, length(edges)), loglik, method = "L-BFGS-B", :
non-finite value supplied by optim
This was reproducible on different machines (Mac G4 OSX, AMD Opteron