search for: backgroundrbs

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2008 Jan 29
Setting up release-1.0.1
Hello, I am unable to get the backgroundrb server to run. Initially I got: /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.0.1/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:263:in `load_missing_constant'': uninitialized constant BackgrounDRb::MasterProxy (NameError) from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.0.1/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:453:in
2007 Dec 25
error: no marshal_dump is defined for class Thread
I get this error periodically in backgroundrb.log, but only on my production box (the one running ruby 1.8.5) - my dev box doesn''t get this error. As far as I can tell, everything is working ok, despite the error (I don''t really know how to determine if the jobs are getting threaded successfully, but they are running, that I am sure of). Here''s the dump: no
2007 Feb 07
Repeatedly dying with "failed to find slave socket"
I''m struggling to keep backgroundrb v2 running for more than 24 hours. It appears to be running fine for a while, then tries to fire off a worker (exactly the same worker it''s been running for the past few hours), and it suddenly dies. I haven''t found any pattern for the cause of this. In backgroundrb_server.log, the final entry is this : 20070206-10:41:45
2008 Mar 09
Using the ip flag
Hey All, I am looking for an example of the proper config settings for background rb to run my rails app and my backgroundrb instance on separate machines (or more precisely, to have a rails cluster with one backgroundrb machine). Does anyone have such examples? Thanks! -Noah -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2008 Jan 22
Unable to load Models which reference plugins?
I''m using a plugin which adds a method to ActiveRecord::Base This adds an "acts_as" type declaration to the Models, via the file in vendor/plugins/simile_timeline/lib/simile_timeline.rb Rails is working with these declarations, and they are being used successfully in ''regular
2007 Mar 13
Scheduled worker dies after about 30-45 runs
I have a scheduled worker that runs every minute, checking for new eBay auctions to post. If it finds an auction, then it posts it. If there are no auctions in the database that are queued up, it simply does nothing. I got the worker to finally run as a scheduled worker, every minute. However, after about 30-45 scheduled runs, it simply stops running. My backgroundrb_schedules.yml file: ------
2006 Aug 24
Unable to start with Capistrano...
I''ve created a couple of tasks in my deploy.rb file for starting and stopping backgroundrb on the remote server. The stop task runs fine and kills the process. And the start task *seems* to run successfully, but backgroundrb is never started on the remote host. Has anyone had success with this? Here are my deploy tasks: desc ''Start backgroundrb server (default
2008 Jun 09
cruisecontrol integration
Hi everyone. Backgroundrb is doing some really sweet stuff for my project. Thanks! I am trying to integrate backgroundrb with cruisecontrol.rb. I started off by creating a simple Rakefile::::: desc ''task for starting up backgroundrb'' task :cruise do template = <<-EOF :backgroundrb: :ip: :port: 11006 :development: :backgroundrb: :log: foreground
2007 Jan 19
Stopping DRb after using BackgrounDRb::MiddleManDRbObject.init
Hi, I''m having a problem where connections started through BackgrounDRb::MiddleManDRbObject.init are not stopped, resulting in an ever growing established connections between my Mongrels and remote backgroundrbs I added DRb.stop_service to my code executed after requests that init MiddleManDRbObjects but that does not help. Any ideas? Thanks, Robert Bjarnason
2008 Jan 08
Different environments in backgroudrb.yml
Hi, Got everything setup nicely with backgroundrb for the development environment and running tests with rspec. However, I have to keep editing the backgroundrb.yml file, to switch between development and testing environment. How can I declare a development, testing and production environment in backgroundrb.yml? Thanks in advance Rai
2008 Mar 19
Hi all, I''ve got the error below in my backgroundrb_debug.log. I''ve tried to reproduce the error in the development environment, but the only way I can get the same thing is by calling ask_work with a bogus worker name. Calling it with the production code causes no error. Here''s an example of what the code calls: MiddleMan.ask_work(:worker => :agronomy_worker,
2007 Dec 06
Feedback on RC2
I tried to upgrade my existing application to RC2 last night. Like many, I use this mostly for running scheduled tasks. For the moment, I''ve abandoned the effort, but am looking forward to being able to use this. Feedback below: First, the reason I was looking forward to this upgrade was to use the threaded scheduler. I have an application with long-running tasks. I found that
2008 Jan 14
problem with backgroundrb
hi, i am using drb and it is working fine on my local pc on windows.. and after uploading the code to the server it was working for sometime but now it gives me error every time i invoke the process.. error--- uninitialized constant EmailWorker::Notifier - (NameError) /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-1.4.2/lib/active_support/ dependencies.rb:477:in `const_missing''
2007 Jan 04
Intermittent "can''t convert Float into Hash" and results.rb
Hi, I''m using backgroundrb 0.2.1 in a production environment and for most parts I''m very happy. We are using it to do some heavy video editing on the server side and it works great except that under, what seems heavy load the below problem happens intermittently. The problem has only happened 5 times out of over 500 runs by our backgroundrb worker. This is the code in our
2006 Nov 22
Error when starting bgrdb
Hi, I get this error when starting bgdrb using "rake backgroundrb:start" (on a Mac using bgdrb 0.2.0): /Users/gl/Projects/xxxxx/xxxxx/vendor/plugins/backgroundrb/server/lib/ backgroundrb_server.rb:33:in `format_message'': undefined method `strftime'' for "2006-11-22T12:34:18.524572 ":String (NoMethodError) from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/logger.rb:320:in
2008 May 23
Backgroundrb-devel Digest, Vol 24, Issue 7
Hi, all. Just wondering if anyone has tried using the Paperclip file upload plugin with Backgroundrb. My current implementation uses attachment_fu - I save the file initially to the file system without generating thumbs, then a bdrb process picks up that file, generates thumbs, and saves to S3. This works fine and dandy, the only hitch is I want to save image metadata in the same table
2007 Feb 05
Deploying to production with backgroundrb (capistrano)
I have noticed that occasionally (about 50% of the time) when i deploy (using capistrano) my app to a production server, i have to ssh into the box and manually stop and start backgroundrb to get it to load my workers. this is my basic setup i have 2 workers: lib/workers/mp3_worker.rb => takes a hash of params to downsample an mp3 lib/workers/flv_worker.rb => takes a has of
2007 Jan 23
Error while creating one worker from another
for some strange reason this error occours when i create one worker from another BUT only when i derive worker class from Worker::Base instead or Worker::RailsBase - when change it back it works fine, child worker can have empty do_work, but this error still ocours Bad file descriptor (Errno::EBADF) /var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/slave-1.2.0/lib/slave.rb:214:in `for_fd''
2007 Feb 07
ncluding backgroundrb issue
I have the next including files structure : - controller fileaA.rb including line (#8): require "fileB"... - /lib/fileB.rb with main header: load ''backgroundrb/worker.rb'' load ''backgroundrb/ worker_rails.rb'' class FileB <
2006 Oct 23
can a worker commit suicide?
Can a worker kill themselves when they''re ''done''? Or do I have to do that either from the controller or the worker manager? Thanks, Bill -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: