Displaying 20 results from an estimated 63 matches for "ba208".
2009 Apr 03
plyr and table question
Dear all,
I'm puzzled by the following example inspired by a recent question on
cc <- textConnection("user_id website time
20 google 0930
21 yahoo 0935
20 facebook 1000
25 facebook 1015
61 google 0940")
d <- read.table(cc, head=T) ; close(cc)
table(d$user_id) # count the
2008 Jul 25
melting a list: basic question
Dear list,
I'm trying to use the reshape package to perform a merging operation
on a list of data.frames as illustrated below,
> a <- 1:10
> example <- list( data.frame(a=a, b=sin(a)), data.frame(a=a,
> b=cos(a)) )
> melt(example, id = a)
this produces the desired result, where the data.frames have been
coerced into one with a common identifier variable
2008 May 23
[slightly off topic] Sweave with markdown
DeaR list,
Has anyone tried to mix the Sweave paradigm with the Markdown[*] (and
co.) syntax? Would this be hard to implement? My tiny understanding
of Sweave is that one can define new drivers for the text part, while
some functions that deal with the R code would not require any
modification. Here's the reason I'm interested in Mardown for a driver.
I've been orbiting
2008 Jun 18
highest eigenvalues of a matrix
DeaR list,
I happily use eigen() to compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of
a fairly large matrix (200x200, say), but it seems over-killed as its
rank is limited to typically 2 or 3. I sort of remember being taught
that numerical techniques can find iteratively decreasing eigenvalues
and corresponding orthogonal eigenvectors, which would provide a nice
alternative (once I have the
2007 Jul 20
custom point shapes
I'm new to R, but a search through the list didn't quite solve this
problem: I want to draw a few ellipses (or any custom shape for that
matter) at given locations in a graph. I know how to plot points from
my data, set the point type "pch" to any built in value, but I do not
know how to specify a custom shape.
A search for drawing ellipses gave me functions to plot
2008 Apr 12
lm() of one matrix against another
Hello R list,
I have two matrices of identical dimensions, and I want to fit a
straight line for each pair of columns and plot the resulting lines.
I got it to work with a for loop, but there must be a better way,
> n<-5
> N<-10
> data.x<-matrix(1:(n*N),ncol=n)
> data.y<-matrix(1:(n*N) + rnorm(n*N,sd=1),ncol=n)
2008 Oct 05
plyr package: passing further arguments fail
Dear list and Hadley,
The new plyr package seems to provide a clean and consistent way to apply a function on several arguments. However, I don't understand why the following example does not work like the standard mapply,
df <- data.frame(a=1:10 , b=1:10)
foo1 <- function(a, b, cc=0, d=0){
a + b + cc + d
mdply(df, foo1, cc=1) # fine
mdply(df, foo1, d=1) #
2008 Jul 03
ggplot2 legend for vertical lines
Dear all,
The following example code produces a graph with ggplot2, to which I
add several vertical lines of arbitrary colors. I am not satisfied
with the legend: it automatically adds some vertical lines which I'd
rather not see (they confuse the reader rather than add information
in this case).
> library(ggplot2)
> dfr <- data.frame(values = sin(1:50/10),
> fact =
2008 Oct 21
R command line
Is there a Gui for R with improvements in the command line? I'm not looking
for buttons, menus and etc, but (more) colored syntax, auto-complete
commands and etc?
Best regards,
Raphael Saldanha
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Jul 22
create an array with rep
I want to make the following array of numbers:
-3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 ... 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 ... -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
(3 would be N, a painful example to type number).
Here is my dirty attempt to do it,
> N<-3
> x<-c(-N:N)
> rj<-rbind(matrix(outer(matrix(1,1,2*N+1),x),nrow=1),rep(x,2*N+1))
2008 Feb 14
write output in a custom format
I need to create a text file in the following format,
> 1 100.0 0
> 0 0
> 1 1
> 0 0
> 1 1
> #
> 1 100.0 0
> 0 0
> 0 1
> 1 0
> 1 1
where # is part of the format and not a R comment.
Each block (delimited by #) consists of a first line with three
values, call it dose, and a list of (x,y) coordinates which are a
matrix or data.frame,
2007 Jul 23
code optimization tips
Being new to R I'm asking for some advice on how to optimize the
performance of the following piece of code:
> alpha_c <- function(lambda=600e-9,alpha_s=1e-14,N=400,spacing=1e-7){
> k<-2*pi/lambda
> ri<-c(0,0) # particle at the origin
> x<-c(-N:N)
> positions <- function(N) {
> reps <- 2*N+1
> matrix(c(rep(-N:N, each = reps), rep(-N:N,
2008 Aug 09
levels values of cut()
Dear list,
I have the following example, from which I am hoping to retrieve
numeric values of the factor levels (that is, without the brackets):
> x <- seq(1, 15, length=100)
> y <- sin(x)
> my.cuts <- cut(which(abs(y) < 1e-1), 3)
> levels(my.cuts)
hist() does not suit me for this, as it does not necessarily respect
the number of breaks.
2007 Oct 21
image 256 x 920 data points too slow
Dear R gurus,
I'm trying to visualize a matrix 256 x 920 using image(), but i find
the display too slow (~ 1 minute ?? admittedly, my iBook G4 isn't
very fast). The aim is not to get a good resolution image, but rather
have a quick look at the matrix. I couldn't find a way to plot a
smaller set of points from my data in a sensible manner (basically, i
want to decrease the
2008 Aug 07
lattice: add vertical lines in xyplot
Hi list,
This is a very basic question about lattice: I wish to add some
vertical lines in each panel of a xyplot as demonstrated in this
> library(lattice)
> xx <- seq(1, 10, length=100)
> x <- rep(xx, 4)
> y <- c(cos(xx), sin(xx), xx, xx^2/10)
> fact <- factor(rep(c("cos", "sin", "id", "square"), each=100))
2007 Dec 28
unit attribute to list elements
I've started my own (first) package, part of which consists in
listing common physical constants (Planck's constant, the speed of
light in vacuum, etc). I'm wondering what would be a good way of
dealing with pairs of value/unit.
> constants <- list( cel = 2.99792458e8 , #m/s
> Z0 = 376.730313461, #ohm
> eps0 = 8.854187817e-12,#F/m
> mu0 = 4*pi*1e-7,#N/A^2
2008 Dec 02
legend idea for latticeExtra
Dear list,
I've written a small utility function to add arbitrary legend(s) to a
lattice graph (or a combination of them), much like the legend
function of base graphics. I though perhaps it could be useful to
someone else, or improved by suggestions. I understand this goes
against the lattice paradigm somewhat, in that you short-cut the link
between group variables and the
2007 Dec 30
adding a function after package.skeleton()
Dear R helpers,
I've successfully created a package 'constants' using package.skeleton
() with one dataframe and a few functions. However, now that I want
to add some functions and data to the package, I run into a problem.
I ran prompt(...) and moved + edited the resulting .Rd files as
appropriate (I believe). The log file from RCMD check constants does
indicate a few
2008 Dec 01
align two lattice plots with grid
Dear list,
I need to align two plots on top of each other for comparison (they
only have the x-axis in common). When the y-labels have a different
extent, I cannot find a way to align the x-axes, as illustrated below,
> library(grid)
> library(lattice)
> x <- seq(0, 10, length=100)
> y <- sin(x)
> y2 <- 10*sin(x)
> f <- rep(c("1", "2"),
2008 Jun 25
expression, strsplit, ...
DeaR list,
I'm a bit lost in the behavior of substitute and co.
I often use fairly long axis labels in my graphs (long to write, that
is). Typically, they would contain some greek letters and units with
exponents, as in:
> xlab=expression(paste("text ", alpha, " / ", V,".", m^{-3}, ".",
> kg^{-2}, ".", l^{4}))
To make this a