search for: b_id

Displaying 11 results from an estimated 11 matches for "b_id".

Did you mean: cb_id
2006 Nov 04
sql query in active record
hi all, if i want to write a query select * from a,b where in active record using joins,condition how can i write that in docs i found for conditions you do by giving "?" and then the parameter eg. a.b_id=? but it takes as string i.e a.b_id='''' i dont want that any suggestions thanks in advance regar...
2011 Apr 11
Printing field attributes outside the model.find_by_sql
Hi All, I have Model called pays..and it has fields like(id, topic, subject, created_at, b_id) and i also have a Model called suggests with fields(id, income, price, b_id) In my ruby on rails action or method Controller: def print_two_table @p = Pay.find_by_sql("SELECT, p.topic,, s.income, s.price FROM pays as P LEFT OUTER JOIN suggests AS s ON s.b_id = p.b_id WHERE p.cre...
2006 Feb 28
multiple keys table
probablly a newbie question: Rails does not support a table with multiple keys ??? it seems that the ActiveRecord set_primary_key method can only set the column name... (hope i''m wrong there) example: table A - P.K id, string name table B - P.K id, string name table C - P.K a_id and b_id, both are also foreign keys. Thanks, Amir. -- Posted via
2006 Dec 30
search on multiple table
Hello, I am trying to make a search, using acts_as_ferret on a has_and_belongs_to_many relation : class a < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :b has_and_belongs_to_many :c Joboffer.find_by_contents( query +b_id:1 ) is working fine but Joboffer.find_by_contents( query +c:1 ) is not working Here are the tables descriptions: Table a have field : id, b_id Table b have field : id, name Table c have field : id, name Table c_a have field :a_id, c_id Any idea on how to include c on my search ? --...
2006 Jan 27
"Conditional" match?
I have two datasets, big and small. s_date<-c(?2005-12-02?, ?2005-12-01?, ?2004-11-02?,?2002-10-05?,?2000-12-15?) s_id<-c(?a?,?a?,?b?,?c?,?d?) b_date<- c(?2005-12-31?, ?2005-12-31?, ?2004-12-31?,?2002-10-05?,?2001-10-31?,?1999-12-31?) b_id<-c(?a?,?b?,?c?,?d?,?e?,?c?) small<-data.frame(date_=as.Date(s_date),id=s_id) big<-data.frame(date_=as.Date(b_date),id=b_id) For each row in ?big?, I want to look for a match in small where two conditions are met: a. big$id=small$id b. big$date_>=small$date If match is found, I wish...
2006 May 17
Association data clobbering (foreign keys too?)
Can someone please confirm or correct the following statements? If I have the following tables create table as (id int, [...], b_id int); create table bs (id int, [...], a_id int); create table as_bs (a_id int, b_id int); and the associations woould be defined like this class A << ... habtm :bs belongs_to :b end so my Model A has a habtm collection of Bs *plus* a direct belongs_to link to one B (and vice vers...
2008 Jul 04
How to make WHERE foo_id IN () query?
Hi, There are 3 models: A has_many :Cs B has_many :Cs C belongs_to A and B I got a single object of A and an array of B objects. How can I get all Cs that have a_id equal to object *and* b_id that belongs to an object in Bs array? Regards --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-talk-/JYPxA39Uh5TLH3MbocFFw@public....
2013 Jul 19
Rails 4 "belongs_to: record" association doesn't work
Hi, I discovered a weird behavior when using a "belongs_to: record" association in Rails 4. Given two models A and B: class A < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :record, class_name: ''B'', foreign_key: ''b_id'' end class B < ActiveRecord::Base end When creating A, it inserts a record in B and returns A with id of nil: irb(main):001:0> A.create! (0.1ms) begin transaction SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "bs" DEFAULT VALUES (2.4ms) commit transaction => #<A id: nil, b_id...
2006 Mar 15
push_with_attributes not inserting default values
I have a join table A_B with columns[a_id, b_id, c_data default 1, d_data default 1]. If I do: @aobj.bobjs.push_with_attributes(@bobj,{:c_data => 0}) I find that the row inserted, has d_data set to 0 and not the default value specified in the database, which is 1. So I am having to explicitly set it using : @aobj.bobjs.push_with_attributes...
2007 Sep 23
Connecting a row of an unknown table to another row of an unknown table
...------------------------------'' My first idea was to create three extra join tables, "genre_genres", "element_elements", and "genre_elements". I realized, however, that I could collapse that into one "connections" table: id :integer a_id :integer b_id :integer a_class_name :string b_class_name :string The _id''s can hold either/both the id of a genre or an element; likewise the _class_name''s can hold either/both "genre" or "element". However, that would require hacking together a custom ActiveRecord class...
2007 Jul 22
db:fixtures:load order
I was trying to deal with foreign key issues related to order of fixture loading when I came across this: This got me looking deeper into rails and I noticed that db:fixtures:load calls Fixtures.create_fixtures once for each fixture file. However, Fixtures.create_fixtures is capable of taking multiple files and also handle the