search for: b315969d432443845ce93eac8355534b

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2004 Sep 10
[Flac-users] MD5 digest doesn't match
...md5 over the unencoded audio data, but I can't reproduce it. I'm using flac 1.0.2 and Ron Rivest's reference md5 implementation. $ md5 temp.wav MD5 (temp.wav) = a7c92c4a656b2be2582f77c51b68a623 $ flac temp.wav $ metaflac temp.flac file: temp.flac METADATA block #0 ... MD5 signature: b315969d432443845ce93eac8355534b ... $ flac -d -c temp.flac | md5 ... a7c92c4a656b2be2582f77c51b68a623 Does anyone have any ideas what I'm doing wrong? Thanks, steven.