Displaying 11 results from an estimated 11 matches for "b1x1".
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2012 Jul 05
Plotting the probability curve from a logit model with 10 predictors
I have a logit model with about 10 predictors and I am trying to plot the
probability curve for the model.
Y=1 = 1 / 1+e^-z where z=B0 + B1X1 + ... + BnXi
If the model had only one predictor, I know to do something like below.
mod1 = glm(factor(won) ~ as.numeric(bid), data=mydat,
all.x <- expand.grid(won=unique(won), bid=unique(bid))
y.hat.new <- predict(mod1, newdata=all.x, type="re...
2012 May 29
setting parameters equal in lm
Forgive me if this is a trivial question, but I couldn't find it an answer
in former forums. I'm trying to reproduce some SAS results where they set
two parameters equal. For example:
y = b1X1 + b2X2 + b1X3
Notice that the variables X1 and X3 both have the same slope and the
intercept has been removed. How do I get an estimate of this regression
model? I know how to remove the intercept ("-1" somewhere after the tilde).
But how about setting parameters equal? I have used the c...
2007 Jul 26
Regression with Missing values. na.action?
Hi all,
Can you please tell me what is the problem here.
My regression eq is y = B0 + B1X1 +B2X2 +e
And i am interested in coefficient B1
I am doing regression with two cases:
1) reg<-lm(y ~ X1 + X2, sam) where sam is the data
2) reg<-lm(y ~ X1 + X2, sam, na.action= na.exclude) . I have missing values
in X1
but the values of coefficient is not consistent in two cases.
2008 Aug 06
Variance-covariance matrix for parameter estimates
Dear All,
I am currently working with the coxph function within the package survival.
I have the model h_ij = h_0(t) exp(b1x1 + b2x2) where the indicator
are as follows:
x1 x2
VPS 0 0
LTG 1 0
TPM 0 1
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2010 Sep 29
get response from a glm
Hi everyone:
¡¡I am new to R and I have a really basic question.
I have already got a generalized linear model from some dataset, say y=b0 + b1X1 + b2X2. Then I want to get the value of y provided, say, X1=1, X2=2. And the confidence Intervals of this y.
I know I can just calculate that since I know the model already. But is there some code that can calculate those automatically?
Thank you very much!
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2011 Jan 20
Constrained Regression
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to perform a linear regression y = b1x1 + b2x2 + b3x3 + b4x4 +
b5x5 while constraining the coefficients such that -3 <= bi <= 3, and the
sum of bi =1. I've searched R-help and have found solutions for
constrained regression using quadratic programming (solve.QP) where the
coefficients are between 0 and 1 and sum to 1, but...
2010 Feb 13
lm function in R
I am trying to learn how to perform Multiple Regression Analysis in R. I
decided to take a simple example given in this PDF:
I created a small CSV called, students.csv that contains the following data:
s1 14 4 1
s2 23 4 2
s3 30 7 2
s4 50 7 4
s5 39 10 3
s6 67 10 6
Col headers: Student id, Memory span(Y), age(X1), speech rate(X2)
2007 Dec 10
Simulating Case Control Data
Dear R-Help-List,
I was wondering if anyone had experience simulating
case-control data in R? I've been looking through
literature, and found that the main examples make
heavy parametric assumptions on the distributions of
the exposure (E), covariates (Z), and disease status
(D). I would appreciate any guidance toward
resources/examples/literature that simulate
case-control data with fewer
2011 Jan 09
question about the chow test of poolability
Good day R-listers,
My question is more a statistical question than an R related question,
so please bear with me
i'm currently applying the chow test of poolability
in fact i'm working with panel N=17 T=5 , and my model looks like
this : Yit= a0+B1X1+B2X2+B3X3+B4X4+eit
My question is the following when i'm Testing for the equality of
the coefficients of the unpooled data (the last stage) many of my
constraints get dropped, this indeed impact the degree of freedom of
my F statistic , and would like to understand the reason?
is this becau...
2010 Mar 15
testing hipotheses using GAMLSS package
Hi all.
In a GLM in which g(mu) = b0 + b1X1 + b2X2 + b3X3 + b4X4 + b5X5 + b6X6 + b7X7, if I want to test if b1 + b5 = b2 + b6, I can use the contrast package or multicomp package. How can I do a similar test if I am fitting a GAMLSS using the gamlss package? Thank you for your help. Gustavo
2009 Mar 07
using a noisy variable in regression (not an R question)
Hi, This is not an R question, but I've seen opinions given on non R
topics, so I wanted
to give it a try. :)
How would one treat a variable that was measured once, but is known to
fluctuate a lot?
For example, I want to include a hormone in my regression as an
explanatory variable. However, this
hormone varies in its levels throughout a day. Nevertheless, its levels differ