search for: b175

Displaying 8 results from an estimated 8 matches for "b175".

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2004 Aug 06
ruby-shout 2.0 released
ruby-shout 2.0 has been released. it has an raa entry on, and a (modest) page at -- 01CB B175 70D8 2E39 CA13 AEA6 3A2B 2219 31CD 5381 check out fast mail, free or cheap. web + IMAP. -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: part Type: application/pgp-signature Size: 190 bytes Desc: not available Url :
2004 Aug 06
Ogg streams on MacOSX only a few more, AFAIK: > - MacAmp [Mac] > > > - Audion 3 [Mac] > doesn't mint audio play ogg streams too? it's not free, but neither is much of anything else for the mac. :P -- 01CB B175 70D8 2E39 CA13 AEA6 3A2B 2219 31CD 5381 "The irony is that Bill Gates claims to be making a stable operating system and Linus Torvalds claims to be trying to take over the world." check out fast mail, free or cheap. web + IMAP. --- >8 ---- List archives: http://www.x...
2003 Jul 02
Call for testing: libshout 2.0 beta 2
Hi all, I've just released beta 2 of libshout 2.0, the icecast 2 compatible streaming library. Libshout 2.0 adds support for icecast 2, Ogg streaming, and IPv6. Ogg and Vorbis are now prerequisites. Changes since beta 1: * lots and lots of autoconf. Thanks to Karl Heyes for his help here. * a fix for unusual MP3 bitrates contributed by
2003 Jul 02
Call for testing: libshout 2.0 beta 2
Hi all, I've just released beta 2 of libshout 2.0, the icecast 2 compatible streaming library. Libshout 2.0 adds support for icecast 2, Ogg streaming, and IPv6. Ogg and Vorbis are now prerequisites. Changes since beta 1: * lots and lots of autoconf. Thanks to Karl Heyes for his help here. * a fix for unusual MP3 bitrates contributed by
2004 Aug 06
Ogg streams on MacOSX
>I maintain such a page here: > > > >It's probably woefully incomplete. Well, there are only a few more, AFAIK: - The Quinntissential Player [Windows] - Zinf [Windows & Linux] - MacAmp [Mac] - Audion 3 [Mac] --- >8 ----
2005 Mar 02
Getting Polycom IP500 to talk to Asterisk - um... Newbie question :)
> Hmmm... I have this aweful feeling that I'm choosing the > exact wrong time to ask a "newbie question" :) Oh well, here > it goes. > > The quick question is : "How do I dial an extension?" > (answer is probably - "you don't" in which case:) "How do I > dial my asterisk box?" - I have no outside line, I just want >
2012 Jan 03
arc_no_grow is set to 1 and never set back to 0
Hello. I have a Solaris 11/11 x86 box (which I migrated from SolEx 11/10 a couple of weeks ago). Without no obvious reason (at least for me), after an uptime of 1 to 2 days (observed 3 times now) Solaris sets arc_no_grow to 1 and then never sets it back to 0. ARC is being shrunk to less than 1 GB -- needless to say that performance is terrible. There is not much load on this system. Memory
2016 Nov 21
Winbind traffic not encrypted 164f a487 10dd ........P..O.... 0x0590: a354 7788 53d2 15eb f8b3 7fc4 9fd4 8ba6 .Tw.S........... 0x05a0: 37c9 832d 447a 4a71 3ce2 ddd1 e754 0982 7..-DzJq<....T.. 0x05b0: e12d 01b6 ebdd 6e36 d250 9619 0af2 63cf .-....n6.P....c. 0x05c0: 700c 73ef dfd6 fe06 94c4 cef7 553d b175 p.s.........U=.u 0x05d0: 4936 7681 ffc6 13b2 1756 ba48 f8c3 3ade I6v......V.H..:. 0x05e0: 306a aee9 eeb6 acd7 8d94 0504 788b 3c7c 0j..........x.<| 0x05f0: 1dc0 4466 db5a 2cde aa4b 0b27 0d7c 2bd0 ..Df.Z,..K.'.|+. 0x0600: 240f 7b76 4fce 3c17 8e8a 6118 f468 d9bc $.{vO.&l...