search for: axzvvv

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2002 Sep 26
more on rsync error: unexplained error (code 255) at main.c(925)
...ytes 11371.20 bytes/sec total size is 10142392 speedup is 356.77 rsync error: unexplained error (code 255) at main.c(925) I am using SSH with an RSA key (SSH2). the OpenBSD box has OpenSSH_3.4, and the solaris Box has SSH Version Sun_SSH_1.0 (S9's owns) This is what I'm doing: rsync -axzvvv backup@host:/home/stuff/software/ <mailto:backup@host:/home/stuff/software/> * --rsh="ssh -v -v -i id_rsa -2 -l backup" home/stuff/software This is the end portion of what I get (note that the 'debug[1,2]' lines are generated by ssh): ... recv_files finished wrote 16 byt...