search for: avhp

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2013 Dec 22
Duplicated (but only for unread) messages after second rsync pass...
Ok, I know I should probably be using dsync for this, but I'm more familiar with rsync, and didn't think this would be a problem. Here is what I am doing, and what is apparently happening (only done this once, but I'm guessing it will happen each time): rsync -avHP /mnt/vmail/ /var/vmail/ chown -R vmail:vmail /var/vmail/ Ok, so far so good, everything works fine accessing the mails (I'm using Thunderbird). Now I do another rsync, but this time I did the entire mailstore: rsync -avHP /mnt/vmail/example.c...
2003 Oct 06
Patch to revive tmpfiles
This is a patch to fix one annoyance of having rsync processes race: I usually keep our servers synced with the following script, run by cron. #!/bin/sh lockfile -r 2 -l 1000 /tmp/synchome.lock || exit 1 rsync -e ssh -avHP --delete zorro01:/home/\* /home >/dev/null rm -f /tmp/synchome.lock -- Sometimes my users (including myself) are in a hurry and syncronise files and directories in their homes themselves. This bypasses the lock above and two or more rsync processes are in a race. What happens is that the compe...
2013 Dec 21
How to set different permissions on target
Hi all, Ok, I'm attempting to rsync a large datastore (email), and want to change the ownership of the target directories and files. I saw the --chmod option in man rsync, but didn't see a --chown option... What I'd like to do is something like: rsync -avHP --chown vmail:vmail /mnt/old-mail/ /var/vmail/mail/ So the ownership of all dirs and file on the target are vmail:vmail after the rsync is done (on the source they are postfix:postfix). Can this be done? This is about 350GB of stuff, so I'd rather not have to do a separate chown after the r...
2013 Dec 22
Ignoring permission differences...
Hi all, Ok, since 3.1 still isn't in stable, I'm curious if I can just find the equivalent of: rsync -avHP --delete --exclude-from '/home/user/excludes.txt' /mnt/ /var/vmail/ But that will ignore differences in permissions - ie, won't recopy everything, just because the permissions on the source are different from the permissions on the target... So, would this j...
2007 Jan 14
feature request, hardlink progress......
I'm copying a partition that has a bunch of hardlink based snapshots (-aPH). I think there's about 250,000 files in each backup and between 100 and 200 snapshots. Earlier today, I saw the files had completed and it was making all the hardlinks. I thought it would be "not long" but it's been making hardlinks for 12 hours (at least). There's only 36Gb in snapshot, the
2009 Nov 18
my local mirror stopped working
...d 0777 /mnt/C5.3_{32,64} mount -ro loop /home/amckay/Desktop/CentOS-5.3-i386-bin-DVD.iso /mnt/C5.3_32 mount -ro loop /home/amckay/Desktop/CentOS-5.3-x86_64-bin-DVD.iso /mnt/C5.3_64 mkdir -p /var/www/html/ks/centos/5.3/{os,updates}/{i386,x86_64} pushd /var/www/html/ks/centos/ ln -s 5.3 5 popd rsync -avHPS /mnt/C5.3_64/ /var/www/html/ks/centos/5.3/os/x86_64/ rsync -avHPS /mnt/C5.3_32/ /var/www/html/ks/centos/5.3/os/i386/ rsync -avSHP --delete --exclude "local*" --exclude "isos" rsync:// /var/www/html/ks/centos/5.3/ chown -R apache:apache /va...
2005 Jun 08
BUG REPORT: latest rsync misinvokes ssh with user@host ...
The latest rsync (2.6.5) seems to invoke the transport specified by $RSYNC_RSH differently. I have this set to point at an ssh wrapper script (which is now I noticed), and an strace shows this: [archives/silva]#root@jazzbo*> strace -e trace=process -f /opt/bin/rsync -avHP /mnt/phat/archives/silva/. root@ali:/a/ali/home/............. [...snip...] execve("/u/cameron/scripts/rsync_rsh", ["rsync_rsh", "ali", "-l", "root", "rsync", "--server", "-vlHogDtpr", "--partial", ".&...
2014 Feb 02
xorriso or genisoimage syntax assistance
I got this figured out much faster than I thought I would. Thanks to all of your help, Peter, Mattias, Thomas and Helmut. And Thomas, that 8 partition live OS sounds right up my alley, and I will definitely check it out. The second partition is working well with `parted' and `fdisk', so I am quite pleased. Below is, again, "what I came up with". I tried to integrate each of your