search for: avatar_file_name

Displaying 6 results from an estimated 6 matches for "avatar_file_name".

2011 Aug 07
...picuser *with =>has_attached_file :avatar, :styles => {:medium => "300*300>", :thumb => "100*100>" } created a migration file with following columns => class AddAvatarColumnsToPicusers < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up add_column :picusers, :avatar_file_name, :string add_column :picusers, :avatar_content_type, :string add_column :picusers, :avatar_file_size, :integer add_column :picusers, :avatar_updated_at, :datetime end def self.down remove_column :picusers, :avatar_file_...
2010 Sep 01
Faking Paperclip has_attached_file with Factory girl?
...ories.rb file looks like this: Factory.define :user do |user| "Anders" "" user.password "foobar" user.password_confirmation "foobar" user.avatar_file_name "avatar" end My Rspec test (users_controller_spec.rb) looks like this: it "should have a profile image" do get :show, :id => @user should have_attached_file(:avatar) end And I get the following error: UsersController GET ''show'' should have a pro...
2009 Jan 07
how rails insert object id to database?
[4;35;1mUser Create (0.5ms) [0m [0mINSERT INTO `users` (`name`, `avatar_file_name`, `avatar_file_size`, `created_at`, `updated_at`, `avatar_content_type`) VALUES(''hello'', ''Screenshot.png'', 253800, ''2009-01-08 08:27:19'', ''2009-01-08 08:27:19'', ''image/png'') [0m [paperclip] Saving attachments....
2009 Nov 27
Cucumber + Paperclip
...s, First time I am writing a scenario for uploading images. But some how things are not working as it should be The cucumber scenario is And I attach the file at "/home/user/Desktop/sdasd.png" to "avatar" And I press "Upload Logo" But I trace it. its showing up avatar_file_name: "sdasd.png", avatar_content_type:* "text/plain",* in Database where content type is png :( .... Is there any thing which I need to do or is there any thing m missing.. Thanks Abhis -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Ra...
2010 Aug 07
Paperclip Trouble - Not Writing to the Database
...e = "Sign Up" render ''new'' end end When I try to create a new user with an avatar the SQL (from the server logs) is: INSERT INTO `users` (`name`, `email`, `created_at`, `updated_at`, `encrypted_password`, `salt`, `remember_token`, `admin`, `avatar_file_name`, `avatar_content_type`, `avatar_file_size`, `avatar_updated_at`) VALUES (''Example User'', '''', ''2010-08-07 00:18:52'', ''2010-08-07 00:18:52'', ''e49ab5f50085e13f986e0a89a...
2008 Dec 04
upload test images using rake with populator
I am wondering if it is possible to upload test images to the database along with the other fake user data. I am using populator along with faker for fake test data and it is working very well. I am able to do things like: User.populate 100 do |user| user.username = Faker::Name.first_name = end but I am wondering if theres a way to do