search for: authenticationhelper

Displaying 2 results from an estimated 2 matches for "authenticationhelper".

2008 Jun 05
how to add a method without coding it directly into app?
i''m missing something here. how would I code this outside the application to be shared with other Camping apps? module Blog::Controllers module AuthenticationHelper def self.included(base) class << base define_method :authenticate do |*a| a.each do |meth| if method_defined?(meth.to_s) alias_method "__#{meth}__", meth...
2008 Jun 03
I was having some issue getting the class variables in Camping::Session to work with some old apps, so I''ve changed @@state_secret to a method. module Blog include Camping::Session def state_secret; "kxxxx" end end Also, merged some of zimbatm''s patches. And trying to revive the Junebug wiki <> since it''s still