search for: authenthication

Displaying 4 results from an estimated 4 matches for "authenthication".

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2004 Mar 29
W2K3 Server + RAS + Samba 3.0 Domain
Hi ! I?m trying to figure out if it?s possible to add a W2K3 Server into a Samba 3.0 Domain and then have the RAS-Service on the W2K3 server authenthicate against the Samba Domain. Bringing the 2K3 into the Domain was not much of a problem, working fine so far, i can log on using Domain users etc. But i?ve been trying for a week now and i can?t get the RAS Service working properly. It always
2004 Apr 13
authenticating to an NTLM proxy from a Linux http cli ent
...t, but you > can call ntlm_auth over stdio to do the job. (This presumes > you wish to > modify the source to wget or apt-get). > > This is in Samba 3.0.2, of which we just released rc2. > It'd be nice to have the time to hack all the various unix clients to support NTLM authenthication. But wanting to just get the job done, I've found another solution: ntlmaps (NTLM authentication proxy server). It's home page is, but I packaged it up for Debian ( It lets me proxy for wget and apt-get. Tha...
2014 Feb 25
AUTH_USER variable has invalid value in checkpassword Script
Dear dovecot experts: We are using client certificates to authenthicate against a Dovecot server. Our certificates contain a x500UniqueIdentifier. I'm absolutely sure that the value of the x500UniqueIdentifier was stored into the AUTH_USER when I tested my setup last year. This has somehow changed and now AUTH_USER always contains the username. This has fatal consequences as now every owner
2000 Sep 28
Name Resolution
Hello, samba In my net (with samba installed) all works well, but I want windows users to authenthicate in my samba server. And I have tried a lot of things, without result. If anybody using it could send me his (or her) smb.conf file, I would be pleased. Thanks angel