search for: atasev

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2017 Aug 17
PAM Clustering
...t;,dec='.') > library(cluster) > cluster.pam = pam(MYdata,10) > table(cluster.pam$clustering) > filenameclu = paste("clusters", ".txt") > write.table(cluster.pam$clustering, file=filenameclu,sep=",") > > > 2017-08-17 10:28 GMT+02:00 Sema Atasever <s.atasever at>: > >> Dear Authorized Sir / Madam, >> >> I have a data set in which each row indicates an amino asid and each >> column corresponds >> to a feature (in total 539 features). >> I want to use PAM Clustering usign this data set....
2017 Aug 17
PAM Clustering
...ilarity matrix. If diss=FALSE then "euclidean" was use.So, I interpret that a matrix of dissimilarity is generated automatically. Problems may be in your data. Indeed pam(ruspini, 4)$diss write a dissimilaty matrix while pam(MYdata,10)$diss wite NULL 2017-08-17 16:03 GMT+02:00 Sema Atasever <s.atasever at>: > Dear Germano, > > Thank you for your fast reply, > > In the above code, *MYData *is the actual data set. > > Do not we need to convert *MYData to *the dissimilarity matrix using > *pam(as.dist(**MYData**), k = 10, diss = TRUE*)* code l...
2017 Aug 17
PAM Clustering
...ata <- read.csv2("data.txt",dec='.') library(cluster) cluster.pam = pam(MYdata,10) table(cluster.pam$clustering) filenameclu = paste("clusters", ".txt") write.table(cluster.pam$clustering, file=filenameclu,sep=",") 2017-08-17 10:28 GMT+02:00 Sema Atasever <s.atasever at>: > Dear Authorized Sir / Madam, > > I have a data set in which each row indicates an amino asid and each > column corresponds > to a feature (in total 539 features). > I want to use PAM Clustering usign this data set. > > > *when i ran R...
2017 Aug 17
PAM Clustering
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2017 Jul 10
PAM Clustering
Dear Authorized Sir / Madam, I have an R script file in which it includes PAM Clustering codes: *when i ran R script i am getting this error:* *Error in pam(d, 10) : x is not a numeric dataframe or matrix.* *Execution halted* How can i fix this error? Thanks in advance. ? data.csv <> ? *pam.R* data <-