Displaying 20 results from an estimated 150 matches for "asym".
Did you mean:
2009 Jun 11
formula for degrees of freedom for nonlinear mixed model in nlme
...treatments and two types (84 observations in total), but den df for each parameter of the model is 64. Isn’t it too high?
Your help is greatly appreciated,
Summary of the CO2 example:
> summary(fm4CO2.nlme)
Nonlinear mixed-effects model fit by maximum likelihood
Model: uptake ~ SSasympOff(conc, Asym, lrc, c0)
Data: CO2
AIC BIC logLik
388.4185 420.0191 -181.2092
Random effects:
Formula: list(Asym ~ 1, lrc ~ 1)
Level: Plant
Structure: General positive-definite, Log-Cholesky parametrization
StdDev Corr
Asym.(Intercept) 2.349640 As.(I)
2008 May 27
How to test significant differences for non-linear relationships for two locations
Hi List,
I have to compare a relationship between y and x for two locations. I found logistic regression fits both datasets well, but I am not sure how to test if relationships for both sites are significantly different. I searched the r site, however no answers exactly match the question.
I used Tukey's HSD to compare two means, but the relationship in my study was not simply linear. So I
2009 May 04
how to change nlme() contrast parametrization?
How to set the nlme() function to return the answer without the intercept parametrization?
Soybean[1:3, ]
(fm1Soy.lis <- nlsList(weight ~ SSlogis(Time, Asym, xmid, scal),
data = Soybean))
(fm1Soy.nlme <- nlme(fm1Soy.lis))
fm2Soy.nlme <- update(fm1Soy.nlme, weights = varPower())
plot(ranef(fm2Soy.nlme, augFrame = TRUE),
form = ~ Year * Variety, layout = c(3,1))
soyFix <- fixef(fm2Soy.nlme)
options(contrasts = c(&...
2013 Mar 15
nlrob and robust nonlinear regression with upper and/or lower bounds on parameters
I have a question regarding robust nonlinear regression with nlrob. I
would like to place lower bounds on the parameters, but when I call
nlrob with limits it returns the following error:
"Error in psi(resid/Scale, ...) : unused argument(s) (lower = list(Asym
= 1, mid = 1, scal = 1))"
After consulting the documentation I noticed that upper and lower are
not listed as parameter in the nlrob help documentation. I haven't
checked the source to confirm this yet, but I infer that nlrob simply
doesn't support upper and lower bounds.
For my c...
2011 Nov 17
Obtaining a derivative of nls() SSlogis function
Hello, I am wondering if someone can help me. I have the following function
that I derived using nls() SSlogis. I would like to find its derivative. I
thought I had done this using deriv(), but for some reason this isn't
working out for me.
Here is the function:
asym <- 84.951
xmid <- 66.90742
scal <- -6.3
x.seq <- seq(1, 153,, 153)
nls.fn <- asym/((1+exp((xmid-x.seq)/scal)))
try #1
#get an Error in .Internal(deriv.default(expr, namevec, function.arg, tag,
hessian)) : 'namevec' is missing
try #2
deriv(nls.fn, namevec=c(&q...
2008 Jan 04
nls (with SSlogis model and upper limit) never returns (PR#10544)
...mputation never finishes and locks R up:
> values <- list(x=10:30, y=c(23.85, 28.805, 28.195, 26.23, 25.005, 20.475,
17.33, 14.97, 11.765, 8.857, 5.3725, 5.16, 4.2105, 2.929, 2.174, 1.25, 1.0255,
0.612, 0.556, 0.4025, 0.173))
> y.max <- max(values$y)
> model <- nls(y ~ SSlogis(x, asym, xmid, scal), data=values, algorithm="port",
start=c(asym=y.max, xmid=15, scal=-0.5), upper=c(y.max, Inf, Inf))
This used to work with R version 2.5.1 patched.
The problem does _not_ occur if the parameter "scal=-0.5" in the nls call is
changed, e. g. to "scal=-0.6" o...
2006 Apr 10
SE estimates for treatment groups from nlme
I am wondering how to obtain SE estimates for fixed effects from a nonlinear mixed effects model?
I have fixed effects corresponding to three factors A, B and C with 2, 3 and 3 levels respectively. I have fit a model of the following general form:
nlme1<-nlme(y~ SasympOrig(x, Asym, lrc), data=df, fixed=list(Asym~A*B*C, lrc~A*B*C),
start=c(fixef(ETR.nlme)[1], rep(0,17), fixef(ETR.nlme)[2], rep(0,17)))
I am using the default ("contr.treatment" and "contr.poly"). The summary table (tTable) gives me the baseline coefficients and a list of diff...
2001 Jun 01
nls works but not gnls
This works fine:
But this, identical except using gnls, doesn't converge:
2004 May 18
nlme: Initial parameter estimates
...loglikelihood, AIC and also on the significance of some parameter). Below the fit of the same model for different values of initial parameters:
1- Initial parameters = c(3, 20, -3.732865)
Nonlinear mixed-effects model fit by maximum likelihood
Model: MTL ~ SSlogis(age, Asym, xmid, scal)
Data: data
AIC BIC logLik
7.996858 33.22420 2.001571
Random effects:
Formula: list(Asym ~ 1, xmid ~ 1)
Level: optid
Structure: Diagonal
Asym xmid Residual
StdDev: 0.2577518 0.004429942 0.1616483
2011 Aug 09
nls, how to determine function?
dat.df.1 <- data.frame(dat)
dat.df.2 <- data.frame(x=x.seq, dat.df=dat.df.1)
fit.dat <-nls(dat ~ SSlogis(x, Asym, xmid,scal), data = dat.df.2,
start =list(Asym=90, xmid = 75, scal = -6))
plot(dat.df.2, axes=FALSE, ann=FALSE, ylim=c(0,100))
lines(dat.df.2$x[complete.cases(dat.df.2)], predict(fit.dat), ylim=c(0,100))
2000 Oct 14
Access to calculations in nls
I would like to be able to access the calculated results from the nls package.
Using the example in R, fm3DNase1 we can reurn certain parts of the
> coef(fm3DNase1)
Asym xmid scal
2.345179 1.483089 1.041454
> resid(fm3DNase1)
[1] -0.0136806237 -0.0126806237 0.0089488569 0.0119488569 -0.0025803222
[6] 0.0064196778 0.0026723396 -0.0003276604 -0.0187778127 -0.0237778127
[11] 0.0381369952 0.0201369952 -0.0335131004 -0.0035131004 0.0150122651
2002 Aug 28
sourcing a file with the plot.lme() function
I ran into a problem trying to make a plot from a file that's read using
source. Basically, I have the following code in a file "plot.R" :
fm1 <- nlme(height ~ SSasymp(age, Asym, R0, lrc),
data = Loblolly,
fixed = Asym + R0 + lrc ~ 1,
random = Asym ~ 1,
start = c(Asym = 103, R0 = -8.5, lrc = -3.3))
This code is taken from the help page for 'nlme'. If I cut an paste this
code into th...
2004 Feb 20
nlme and multiple comparisons
This is only partly a question about R, as I am not quite sure about the
underlying statistical theory either.
I have fitted a non-linear mixed-effects model with nlme. In the fixed
part of the model I have a factor with three levels as explanatory
variable. I would like to use Tukey HSD or a similar test to test for
differences between these three levels.
I have two grouping factors:
2009 Nov 09
Parameter info from nls object
...k the information provided by
the summary method programmatically.
Still I could not find out which method to
use to get to those data.
Example (not my real world data, but to show the point):
> DNase1 <- subset(DNase, Run == 1)
> fm1DNase1 <- nls(density ~ SSlogis(log(conc), Asym, xmid, scal), DNase1)
> summary(fm1DNase1)
Formula: density ~ SSlogis(log(conc), Asym, xmid, scal)
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
Asym 2.34518 0.07815 30.01 2.17e-13 ***
xmid 1.48309 0.08135 18.23 1.22e-10 ***
scal 1.04146 0.03227 32.27 8.51e-14...
2001 Oct 07
Bug in Deriv? (PR#1119)
...ession not shown, it is the same for all versions.
platform i386-pc-mingw32
arch x86
os Win32
system x86, Win32
major 1
minor 3.0
year 2001
month 06
day 22
language R
> deriv(~offv+Asym/(1+exp(-(x-xmid)/scal)),"x")
.expr4 <- exp(-x - xmid/scal) #### Wrong !!!!
> deriv(~offv+Asym/(1+exp(-x/scal+xmid/scal)),"x")
.expr5 <- exp(-x/scal + xmid/scal) ## Correct
> deriv(~offv+Asym/(1+exp((xmid-x)/scal)),"x")...
2001 Aug 08
NLME augPred error
...d(area3.pen.nlme, primary=~day)
Error in predict.nlme(object, value[1:(nrow(value)/nL), , drop =
Levels 1,2,3 not allowed for block
predict.nlme(area3.pen.nlme) does not produce an error.
area3.pen.nlme was created with:
> area3.pen.nlme <- nlme(area ~ SSlogis(day, Asym, xmid, scal),
+ data=area.pen.data,
+ fixed = Asym + xmid + scal ~ dose + block,
+ random = Asym + xmid + scal ~ 1|seedling,
+ weights = varPower(),
+ start = c(2887,0,0,0,10.7,0,0,0,2.29,0,0,0))
area, day and dose are numeric
block and seedling are factors
area is the area in mm2 of o...
2001 May 24
nlme help please
fixed effect for param a = 10,10, 20,20, random effects= +2, -2, +2, -2
fixed effect for param b=2, fixed effect for c = .5
normal noise with sd=1 was added to all y values.
I do:
and get the separate fits of the logistic to each subject's data. 4 curves
and 4 sets of param values (12 params total for the model).
How do I get the fit of the model which is the true one as stated above:
Asym for group A (fixed effect)
Asym for group B (fixed e...
2010 Apr 12
How to derive function for parameters in Self start model in nls
.... there is lost of example,
(i.e. SSgompertz, SSmicman, SSweibull, etc). my question is, how to derive
the function of parameters. and also which model to use for get
the initials values. In the following example's the red color coding
requires the explanation??
function (x, Asym, b2, b3)
.expr2 <- b3^x
.expr4 <- exp(-b2 * .expr2)
.value <- Asym * .expr4
.actualArgs <- as.list(match.call()[c("Asym", "b2", "b3")])
if (all(unlist(lapply(.actualArgs, is.name)))) {
.grad <- array(0, c(length(.value), 3L)...
2013 Feb 17
xtable nlme
Hola a todos
Les consulto por un problema con xtable y nlme, tomando un ejemplo del
manual de nlme para obtener los resultados en latex utilizando xtable,
se puede utilizar el siguiente código, pero hay un problema y causa
fm1 <- nlme(height ~ SSasymp(age, Asym, R0, lrc),
data = Loblolly,
fixed = Asym + R0 + lrc ~ 1,
random = Asym ~ 1,
start = c(Asym = 103, R0 = -8.5, lrc = -3.3))
Por si prefieren no ejecutar el código, el mensaje de error es: Error en
2009 Oct 02
nls not accepting control parameter?
...51074, 152241, 153919,
155580, 157258, 158981, 160591,
162126, 163743, 165213, 166695,
168023, 169522, 170746, 172057,
173287, 173977, 175232, 176308,
nls( y ~ SSlogis(x, Asym, xmid, scal), data = dat, trace=TRUE)
(newMinFactor <- 1/(4*1024))
nls( y ~ SSlogis(x, Asym, xmid, scal), data = dat,
control=nls.control(minFactor=newMinFactor), trace=TRUE)
nls( y ~ SSlogis(x, Asym, xmid, scal), data = dat,
control=c(minFactor=newMinFactor), trace=TRUE)
(newMinFactor <-...