search for: association_proxi

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 64 matches for "association_proxi".

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2006 Mar 24
Bug (or feature?) in association_proxy: attributes in conditions
Hi List, When I do something like belongs_to :thing, :conditions => ''var = #{my_var}'' method_missing in association_proxy.rb gets recursively called. Are these bind-style vars not allowed? Given the code in the conditions method of association_proxy.rb, it looks lilke they''re meant to be. I''m running -v 4021 of rails. Cheers, Ian
2007 Jan 10
ActiveRecord Error?
We spent a big chunk of yesterday hunting down a strange bug in one of our rails apps and created a test project to try out different theories on what was going on. The result so far is a very small test case app that perfectly reproduces the problem. The question is, is there anything *wrong* with what we''re doing here, or is it a problem with ActiveRecord? We''re on rails
2006 Apr 16
"Cannot convert String to Integer" after using association
So, I''ve written a partial that does some stuff with a given instance of my class "entity". Entity is ActiveRecord. I''m able to retrieve all sorts of data from an @entity, until I do something like: <% for @attribute in @entity.attributes %> <div id="attribute_<%= %>"> <%= render(:partial =>
2006 Mar 20
AHHHhhhhh... has_and_belongs_to_many, that is going on?
I don''t have a class by the name of "ReviewersScoreCard", yet my many to many configuration looks as follows. And, these errors while running some simple test with ./script/console is giving me a headache: ./script/console Loading development environment. >> r = Reviewer.find_first => #<Reviewer:0x19d0a48 @attributes={"id"=>"1",
2007 Aug 22
mock framework ethics question
Hi James, Jim, and everyone else who''s listening. I''ve been investigating an interesting bug related to mocks and rails AssociationProxies. See for details. The crux is that if you do this (rspec mock syntax): obj.should_receive(:msg).with(mock_of_a_model) and the implementation does
2009 Jul 20
Hitting unknown error with "can't dup NilClass"
Hi, My system has been encounter this problem, and I couldn''t find solution after debugging. My scenario is stated below: class user has_many :posts has_many :comments end class post belongs_to :user has_many :comments, :as => :commentable end class comment belongs_to :post belongs_to :user end For this case, I am trying to retrieve each post''s comment
2006 Apr 06
Record retrieval in Many-to-many using :through not working
Hello, I get an error while retrieving records from the following model structure. Tables foods - id, food foodallergies - food_id, symptom_id, a few other columns symptoms - id, symptom Models class Food < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :foodallergies has_many :symptoms, :through => :foodallergies end class Symptom < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :foodallergies has_many :foods,
2006 Jul 24
2 with ActiveRecord under Mongrel vs. FastCGI
Hi All, I''m going to end up hosting a site on a server in a fastcgi environment, but I''ve been doing most of my development under mongrel. I have a bit of code that spawns a thread, and in the thread it makes some remote calls (openuri) and does some database inserts via activerecord. When I do this under FastCGI, everything appears to work as expected. When I do it under
2006 Nov 20
RMagick load problems?
I have a page (model: daily_progress_chart) that uses RMagick and ImageMagick to create a chart using RVG. A few days ago (after some updates to Rails), this chart stopped working on both my development machine (MacBook Pro) and the production server (Gentoo Linux). I get the following error messages. I am totally lost, but I assume that there is a problem with RMagick. Any ideas anyone? On
2006 Dec 20
undefined method `fullname' for #<User:0x357e380>, BUT works on first view?
Hi all, Please excuse the long post, but I wanted to make sure you have all the information.... I have a NewsModel that looks like this: class News < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user validates_associated :user validates_length_of :title, :description, :minimum => 5, :allow_nil => false acts_as_commentable acts_as_taggable def self.find_recent News.find(:all,
2009 Jun 04
wrong number of arguments (1 for 0)
Hi, I hope someone can help me because this is driving me crazy, I''ve spent hours trying to track this down. I''m trying to convert a Rails 1.1 to Rails 2.3.2 and I''m getting the following error when trying to save a many to many relationship. I''ve double checked all the associations, I''ve used console to test my models and they all work ok, I can do
2009 Nov 17
has_many :through and foo.bars.include?
hallo everybody, i already googled the following problem, but there are so many questions regarding "has_many :through", that i just couldn''t find what i was looking for. so, i''m really sorry if this has been asked before. if so, just drop me the link. i have a has_many :through relationship similar to the following example: class Group < ActiveRecord::Base
2006 Mar 13
Problems with association named :task
I have an object that belongs_to :task, and calling that object''s task method returns the task it belongs to in the unit tests. One place in a controller, though, it gives me the error: undefined method `find'' for Rake::Task:Class ./script/../config/../vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/belongs_to_association.rb:44:in `find_target''
2005 Oct 27
has_one with Single Table Inheritance - NameError : uninitialized constant
I am having a problem with using SIngle Table Inheritance with a has_one relationship, and I am at a loss of what could be causing it. Below is the related code and the error message. class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_one :wishlist end class List < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user end class Wishlist < List has_and_belongs_to_many :items, :class_name =>
2006 May 20
acts_as_paranoid overrides ActiveRecord::Base??
Guys, I am trying to figure out what exactly does this line do at the end of "acts_as_paranoid" plugin? ActiveRecord::Base.send :include, Caboose::Acts::Paranoid::ActiveRecord My problem: I have some classes that I use acts_as_paranoid, and others with tagging support. Classes declared as taggable, throw error, which appears to be in the acts_as_paranoid version of the
2010 Aug 30
taskomatic.rb : set_vm_vnc_port
Hi, Does somebody know what is the purpose of this line in taskomatic.rb : set_vm_vnc_port(db_vm, result.description) unless result.status != 0 We removed it to avoid 2 errors in taskomatic.log when a vm is launched : ERROR Mon Aug 30 15:23:00 +0000 2010 (26416) Task action processing failed: ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid: Validation failed: Vnc port must be greater than or equal to 0 ERROR
2006 Jan 03
Newbie Install Question
Hi, I''ve been trying to get rails going on one of our dedicated servers, with no luck. I have ruby installed, gems, etc... When i goto to create my first rails app i get this: rails test /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-1.13.2/lib/active_record/ associations/association_proxy.rb:6: warning: instance_methods: parameter will default to ''true'' as of 1.8.1
2007 May 28
upload_column problems on post after validation error
Hi to all the crew ! I''ve a little (big ?) problem. I''m using upload_column plugin, it works very well but it throws an exception when I try to repost the form after a validation error. Here some details: Model: (hostel.rb) HOSTEL_PHOTO_DIR = {|inst, attr| "hostel/#{}"} HOSTEL_PHOTO_THUMB = "100x100" HOSTEL_PHOTO_NORMAL =
2006 Mar 27
:through and STI
Hi, I''m trying to use :through and STI using the trunk version of Rails, but I get the following error see bottom of this msg[1] here are my classes. class Player < ActiveRecord::Base end class Ladder < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :subscriptions has_many :players, :through => :subscriptions end class SingleLadder < Ladder end class Subscription <
2007 Jul 17
habtm confusion
Hello friends! I am trying to make a database that will have a group of people set to committees, and a person can be in multiple committees, and a committee obviously has multiple people. The people are senators at my university. These are my current models: senator.rb: -- class Senator < ActiveRecord::Base validates_presence_of :first_name, :last_name, :floor has_and_belongs_to_many