search for: askegg

Displaying 7 results from an estimated 7 matches for "askegg".

2006 Dec 14
Saving dates
Hi having trouble saving dates in my form i have the following in the view <%= date_select("details", "open_date") %> and i have @exhibition.open_date = params[:details][:open_date] and then All the other values form (not seen here) get saved but not the dates. What am i doing wrong ? -- Posted via
2006 Jul 23
destroy vs delete
what is the difference between destroy and delete in AR I am not sure what they mean by "Destroys the record with the given id by instantiating the object and calling destroy<>(all the callbacks are the triggered). If an array of ids is provided, all of them are destroyed." in
2006 Dec 17
Best practices for conditional display in views?
Hi. I am writing an application that has a lot of boolean conditional display logic, like this: <% if user.description then %> <p class="css_class"><%= user.description %></p> <% end %> Often the displayed content is more complex than the above, and to clean up my views I am trying to pull a lot of this sort of thing into partials. However, the problem
2006 May 15
acts_as_commentable release
I now have the acts_as_commentable plugin up on RubyForge. This plugin will allow you to add comments to any active_record object in your Rails application. So far the directions are simple, and there are only a few features: To install: ruby script/plugin install svn:// In the readme there is a sample migration you will need to use, with
2006 Dec 24
HABTM Reading Rows From Two Tables
I''m a newbie and loving rails but I''m stuck. All I want to do is to be able to show in my "list.rhtml" view the information between two tables who both have a HABTM relationship. So this is what I have as follows. -------------------------- TABLES -------------------------- # Projects create_table "projects", :force => true do |t| t.column
2007 Jan 19
Problem with link tags
Hell all, I have a layout were I add my stylesheets and javascript in the following manner: <%= stylesheet_link_tag "/form" %> <%= stylesheet_link_tag "/text" %> <%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %> But what happens is that in the actual web page the source is the following: <link href="/form.css?1168168516" media="screen"
2006 Dec 20
undefined method `fullname' for #<User:0x357e380>, BUT works on first view?
Hi all, Please excuse the long post, but I wanted to make sure you have all the information.... I have a NewsModel that looks like this: class News < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user validates_associated :user validates_length_of :title, :description, :minimum => 5, :allow_nil => false acts_as_commentable acts_as_taggable def self.find_recent News.find(:all,