search for: asdf

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 165 matches for "asdf".

2008 Feb 08
unwanted paragraph (syntax edge-case)
Hi list! Take this markdown input: * asdf * asdf * asdf asdf What I want: <ul> <li>asdf <ul> <li>asdf</li> <li>asdf</li> </ul> <p>asdf</p></li> </ul> But markdown puts the fir...
2011 Mar 18
Bug using inline code blocks in nested lists?
Hi, I am generating a nice document with some inline code blocks and came around the following error: 1. asdf - \` asdf `` `asdf` `` produces: <ol> <li>asdf <ul><li>` asdf <code><code>asdf</code></code> </li></ul></li> </ol> instead of: <ol> <li>asdf <ul><li>` asdf <code>`asdf`</code> </li...
2008 Sep 17
bug in maruku with single-element nested unordered list?
This does not produce the expected output, yet does work on the dingus [1]: * asdf * asdf >> require ''maruku'' => true >> doc ="* asdf\n * asdf\n") => md_el(:document,[ md_el(:ul,[md_el(:li_span,["asdf * asdf"],{:want_my_paragraph=>false},[])],{},[]) ],{},[]) >> doc.to_html => "<ul>\n&l...
2011 Jan 02
variable in loop
$ ASDF=hello; a=0; a=$(( 70 - $(echo $ASDF | awk '{print length}') )); echo "$a $ASDF"$(for i in {1..$a}; do printf "."; done) 65 hello. $ Why doesn't it print: 65 hello................................................................. What am i missing?
2011 Jan 05
check, that a script is in a folder
$ echo ${PWD##*/} somefolder $ if "${PWD##*/}" -eq "asdf" > /dev/null; then echo "this is the asdf folder"; else exit 1; fi bash: notthatfolder: command not found... this is the asdf folder $ So i just want to check that i'm in an exact folder. e.g.: "asdf" What's wrong with my one-liner? I just want to check, tha...
2009 Jun 16
Question regarding dataframes, matrix, frame, etc...
Hi all, As of now, I have a 15x8 matrix (name is "asdf"). The first seven columns contain numbers while the last column contains a string. The class of each column is "character". When I use the plot function to display a scatter plot between any of the two columns, ie. plot(asdf[, 1], asdf[, 2]) everything works fine. However, if I want...
2010 Sep 15
Glassfish asadmin provider
Hi, I am making a resource type to manage Glassfish domains. I''m not quite sure how to specify provider commands with a sane default and in configurable way. The location of the binary may be in other locations depending on where Glassfish was installed. Does anyone have any advice on
2012 Jan 24
Password auth scheme question with mysql
Hi, I have a current auth database using mysql with a "password" column in plain text. The config has "default_pass_scheme = PLAIN" specified In preparation for a more adaptable system I changed a password entry from "asdf" to "{PLAIN}asdf", but now auth fails. Works fine if I change it back to just "asdf". (I don't believe it's a caching problem) What might I be missing? I was under the impression that the password column can include a {scheme} prefix to indicate the password sc...
2007 May 18
naive question about using an object as the name of another object
This is a dumb question, but I'm having trouble finding the answer to this. I'd like to do the following: x<-"asdf" and then have the object x.y become automatically converted/represented as asdf.y (sort of akin to macro variables in SAS where you would do: %let x=asdf and do &x..y) What is the syntax for having x represented as "asdf" in x.y ? Thanks, Andrew [[alternative HTML version...
2017 Jun 22
Hi, I am using Spark and the Sparklyr library in R. I have a file with several lines. For example A B C Code 554 Code 747 Part 554 Part 747 I want to split just column A of the table and I want a new row added to the table D, with values awe, abcd, asdf, and xyz. I am trying to use a command in the sparkly library to do that. If that?s not possible, can you please show me another way t...
2008 Feb 13
acl, no rights and possibility to delete files
Hello, I've a samba 3.0.24 and a share in ext3 with acl. I've set on a file the following permissions on a file a.txt : vssamba:/# getfacl /mnt/samba/partage/a.txt getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names # file: mnt/samba/partage/a.txt # owner: herve # group: users user::rwx group::r-- other::r-- The rights for share "Partage" are : [partage]
2011 Sep 23
Anyone can create empty files (v 3.5.11)
I've mounted my cifs partition with a username and password and to test whether I had my permissions right, I did: $ sudo su testuser $ touch asdf touch: cannot touch `asdf': Permission denied $ It says permission denied, but the `asdf' file is still created. I can't write any data to it, but I can create empty files. This is because in smbd/open.c if the file doesn't exist and O_CREAT flag is set then it lets you open the...
2007 Jun 20
mail_log plugin updates
...ts = # Available fields: uid, box, msgid, size, vsize # size and vsize are available only for expunge and copy events. #mail_log_fields = uid box msgid size Without grouping you get pretty similar output than before: Info: copy: uid=13, dest=Trash, msgid=<20040702035043.7296C300DFC1A at asdf>, size=789 Info: delete: uid=13, msgid=<20040702035043.7296C300DFC1A at asdf> Info: expunge: uid=13, msgid=<20040702035043.7296C300DFC1A at asdf>, size=789 With mail_log_group_events=yes you get output like this: Info: copy: uids=15-17,24,26, dest=Trash, size=1534 Info: delete: uid...
2010 Jun 04
SORT with unknown charset bug?
I'm not sure this is a known bug. I'm using dovecot 1.1.19. C: s SORT (DATE) blah ALL UNDELETED OR HEADER SUBJECT {4} S: + OK C: asdf HEADER FROM {4} S: + OK C: asdf S: * SORT 1 2 4 5 3 6 7 (... all messages in folder) S: s NO [BADCHARSET] Unknown charset I think there shouldn't be "* SORT... " response. -- Aleksander 'A.L.E.C' Machniak gg:2275252 LAN Management System Developer http://lms....
2013 Jan 15
Regular expression
Hello again, I am having a problem on Regular expression. Let say I have following code: > gsub("[',]", "", "'asd'f") [1] "asdf" This is perfect. However I am having problem if I include "" (i.e. the double quote) in the first argument as the pattern search: > gsub("[',"]", "", "'asd'f") Error: unexpected ']' in "gsub("[',"]"...
2005 Dec 21
random output with sub(fixed = TRUE)
I've noticed what I think is curious behavior in using 'sub(fixed = TRUE)' and was wondering if my expectation is incorrect. Here is one example: v <- paste(0:10, "asdf", sep = ".") sub(".asdf", "", v, fixed = TRUE) The results I get are > sub(".asdf", "", v, fixed = TRUE) [1] "0" "1\0st\0\0" "2\0<af>\001\0\0" "3\0<af>\001\0\0" [...
2017 Jun 22
Rows are horizontal, columns are vertical. You really need to spend some time with an R tutorial. dta <- read.table( "yourfile", header=TRUE, ) dta2 <- dta dta2$D <- c( "awe", "abcd", "asdf", "xyz" ) dta2 <- dta2[ , c( "A", "D" ) ] -- Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity. On June 22, 2017 11:22:57 AM PDT, Amrith Deepak <adeepak at> wrote: >Hi, > >I am using Spark and the Sparklyr library in R. > >I have a...
2007 Dec 31
episode 73 resulting in error: undefined method `stringify_keys!' for "33":String
...roduct"=>{"image_url"=>"shep.jpg", "price"=>"400.00", "title"=>"German Shepard Lab Mix #2b", "category_ids"=>["6"], "picture_attributes"=>{"33"=>{"title"=>"asdf2"}, "24"=>{"title"=>"asdf"}, "27"=>{"title"=>"asdf"}, "30"=>{"title"=>"asdf"}}, "description"=>"3 year old german shepard lab mix. Test!"}, "id"=>&quo...
2005 Aug 17
Need help with the rubyonrails wiki - instiki filters
I am trying to do a tutorial improvement on the wiki but I am having some problems with the auto formatting. Using httdp.conf produces http://httpd.conf when filtered. Using *.so produces .so and bold text there after. Is there any shorthand for the user for making text appear as it should without the linking and re-writes? Or does the admin have to change the filters in Instiki? Tesla
2019 Mar 10
Exit status of Rscript when setting options(error=utils::recover)
Hello, I've noticed that Rscript didn't exit with error code if I set options error = utils::recover in .Rprofile . for example Rscript -e "asdf" Error: object 'asdf' not found No suitable frames for recover() echo $? 0 if didn't set options in .Rprofile, Rscript exit with error code 1, is this expected behavior ?