search for: as_numeric

Displaying 15 results from an estimated 15 matches for "as_numeric".

2004 Jun 30
AS_NUMERIC and as.numeric - Could someone explain?
...10000 each. With these vectors I call .Call("hyp2f1forrey", a, b, b, z, PACKAGE = "hyp2f1") to access SEXP hyp2f1forrey(SEXP a, SEXP b, SEXP c, SEXP x) { int i,n; double *xa, *xb, *xc, *xx, *xresr, *xresi; SEXP resr, resi; n = LENGTH(a); PROTECT(a = AS_NUMERIC(a)); PROTECT(b = AS_NUMERIC(b)); PROTECT(c = AS_NUMERIC(c)); PROTECT(x = AS_NUMERIC(x)); PROTECT(resr = NEW_NUMERIC(n)); PROTECT(resi = NEW_NUMERIC(n)); xa = NUMERIC_POINTER(a); xb = NUMERIC_POINTER(b); xc = NUMERIC_POINTER(c); xx = NUMERIC_POINTER(x); xresr...
2010 Jun 15
Error when callin g C-Code
...nes.h> #include <Rmath.h> SEXP CSimPoisson(SEXP lambda, SEXP tgrid, SEXP T2M, SEXP Ni, SEXP NT) { double sign, EVar; double *xlambda, *xtgrid, *xT2M, *xNi, *xNT, *xtau; SEXP tau; int ltgrid =0; int i = 0; int j = 0; sign = 0; EVar = 0; ltgrid = LENGTH(tgrid); PROTECT(lambda = AS_NUMERIC(lambda)); PROTECT(tgrid = AS_NUMERIC(tgrid)); PROTECT(T2M = AS_NUMERIC(T2M)); PROTECT(Ni = AS_NUMERIC(Ni)); PROTECT(NT = AS_NUMERIC(NT)); PROTECT(tau = NEW_NUMERIC(1)); xlambda = NUMERIC_POINTER(lambda); xtgrid = NUMERIC_POINTER(tgrid); xT2M = NUMERIC_POINTER(T2M); xNi = NUMERIC_POINTER(Ni...
2012 Dec 06
Use .Call interface
Hi I've written the following program: #include <R.h> #include <Rdefines.h> #include "Projector.h" SEXP Projector2(SEXP L, SEXP G, SEXP W, SEXP xymod, SEXP modif){ int nprot=0; PROTECT(L=AS_NUMERIC(L));nprot++; PROTECT(G=AS_NUMERIC(G));nprot++; PROTECT(W=AS_NUMERIC(W));nprot++; PROTECT(xymod=AS_INTEGER(xymod));nprot++; PROTECT(modif=AS_NUMERIC(modif));nprot++; double *lptr; lptr=REAL(L); double *gptr; gptr=REAL(G); double *wptr; wptr=REAL(W); int *xyptr; xyptr=INTEGER(xymod); double...
2012 Sep 16
possible TZ bug in parseISO8601 - "Error in if (length(c(year, month, day, hour, min, sec)) == 6 && c(year, : [...]"
...ues - and I have definitely checked and double-checked), the second line (filtered <- searchVector[dateFilter]) throws this error . Error in if (length(c(year, month, day, hour, min, sec)) == 6 && c(year, : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed In addition: Warning messages: 1: In as_numeric(YYYY) : NAs introduced by coercion 2: In as_numeric(YYYY) : NAs introduced by coercion Checking with debugger() reveals this > debugger() Message: Error in if (length(c(year, month, day, hour, min, sec)) == 6 && c(year, : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed Available environ...
2012 Dec 10
Changing arguments inside .Call. Wise to encourage "const" on all arguments?
...0.1 "Calling .Call". It protects the arguments a and b (needed ??), then changes them. #include <R.h> #include <Rdefines.h> SEXP convolve2(SEXP a, SEXP b) { R_len_t i, j, na, nb, nab; double *xa, *xb, *xab; SEXP ab; PROTECT(a = AS_NUMERIC(a)); /* PJ wonders, doesn't this alter "a" in calling code*/ PROTECT(b = AS_NUMERIC(b)); na = LENGTH(a); nb = LENGTH(b); nab = na + nb - 1; PROTECT(ab = NEW_NUMERIC(nab)); xa = NUMERIC_POINTER(a); xb = NUMERIC_POINTER(b); xab = NUMERIC_POI...
2003 May 20
building a Win32 DLL with R objects?
...e? /* this is a test for the r package to access r objects from a c lib */ #include "R.h" #include "Rdefines.h" SEXP test_function( SEXP a, SEXP b ) { int na; int nb; int nab; double *xa; double *xb; double *xab; SEXP ab; PROTECT( a = AS_NUMERIC( a ) ); PROTECT( b = AS_NUMERIC( b ) ); warning( "you're now in test_function\n" ); na = LENGTH( a ); nb = LENGTH( b ); nab = na + nb - 1; PROTECT( nab = AS_NUMERIC( nab ) ); xa = NUMERIC_POINTER( a ); xb = NUMERIC_POINTER( b ); xab = NUMERIC_POINTER( ab...
2012 Jul 16
Error in as.xts
Hi I got the following error using as.xts Error in xts(x, =, frequency = frequency, ...) : NROW(x) must match length( Here is how the data looks like > d1 <- read.csv(file.path(dataDir,"AppendixA-FishCountsTable-2009.csv"), > d1[1:3,] dive_id date time species count size site depth level TRANSECT VIS_M 1 62 10/12/2009
2010 Oct 08
R CMD SHLIB changes function name when compiling
...ementation with .Call. When compiling using R CMD SHLIB characters seem to be added to the function name. Here's the complete C code from the file summariseMCMC.c: #include<R.h> #include<Rdefines.h> #include<Rinternals.h> void summariseMCMC(SEXP data) { PROTECT(data=AS_NUMERIC(data)); UNPROTECT(1); } Then after compiling (R CMD SHLIB summariseMCMC.c) & loading the .dll dyn.load("C:/R/R-2.11.1/bin/summariseMCMC.dll") is.loaded("_Z13summariseMCMCP7SEXPREC") [1] TRUE is.loaded("summariseMCMC") [1] FALSE Just wondering if anyone ha...
2003 May 21
moving onto returning a data.frame?
...m_in ) { int *mdims, n, p, i; double *mm; SEXP m_out; SEXP nms; if( !isMatrix( m_in ) ) { error("m_in must be a matrix"); } mdims = INTEGER( GET_DIM( m_in ) ); n = mdims[0]; p = mdims[1]; PROTECT( m_out = NEW_NUMERIC( p ) ); PROTECT( m_in = AS_NUMERIC( m_in ) ); PROTECT( nms = GET_COLNAMES( GET_DIMNAMES( m_in ) ) ); /* here you'll disect the incoming data.frame into the vectors you'll pass into your simulation code */ /* get the vectors based on the column names to make sure the sequence isn't important */ /* crunch,...
2005 Sep 13
Dear R-developers, Using .Call I pass a S4 class with e.g. the following class definition: setClass("mmatrix",representation( data="matrix") ) On the "C side" i do mat = GET_SLOT(vs,install("data")); and then: printf("%f\n",NUMERIC_POINTER(mat)[1]); The above print statement produces the correct output if xx<- new("mmatrix")
2016 May 14
R external pointer and GPU memory leak problem pointer ext,? /* define function to create a vector in GPU? by transferring a R's vector to GPU. input is R's vector and its length,? output is a R external pointer pointing to GPU vector(device) */ SEXP createGPU(SEXP input, SEXP n) { ? int *lenth = INTEGER(n); ? ? ? ?PROTECT (input = AS_NUMERIC (input)); ? ? ? ?double * temp;? ? ? ? ?temp = REAL(input); double *x; ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ##here is the step which causes the memory leak cudacall(cudaMalloc((void**)&x, *lenth * sizeof(double))); //protect the R external pointer from finalizer SEXP ext = PROTECT(R_MakeExternalPtr(x, R_NilValue, R_N...
2003 Dec 09
R Interface handholding
...tems programmer, and am, on the request of several users of our software, working on generating R interfaces. For starters, I've written the following R function (which compiles): SEXP myincr(SEXP Rinput) { // Returns input integer incremented by one int input; SEXP returner; PROTECT(Rinput = AS_NUMERIC(Rinput)); input = * INTEGER(Rinput); input++; PROTECT(returner = NEW_INTEGER(input)); Rprintf("Hey there\n"); return returner; } I've made this into a package, by dropping it into a stub directory along with something called init.c: #include "areone.h" #include <R_ext/...
2012 Jun 08
Working with optim in C; n; i++) { sum += (par[i]*log(lambda[i]) + (1-par[i]*log(1-lambda[i]))); } return sum; } void optimgr(int n, double *par, double *gr, void *ex) { for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { gr[i] = log(par[i]) - log(1-par[i]); } } void Test(SEXP SomeValues) { PROTECT(SomeValues = AS_NUMERIC(SomeValues)); double * CValues = NUMERIC_POINTER(SomeValues); void * optEx, *grEx, *overallEx; int mask = -1, fncount, grcount, failed; double *Fmax, *gradients; int size = sizeof(CValues)/sizeof(double); vmmin(size, CValues, Fmax,...
2000 May 04
alas, no vecnorm
I wanted a function that would give the euclidean distance of a vector. Then I was happy, because I found vecnorm listed on pg 55 of V&R (3rd edn) which I had just bought today. Then I was sad, because R did not have vecnorm. Then I was happy again, because I bethought myself that I could copy the function vecnorm from splus to my code. Then I was sad again because R complained >
2001 Dec 14
colSums in C
Hi, all! My project today is to write a speedy colSums(), which is a function available in S-Plus to add the columns of a matrix. Here are 4 ways to do it, with the time it took (elapsed, best of 3 trials) in both R and S-Plus: m <- matrix(1, 400, 40000) x1 <- apply(m, 2, sum) ## R=16.55 S=52.39 x2 <- as.vector(rep(1,nrow(m)) %*% m) ## R= 2.39 S= 8.52 x3 <-